
Through this 100% online Postgraduate certificate, you will acquire the skills to identify disease outbreaks, assess health trends and recognize changes in the incidence of disease in the population”


A recent report by the World Health Organization shows that the incidence of communicable diseases continues to be a global challenge for the health system. In this regard, epidemiological surveillance is an indispensable tool for the early detection and control of disease outbreaks. Faced with this situation, pharmacists play an active role in data collection or data reporting. In this way, these professionals contribute to the prevention and active surveillance of infectious diseases.

Within this framework, TECH launches a revolutionary and very complete Postgraduate certificate in Public Health Surveillance. The academic itinerary will analyze the mechanisms to design effective health protection programs, taking into account aspects such as the analysis of the burden of pathologies or the evaluation of the impact and communication of results. In this regard, the syllabus will delve into the latest innovations in both Pharmacology prevention and control systems. Thanks to this, graduates will develop advanced skills to ensure efficacy and safety during drug administration.

In order to strengthen these contents, TECH offers a 100% online educational environment, adapted to the needs of busy pharmacists who want to advance their careers. It also relies on the Relearning methodology, based on the repetition of key concepts to fix knowledge and facilitate learning. In this way, the combination of flexibility and a robust pedagogical approach makes it highly accessible. In addition, professionals will have access to an extensive library of innovative multimedia resources in different audiovisual formats, such as interactive summaries, explanatory videos, case studies and infographics. In this way, pharmacy personnel will have access to an immersive learning experience that will optimize their daily practice and significantly raise their professional horizons.

This academic itinerary gives you the opportunity to update your knowledge in a real scenario, with the maximum scientific rigor of an institution at the forefront of technology”

This Postgraduate certificate in Public Health Surveillance contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most important features include:

  • Development of practical case studies presented by experts in health sciences
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where the self-assessment process can be carried out to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

You will deepen your knowledge in Research and Analysis of Indicators to evaluate the effectiveness of Public Health interventions, such as prevention programs or vaccination campaigns”

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from the field who contribute their work experience to this educational program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive education programmed to prepare for real situations.

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the course. For this purpose, the students will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts.

Do you want to incorporate into your practice the most innovative strategies to respond to health emergencies such as epidemic outbreaks? Get it with this program"


With TECH's disruptive Relearning methodology, you will assimilate all the knowledge in an optimal way and successfully achieve the results you are looking for"


Through this Postgraduate certificate, pharmacists will master the principles of Public Health Surveillance.  In this same line, professionals will develop advanced competencies to identify disease outbreaks, evaluate health trends and recognize changes in the prevalence of pathologies in the population.  In this way, graduates will be prepared to participate in disease outbreak prevention and control activities, such as vaccination or community education.


You will manage health information systems to access epidemiological data and use them to monitor the state of the population”

General Objectives

  • Develop a broad and comprehensive conceptual framework of the situation, challenges and needs of public health in the 21st century
  • Examine the international and global framework of public health policies
  • Determine the key factors for proper health crisis communication: crisis communication and crisis of communication
  • Identify the theoretical and methodological framework for Public Health evaluation
  • Identify the steps to be followed for disease assessment using epidemiological data
  • Compile the research methodology related to disease surveillance
  • Identify the main risk and protective factors in communicable and noncommunicable diseases
  • Analyze the importance of assessing the quality of intervention studies
  • Develop the fundamentals of clinical epidemiology, measurement of frequency and distribution of diseases
  • Critically evaluate the efficacy and effectiveness of clinical interventions, pharmacological treatments, surgical interventions and prevention strategies
  • Substantiate the principles of the epidemiological method
  • Substantiate the health promotion principles, social determinants of health, health-related behavioral theories, and strategies to promote healthy lifestyles and health-promoting environments
  • Analyze the main health risks for different vulnerable groups
  • Implement a holistic and integrative vision in the assessment of the impact of environmental risks on health protection

Specific Objectives

  • Determine the fundamental principles of health protection and prevention, including epidemiological monitoring, and the assessment, management, control and communication of risk
  • Examine self-monitoring and monitoring systems through hazard analysis and identification of critical control points
  • Delve into research systems and carry out a critical analysis of indicators, as well as records and evaluation systems
  • Determine the requirements in primary prevention research for chronic diseases, as well as evaluate effective strategies
  • Specify the terms needed to conduct research to improve the design, implementation and evaluation of comprehensive health protection and prevention programs
  • Analyze, in detail, the interpretation of epidemiological data related to environmental health, including disease monitoring and environmental risk factors
  • Describe innovative pharmacovigilance monitoring and prevention systems that allow early detection of drug-related adverse events
  • Describe international disease monitoring systems and the systems of cooperation between them

The teaching materials of this program, elaborated by these specialists, have contents that are completely applicable to your professional experiences"

Postgraduate Certificate in Public Health Surveillance

If you are a professional in the health sector and want to specialize in the most advanced methodologies and practices of epidemiological surveillance, you've come to the right place. At TECH Global University you will find a complete Postgraduate Certificate in Public Health Surveillance that offers you a comprehensive and updated training, focused on the detection, monitoring and control of diseases to protect and improve the health of communities. During the program, you will explore in depth the principles and techniques of public health surveillance, including the collection, analysis and interpretation of epidemiological data. In addition, you will learn how to use modern tools and technologies for disease surveillance, as well as methods for identifying and responding to outbreaks and health emergencies. The program also addresses the importance of effective communication in public health, providing strategies to inform and educate the public and decision makers about health risks and prevention measures. In doing so, you will develop critical skills to identify disease patterns, assess risks, and design effective interventions to protect public health.

Specialize in public health surveillance

The online format of this course offers unparalleled flexibility, allowing you to access the content from anywhere and at any time. This modality facilitates the integration of learning with work and personal responsibilities, allowing you to advance at your own pace. The teaching team is composed of experts in public health and epidemiology, who bring a combination of theoretical knowledge and practical experience. These professionals will guide you through the course content, offering ongoing support and personalized feedback to enrich your learning process. Upon completion, you will be prepared to assume key roles in disease surveillance and control within health organizations, government agencies, NGOs and international organizations. You will be able to implement and manage efficient surveillance systems, contribute to data-driven health policy formulation and proactively respond to health emergencies. Enroll now, you will be ready to face contemporary challenges and improve the health of populations at local, national and international levels.