
With this Professional master’s degree you will obtain the update you are looking for in the field of Food Engineering, exploring topics such as the implementation of quality systems in the elaboration of healthy food products"


The studies and research carried out in the fields of Biology and Chemistry, as well as the application of new technologies in the Food Industry sector, have led in recent years to an improvement in food development processes. This is in response to a society that demands healthier products and with a predilection for beverages and foods labeled as "plant-based".

Against this backdrop, the nutritionists must be aware of recent advances in this field, as well as the reformulations that will be carried out by manufacturers to meet demand. All of this, always in compliance with current food safety standards. A situation that has led TECH to create this Professional master’s degree, where the nutritional specialist will learn about the latest developments in Food Engineering Applied to Health.

A program with a theoretical-practical approach that will take you deep into the fundamentals of biology, chemical engineering, food toxicology and food hygiene. This Professional master’s degree will also place special emphasis on the technologies employed in this sector, which have improved considerably in recent decades with new techniques and systems for the evaluation, control and management of all aspects that can be tracked back to the food chain.

The nutritionists are also faced with a syllabus taught in an exclusively online format, which can be accessed at any time of the day, from an electronic device with an Internet connection. In addition, TECH uses the Relearning method, which will allow you to progress during the 12 months of this course, in a much more agile way, reducing the long hours of study so common with other methodologies. An ideal academic option for those who wish to update their knowledge through a Professional master’s degree compatible with professional and/or personal responsibilities.

In just 12 months you will learn about the most recent advances and studies in the field of Food Engineering and its current and future challenges"

This Professional master’s degree in Food Engineering Applied to Health contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. Its most outstanding features are:

  • The examination of case studies presented by experts in Food Engineering
  • Graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice.
  • Practical exercises where self-assessment can be used to improve learning.
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

TECH has designed a 100% online Professional master’s degree aimed at professional nutritionists looking to update their knowledge of food engineering without neglecting other areas of their lives"

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from the sector who contribute their work experience to this educational program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.

Its multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professionals with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide an immersive education programmed to learn in real situations.

The design of this program focuses on Problem-Based Learning, by means of which the professionals must try to solve the different professional practice situations that are presented throughout the academic course. For this purpose, the students will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned experts.

The Relearning system will take you in the main transformational, pathogenic and beneficial microorganisms in food in a much more dynamic and enjoyable way"


Delve into the health problems associated with the use of food additives whenever you want from your computer or tablet"


The syllabus of this Professional master’s degree has been designed so that the students can access the latest scientific findings and the most relevant technological advances in the field of Food Engineering during the 1,500 teaching hours it comprises. To this end, TECH has designed pedagogical tools that employ the latest technology for academic qualifications. In this way you can immerse yourself in biological sciences, chemistry, the basics of general physiology, food parasitology or safety systems implemented through ISO 22000 in a much more visual and dynamic way.


A 100% online Professional master’s degree which will introduce you to the latest developments in food quality and safety"

Module 1. Biology Fundamentals

1.1. Biological Diversity

1.1.1. Biological Sciences Methodology: origin and history of life
1.1.2. Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells: Origin of Meiosis, Sexual Reproduction, Diploidy and Haploidy
1.1.3. Synthetic Theory of Evolution Macroevolution and Microevolution of the Species Processes of Genetic drift and Morphological Adaptations

1.1.4. Classification of Living Organisms The Division in the Realms: Homology and Analogies Different Taxonomic Classification Systems

1.2. Protists and Fungi

1.2.1. General Characteristics of Protists Morphology and Function Protist Ecology

1.2.2. General Characteristics of Fungi Morphology and Function Classification of Fungi Ecology and Fungi

1.2.3. Main Stakeholders in Food Technology

1.3. Population Ecology

1.3.1. General Features of Population Ecology
1.3.2. Population Growth and its Regulation R and K Strategies

1.3.3. Types of Growth Curves
1.3.4. Human Population growth

1.4. Communities and Ecosystems

1.4.1. Community and Ecosystem Diversity
1.4.2. Ecosystem Disturbances: Natural and Anthropogenic Factors
1.4.3. Biogeochemical Cycles

1.5. General Plant Biology

1.5.1. General Plant Characteristics
1.5.2. Plant Metabolism and Nutrition
1.5.3. Characteristics of the Plant Cell Structure and Function Similarities with Animal Cells

1.5.4. Plant Organs and Tissues Root, Stem and Leaf Meristems

1.6. Nutritional Function in Plants

1.6.1. Water in the Plant: Water Relationships
1.6.2. Concept of Water Potential
1.6.3. Adaptations to the Conquest of the Terrestrial Environment
1.6.4. Absorption of Water and Nutrients Xylem Transport Phloem Transport

1.7. Photosynthetic Apparatus

1.7.1. Photosynthesis Process Luminous Phase Dark Phase

1.7.2. Energy Capture and Transduction
1.7.3. Fixation and Absorption of CO2
1.7.4. C3 Plants and Photorespiration
1.7.5. C4 Plants and CAM

1.8. Plant Growth and Reproduction

1.8.1. Concept of Growth and Differentiation
1.8.2. Plant Hormones: Types and Functions in Plants
1.8.3. Development of the Reproductive System Flowering and Ripening Process of Fruits and Seeds Types of Fruits and Seeds Seed Germination Aging and Ascission

1.8.4. Metabolites of Interest in Plants for Food Science and Technology

1.9. Invertebrate Animal Exploitation

1.9.1. Types of Animal Exploitation
1.9.2. Mollusks and Annelids: Conhiculture and Lumbriculture
1.9.3. Crustaceans and Insects: Astaciculture, Apiculture and Sericiculture

1.10. Vertebrate Animal Exploitation

1.10.1. Exploitation of Fish: Aquaculture
1.10.2. Amphibians and Reptiles
1.10.3. Exploitation of Birds: Aviculture
1.10.4. Mammals and Main Uses

Module 2. Chemical Engineering Fundamentals

2.1. Introduction to Chemical Engineering

2.1.1. The Chemical Process Industry: General Characteristics
2.1.2. Unit and Stage Operations
2.1.3. Stationary and Non-Stationary Regime
2.1.4. International System of Units
2.1.5. The Food Industry, Chemical Engineering and the Environment

2.2. Material Balance in Systems Without Chemical Reaction

2.2.1. General Formula for the Total Material Balance and Applied to a Component
2.2.2. Application of Material Balances: Systems with Bypass Current, Recirculation and Purge
2.2.3. Steady State Systems
2.2.4. Non-Steady State Systems

2.3. Material Balance in Systems with Chemical Reaction

2.3.1. General Concepts: Stoichiometric Equation, Stoichiometric Coefficient, Extensive and Intensive Conversion
2.3.2. Degree of Conversion and Limiting Reagent
2.3.3. Application of the Material Balances to Reactive Systems Reactor/Separator System with Recirculation of Unconverted Reactant Reactor/Separator System with Recirculation and Purge

2.4. Heat Energy Balances

2.4.1. Types of Energy: Formula for Total Energy Balance
2.4.2. Energy balance in Steady State and Non-Steady State Systems
2.4.3. Application of the Energy Balance in Reactive Systems
2.4.4. Heat Energy Balances

2.5. Mechanical Energy Balances

2.5.1. Mechanical Energy Balance
2.5.2. Bernoulli's Equation
2.5.3. Pressure Gauges: Manometers

2.6. Chemical Kinetics and Reactor Engineering

2.6.1. Definitions and Basic Concepts in Applied Chemical Kinetics and Reactor Engineering
2.6.2. Classification of Reactions Expression of Reaction Rate Equations
2.6.3. Study of the Dependence of Velocity on Temperature
2.6.4. Reactor Classification Ideal Reactors: Design Equations and Characteristics Problem Solving

2.7. Velocity Equations in Constant Volume Reactors

2.7.1. Rate Equations for Elementary Reactions: Integral and Differential Methods
2.7.2. Reversible Reactions
2.7.3. Parallel and Series Reactions
2.7.4. Problem Solving

2.8. Reactor Design for the Food Industry

2.8.1. General Characteristics of Reactor
2.8.2. Types of Ideal Reactors Discontinuous Ideal Reactor Steady-State Complete Mix Flow Reactor Stationary Piston Flow Reactor

2.8.3. Comparative Analysis of Reactors
2.8.4. Production: Optimum Reactor Size
2.8.5. Problem Solving

2.9. Chemical Thermodynamics and Solutions

2.9.1. Systems, States and State Functions. Work and Heat
2.9.2. Principles of Thermodynamics Enthalpy: Hess' Law Entropy and Gibbs Free Energy Solutions: Solubility and Saturation Solution Concentration

2.10. Chemical Equilibrium

2.10.1. Chemical Equilibrium Reaction Rate and Equilibrium Constant Formula
2.10.2. Types of Equilibria: Homogeneous and Heterogeneous
2.10.3. Displacement of Chemical Equilibrium: Le Chatelier's Principle
2.10.4. Solubility Equilibrium Precipitation Reactions

Module 3. Fundamentals of General Physiology

3.1. Physiology of Human Nutrition

3.1.1. Introduction to Nutrition, Concepts and Definitions
3.1.2. Body Composition and Main Nutrients
3.1.3. Digestive System and Digestion Digestive System Stages Digestive Regulators

3.1.4. Bioavailability of Nutrients

3.2. Carbohydrates

3.2.1. General Characteristics: Biochemistry and Classification
3.2.2. Digestion and Absorption of Carbohydrates: Physiological Utility
3.2.3. Food Sources and Recommended Carbohydrate Intakes
3.2.4. Pathologies Associated with Carbohydrate Ingestion

3.3. Dietary fiber:

3.3.1. General Characteristics: Biochemistry and Classification
3.3.2. Digestion and Absorption of Fibers: Physiological Utility
3.3.3. Food Sources and Recommended Intakes
3.3.4. Pathologies and Harmful Effects

3.4. Amino Acids and Proteins

3.4.1. General Characteristics: Amino Acids and Metabolism Protein Amino Acids Non Protein Amino Acids

3.4.2. Digestion and Absorption of Protein: Physiological Utility
3.4.3. Food Sources and Recommended Protein Intakes
3.4.4. Pathologies Associated with Protein Metabolism

3.5. Lipids

3.5.1. General Characteristics: Classification and Structure Structure and Special Properties of Cholesterol Structure and Special Properties of Lipoproteins

3.5.2. Digestion and Absorption of Lipids: Physiological Utility
3.5.3. Food Sources and Recommended Intakes
3.5.4. Pathologies Associated with Lipids Hypercholesterolemia

3.6. Minerals and Trace Elements

3.6.1. Introduction and Classification
3.6.2. Majority Minerals: Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Sulfur
3.6.3. Trace Elements: Copper, Iron, Zinc, Manganese, Manganese
3.6.4. Digestion and Absorption of Minerals: Bioavailability of Minerals
3.6.5. Food Sources and Recommended Intakes
3.6.6. Pathologies Associated with Minerals

3.7. Vitamins

3.7.1. General Characteristics: Structure and Function Hydrosoluble Vitamins Liposoluble Vitamins

3.7.2. Digestion and Absorption of Vitamins.: Physiological Utility
3.7.3. Food Sources and Recommended Intakes
3.7.4. Pathologies Associated with Vitamins B Group Vitamins Vitamin C Liposoluble Vitamins

3.8. Alcohol

3.8.1. Introduction and Consumption of Alcohol
3.8.2. Alcohol Metabolism
3.8.3. Recommended Daily Intakes and Caloric Contribution to the Diet
3.8.4. Harmful Effects of Alcohol Consumption

3.9. Energy Metabolism and Nutrient Interactions

3.9.1. Energy Content of Food Immediate Principles and Calorimetry Energy Needs of the Organism

3.9.2. Basal Metabolism and Physical Activity Metabolism During Intense Exercise: Cori Cycle Biochemical Process of Thermogenesis

3.9.3. Calculating Energy Needs
3.9.4. Interactions Between Nutrients Mineral-vitamin Interactions Protein-Vitamin Interactions Interactions Between Vitamins

3.10. Nervous System and Endocrine

3.10.1. Membrane and Action Potentials Active and Passive Transporters
3.10.2. Nervous System Structure and Cellular Organization Synapses and Neuronal Transmission Central and Peripheral Nervous System Autonomic System: Sympathetic and Parasympathetic

3.10.3. Endocrine Glands and their Hormones Pituitary Hormones and their Hypothalamic Regulation  Thyroid and Parathyroid Hormones Sex Hormones

3.10.4. Endocrine System Pathologies

Module 4. Food Toxicology

4.1. Introduction to Food Toxicology

4.1.1. Introduction to Food Toxicology: historical evolution
4.1.2. Toxicological Concepts Types of Intoxication Classification of Toxic Substances

4.1.3. Dose-Effect and Dose-Response Relationships: Degrees of Uncertainty

4.2. Toxicokinetics

4.2.1. Toxic Action Stages
4.2.2. Exposure Phase Xenobiotics Routes of Entry Mechanisms for the Passage of Toxins Through Biological Membranes

4.2.3. Absorption Phase
4.2.4. Phase of Distribution, Fixation and Excretion of Toxics
4.2.5. Toxicokinetic Phase: Compartmental Models and Toxin Biotransformation

4.3. Toxics Biotransformation Processes

4.3.1. Phase I Reactions: Oxidation, Reduction, Hydrolysis and Hydration
4.3.2. Phase 2 Reactions: Sulfation, Glucuronidation, Methylation, Acetylation and Conjugation with Glutathione and Amino Acids
4.3.3. Toxicity Mechanisms and Factors that Modify Them

4.4. Toxicity Mechanisms and Associated Factors

4.4.1. Apoptosis and Necrosis
4.4.2. Mechanisms of Non-Specific and Specific Toxicity: Reversible and Irreversible Reactions
4.4.3. Immune Mechanisms: Food Allergies
4.4.4. Genetic and Environmental Factors

4.5. Toxicological Evaluation

4.5.1. Toxicological Assessment Procedures: General Effects Studies Acute Toxicity Chronic and Subchronic Toxicity

4.5.2. Study of Specific Effects; Carcinogenesis, Mutagenesis, Teratogenesis, and Effects on Reproduction
4.5.3. Alternative Methods: Biological Substrates and Toxicity Indicators

4.6. Natural Food Toxins

4.6.1. Seafood Shellfish Poisoning Fish Poisoning

4.6.2. Natural Vegetable Products
4.6.3. Anti-nutritional Substances
4.6.4. Intoxication by Higher Fungi

4.7. Chemical Contaminants in Food I

4.7.1. Inorganic Chemical Contaminants Lead, Mercury, Arsenic, Cadmium and Aluminum Toxic effects of Chlorides, Fluorides, Nitrates and Nitrites

4.7.2. Mycotoxins: Foods Most Commonly Implicated as Sources of Exposure Preventive Methods and Treatments

4.7.3. Pesticide Contamination: Classification and Toxicity Organochlorines: Dioxins, Furans and Polychlorinated Biphenyls Organophosphates: Carbamates and Bipyridyl Salts

4.8. Chemical Contaminants in Food II

4.8.1. Veterinary Drug Residues  Main Toxic Effects Toxic Risk Assessment

4.8.2. Food Additives: Definition and Classification
4.8.3. Dietary Supplements: Vitamins, Minerals, and Other Supplements Adverse Effects Toxic By-Products

4.9. Biological Contamination

4.9.1. Toxic Effects of Biological Contaminants
4.9.2. Food poisoning Botulism Chinese Restaurant Diarrhea: Bacillus Cereus Toxic Shock Syndrome: Staphylococcus Aureus

4.9.3. Food Toxinfections Salmonellosis Listeriosis Toxinfection by E.coli

4.10. Risk Assessment and Food Carcinogens

4.10.1. Types of Food Carcinogens
4.10.2. Toxicological Risk Analysis
4.10.3. Toxicological Risk Evaluation
4.10.4. Toxicological Risk Characterization and Management

Module 5. Microbiology and Food Hygiene

5.1. Introduction to Food Microbiology

5.1.1. History of Food Microbiology
5.1.2. Microbial Diversity: Archaea and Bacteria
5.1.3. Phylogenetic Relationships Among Living Organisms
5.1.4. Microbial Classification and Nomenclature
5.1.5. Eukaryotic Microorganisms: Algae, Fungi and Protozoa
5.1.6. Virus

5.2. Introduction to Food Microbiology

5.2.1. Sterilization and Asepsis Methods
5.2.2. Culture Mediums: Liquid and Solid, Synthetic or Defined, Complex, Differential and Selective
5.2.3. Isolation of Pure Cultures
5.2.4. Microbial Growth in Discontinuous and Continuous Cultures
5.2.5. Influence of Environmental Factors on Growth
5.2.6. Optical Microscopy
5.2.7. Sample Preparation and Staining
5.2.8. Fluorescence Microscope
5.2.9. Transmission and Scanning Electron Microscopy

5.3. Microbial Metabolism

5.3.1. Ways of Obtaining Energy
5.3.2. Phototrophic, Chemolithotrophic and Chemorganotrophic microorganisms
5.3.3. Carbohydrate Catabolism
5.3.4. Degradation of Glucose to Pyruvate (Glycolysis, Pentose Phosphate Pathway and Entner-Doudoroff Pathway)
5.3.5. Lipid and Protein Catabolism
5.3.6. Fermentation
5.3.7. Types of Fermentation
5.3.8. Respiratory Metabolism: Aerobic Respiration and Anaerobic Respiration

5.4. Microbial Food Alterations

5.4.1. Microbial Ecology of Foods
5.4.2. Sources of Contamination of Vegetable Foods
5.4.3. Fecal Contamination and Cross Contamination
5.4.4. Factors Influencing Microbial Alteration
5.4.5. Microbial Metabolism in Food
5.4.6. Alteration Control and Preservation Methods

5.5. Foodborne Diseases of Microbial Origin

5.5.1. Foodborne Infections: Transmission and Epidemiology
5.5.2. Salmonellosis
5.5.3. Typhoid and Paratyphoid Fever
5.5.4. Campylobacter Enteritis
5.5.5. Bacillary Dysentery
5.5.6. Diarrhea Caused by Virulent E. coli Strains
5.5.7. Yersiniosis
5.5.8. Vibrio Infections

5.6. Diseases Caused by Foodborne Protozoa and Helminths

5.6.1. General Characteristics of Protozoa
5.6.2. Amoebic Dysentery
5.6.3. Giardiasis
5.6.4. Toxoplasmosis
5.6.5. Cryptosporidiosis
5.6.6. Microsporidiosis
5.6.7. Food-borne Helminths: Flatworms and Roundworms

5.7. Viruses, Prions and Other Foodborne Biohazards

5.7.1. General Properties of Viruses
5.7.2. Composition and Structure of the Virion: Capsid and Nucleic Acid
5.7.3. Virus Growth and Cultivation
5.7.4. Virus Life Cycle (lytic cycle): Phases of Adsorption, Penetration, Gene Expression and Replication, and Release
5.7.5. Alternatives to the Lytic Cycle: Lysogeny in Bacteriophages, Latent Infections, Persistent Infections and Tumor Transformation in Animal Viruses
5.7.6. Viroids, Virusoids and Prions
5.7.7. Incidence of Foodborne Viruses
5.7.8. Characteristics of Foodborne Viruses
5.7.9. Hepatitis A
5.7.10. Rotavirus
5.7.11. Scombroid Poisoning

5.8. Microbiological Analysis of Food

5.8.1. Sampling and Sampling Techniques
5.8.2. Reference Values
5.8.3. Indicator Microorganisms
5.8.4. Microbiological Counts
5.8.5. Determination of Pathogenic Microorganisms
5.8.6. Rapid Detection Techniques in Food Microbiology
5.8.7. Molecular Techniques: Conventional PCR and real-time PCR
5.8.8. Immunological Techniques

5.9. Beneficial Microorganisms in Food

5.9.1. Food Fermentation: The Role of Microorganisms in the Production of Foodstuffs
5.9.2. Microorganisms as Food Supplements
5.9.3. Natural Preservatives
5.9.4. Biological Systems of Food Conservation
5.9.5. Probiotic Bacteria

5.10. Microbial Cell biological

5.10.1. General Characteristics of Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic Cells
5.10.2. The Prokaryotic Cell: Components Outside the Cell Wall: Glycocalyx and S-layer, Cell Wall, Plasma Membrane
5.10.3. Flagella, Bacterial Mobility and Taxia
5.10.4. Other Surface Structures, Fimbriae and Pilli

Module 6. Food and Public Health

6.1. Human Nutrition and Historical Evolution

6.1.1. The Natural Element and the Cultural Element Biological Evolution, Tool Handling and Tool Making
6.1.2. The Use of Fire, Hunter-Gatherer Profiles Meat or Vegetarian
6.1.3. Biological, Genetic, Chemical and Mechanical Technologies Involved in Food Processing and Preservation
6.1.4. Food in Roman Times
6.1.5. Influence of the Discovery of America
6.1.6. Food in Developed Countries Food Distribution Chains and Networks The Global Trade "Network"  and Small Businesses

6.2. Socio-Cultural Significance of Food

6.2.1. Food and Social Communication Social Relationships and Individual Relationships
6.2.2. Emotional Influence of Foods Parties and Celebrations
6.2.3. Relationships Between Diets and Religious Precepts Food and Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Islam
6.2.4. Natural Foods, Ecological Foods, and Organic Foods
6.2.5. Typology of Diets:  The Standard Diet, Slimming Diets, Curative Diets, Magical Diets and Absurd Diets
6.2.6. Food Reality and Food Perception Protocol for Family and Institutional Meals

6.3. Communication and Eating Behavior

6.3.1. Written Media: Specialist Magazines Informative Magazines and Professional Journals
6.3.2. Audiovisual Media: Radio, Television, Internet. Packaging; Advertising
6.3.3. Eating Behavior: Motivation and Intake
6.3.4. Food Labeling and Consumption: Development of Likes and Dislikes
6.3.5. Sources of Variation in Food Preferences and Attitudes

6.4. Concept of Health and Diseases and Epidemiology

6.4.1. Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
6.4.2. Prevention Levels. BORRAR Laws of Public Health BORRAR
6.4.3. Food Characteristics Food as a Vehicle for Disease
6.4.4. Epidemiological Methods: Descriptive, Analytical, Experimental, Predictive

6.5. Sanitary, Social and Economic Significance of Zoonosis

6.5.1. Zoonosis Classification
6.5.2. Factors
6.5.3. Assessment Criteria
6.5.4. Action Plans:

6.6. Epidemiology and Prevention of Diseases Transmitted by Meat and Meat By-Products and Fish and Fish By-Products

6.6.1. Introduction. Epidemiological Factors of Meat-Borne Diseases
6.6.2. Consumption-based Diseases
6.6.3. Preventive Measures for Diseases Transmitted by Meat Products
6.6.4. Introduction. Epidemiological Factors of Fish Borne Diseases
6.6.5. Consumption-based Diseases
6.6.6. Prevention

6.7. Epidemiology and Prevention of Diseases Transmitted by Milk and Milk By-Products

6.7.1. Introduction. Epidemiological Factors of Meat-Borne Diseases
6.7.2. Consumption-based Diseases
6.7.3. Preventive Measures for Diseases Transmitted by Dairy Products

6.8. Epidemiology and Prevention of Diseases Transmitted by Bread, Pastries, Confectionery and Cakes

6.8.1. Introduction. Epidemiological Factors
6.8.2. Consumption-based Diseases
6.8.3. Prevention

6.9. Epidemiology and Prevention of Diseases Transmitted by Preserved and Semi-Preserved Foods, and by Edible Vegetables and Mushrooms

6.9.1. Introduction. Epidemiological Aspects of Preserved and Semi-Preserved Foods
6.9.2. Diseases Caused by Consumption of Canned and Semi-Canned Foods
6.9.3. Sanitary Prevention of Diseases Transmitted by Preserved and Semi-Preserved Foods
6.9.4. Introduction. Epidemiological Aspects of Vegetables and Mushrooms
6.9.5. Diseases Caused by Consumption of Vegetables and Mushrooms
6.9.6. Sanitary Prevention of Diseases Transmitted by Vegetables and Mushrooms

6.10. Health Problems Arising from the Use of Additives, Source of Food Poisoning

6.10.1. Naturally Occurring Toxins in Food
6.10.2. Toxins Due to Incorrect Handling
6.10.3. Use of Food Additives

Module 7. Food Technology I

7.1. Introduction to Food Science and Technology

7.1.1. Historical Development
7.1.2. Concept of Food Science and Technology
7.1.3. Objectives of Food Technology. Relationships With Other Sciences
7.1.4. Worldwide Food Industries

7.2. Preparation Methods Including Dry and Wet Preparation and Peeling

7.2.1. Reception of Food in the Food Industry and Preparation of Raw Material
7.2.2. Cleaning: Dry and Wet Methods
7.2.3. Selection and Classification
7.2.4. Main Peeling Methods
7.2.5. Peeling Equipment

7.3. Downsizing and Upsizing

7.3.1. General Objectives
7.3.2. Dry Food Size Reduction Equipment and Applications
7.3.3. Fibrous Food Size Reduction Equipment and Applications
7.3.4. Effect on Foods
7.3.5. Size Reduction of Liquid Foodstuffs: Homogenization and Atomization Equipment and Applications

7.3.6. Size Increase Techniques: Size Increase: Agglomeration, Instantaneization or Granulation

7.4. Causes and Factors Involved in Food Spoilage

7.4.1. Nature of the Causes of Food Spoilage
7.4.2. Factors Involved in Food Spoilage
7.4.3. Actions to Combat Physical and Chemical Spoilage
7.4.4. Possible Actions to Prevent or Delay Microbial Activity

7.5. Blanching Processing

7.5.1. General Aspects. Objectives
7.5.2. Blanching Methods: Steam, Hot Water and other Methods
7.5.3. Evaluation of Blanching in Fruits and Vegetables
7.5.4. Equipment and Facilities
7.5.5. Effects on the Nutritional and Sensory Properties of Foods

7.6. Fundamentals of Thermobacteriology

7.6.1. Basis of Thermobacteriology
7.6.2. Kinetics of Microbial Destruction by Heat
7.6.3. Survival Graph Value Concept D. Thermal Destruction Graphs
7.6.4. Z-value: Concept of Commercial Sterility
7.6.5. F and Fo Values Practical Examples of Heat Treatment Calculations in the Canning Industry

7.7. Pasterization

7.7.1. Concepts and Objectives
7.7.2. Types of Pasteurization Applications in the Food Industry
7.7.3. Effect on Foods Milk Pasteurization: Lactoperoxidase Test

7.8. Sterilization

7.8.1. Objectives
7.8.2. Sterilization of Packaged Foods
7.8.3. Filling, Evacuation and Closure of Containers
7.8.4. Types of Sterilizers: Discontinuous and Continuous TBI Treatment
7.8.5. Effect on Foods

7.9. Microwave Heating

7.9.1. General Aspects of Electromagnetic Radiation
7.9.2. Characteristics of Microwave
7.9.3. Dielectric Properties of the Material
7.9.4. Conversion of Microwave Energy into Heat Equipment Applications
7.9.5. Effect on Foods

7.10. Infrared Radiation

7.10.1. Theoretical Aspects
7.10.2. Equipment and Facilities Applications
7.10.3. Others Non-Ionizing Radiation

Module 8. Food Parasitology

8.1. Introduction to Food Parasitology

8.1.1. Fundamental concepts about Parasitology
8.1.2. Effects of Parasites in Food and Impact on Human Health
8.1.3. Socioeconomic Impacts of Foodborne Parasites
8.1.4. General Characteristics of the Major Groups of Parasites Life Cycles of the Major Groups of Parasites

8.2. General Characteristics of Protozoa in food

8.2.1. Digestive Tract Amoebae Entamoeba Histolytica: Morphology, Function, Transmission Mechanisms and Biological Cycle Other Amoebas of Interest in Food: Entamoeba Hartmanii and Entamoeba Coli

8.2.2. Digestive Tract scourge Giardia Lamblia: Morphology, Function, Mechanisms of Transmission and Life Cycle Other Flagellates in Food

8.2.3. Digestive Tract Apicomplexa General Biological Cycle Cryptosporidium: Morphology, Function, Transmission Mechanisms and Biological Cycle Cyclospora Cayetanensis: Morphology, Function, Transmission Mechanisms and Life Cycle Isospora Belli: Morphology, Function, Transmission Mechanisms and Biological Cycle

8.2.4. Digestive Tract Ciliates Balantidium Coli

8.3.  General Characteristics of Helminths in food

8.3.1. General Characteristics of Helminths
8.3.2. General Characteristics of Trematodes Hepatic Trematodes: Fasciola Hepatica, Dicrocoelium Dendtricum, Clonorchis Pulmonary Trematodes: Pargonimus Westermanii Intesintal Trematodes: Fasciolopsis Buski Preventive Measures and Treatment of Diseases Caused by Trematodes

8.3.3. General Characteristics of Cestodes Digestive Cestodes: Diphyllobotrium Latum Tenias: Taenia Solium and Taenia Saginata

8.3.4. Cestode Preventive Measures and Treatments

8.4. Parasites Associated with Fish Products

8.4.1. Protozoa in Fish Products General Characteristics: Biological Cycle, Transmission, Reservoirs and Morphology Most Important Species Preventive and Remedial Measures

8.4.2. Helmintos in Fish Products General Characteristics: Biological Cycle, Transmission, Reservoirs and Morphology Most Important Species Preventive and Remedial Measures

8.4.3. General Identification Measures
8.4.4. Nematodes in Fishery Products: Life Cycle, Transmission, Reservoirs and Morfoligical Most Important Species Preventive and Remedial Measures

8.5. Parasites Associated with Farmed Meat and Meat By-Products

8.5.1. Protozoa Associated with Farmed Meat and Meat By-Products General Characteristics: Biological Cycle, Transmission, Reservoirs and Morphology Most Important Species Preventive and Remedial Measures

8.5.2. Helmintos Associated with Farmed Meat and Meat By-Products General Characteristics: Biological Cycle, Transmission, Reservoirs and Morphology Most Important Species Preventive and Remedial Measures

8.5.3. Nematodes Associated with Farmed Meat and Meat By-Products General Characteristics: Biological Cycle, Transmission, Reservoirs and Morphology Most Important Species Preventive and Remedial Measures

8.5.4. Identification Methods for Parasites Associated with Farmed Meat and Meat By Products

8.6. Water-Associated Parasites

8.6.1. Water-Associated Protozoa General Characteristics: Biological Cycle, Transmission, Reservoirs and Morphology Study of the Most Important Species Control and Prophylaxis Measures

8.6.2. Water-Associated Helmintos General Characteristics: Biological Cycle, Transmission, Reservoirs and Morphology Study of the Most Important Species Control and Prophylaxis Measures

8.6.3. Nematodes Associated with Water Consumption General Characteristics: Biological Cycle, Transmission, Reservoirs and Morphology Study of the Most Important Species Control and Prophylaxis Measures

8.6.4. General Identification Methods for Parasites Associated with Water Consumption

8.7. Parasites Associated with Fruits and Vegetables

8.7.1. Protozoa Associated with Fruits and Vegetables Consumption General Characteristics: Morphology and Biology, Transmission Mechanisms Most Important Species Prophylaxis and Treatment Measures

8.7.2. Helminths Associated with Fruits and Vegetables Consumption General Characteristics: Morphology and Biology, Transmission Mechanisms Most Important Species Prophylaxis and Treatment Measures

8.7.3. Nematodes Associated with Fruits and Vegetables Consumption General Characteristics: Morphology and Biology, Transmission Mechanisms Most Important Species Prophylaxis and Treatment Measures

8.7.4. Identification and Characterization Methods

8.8. Disease-Producing Insects and Food Spoilage

8.8.1. Study of the Most Important Insects General Characteristics: Biological Cycle, Transmission Mechanisms of and Morphology Prophylaxis and Remedial Measures for Insects Epidemiology and Distribution of Arthropods

8.8.2. Study of the Most Important Mites General Characteristics: Biological Cycle, Transmission Mechanisms of and Morphology Prophylaxis and Remedial Measures for Insects Epidemiology and Distribution of Arthropods

8.8.3. Identification and Characterization Methods

8.9. Epidemiological Analysis of Foodborne Parasitosis

8.9.1. Points of Interest on the Geographical Origin of Food and the Parasite Biological Cycle in Food Transmission
8.9.2. Study of the Clinical Matters Associated with Parasites: Prepatent Period, the Appearance of Symptoms and the Presence of Asymptomatic Carriers in the Study of Food Outbreaks
8.9.3. Analysis of Actual Food Outbreaks in Different Settings: Towns, Hospitals, Nursing Homes, Schools, Restaurants, Social and Family Gatherings

8.10. Food-borne Parasites

8.10.1. The Importance of Food Spoiling Parasites The Decline in the Production and Quality of Food and Plant and Animal Raw Materials

8.10.2. Pests of Plant Products and Derivatives Protozoa, Helminths and Arthropods Phytoparasites Points of Interest

8.10.3. Pests of Meat Products and Derivatives Protozoa, Helminths and Arthropods Socioeconomic Issue of Parasites in Domestic Livestock, Poultry and Farm Animals

8.10.4. Pests of Fish and Fish By-Products Protozoa, Helminths and Arthropods Socioeconomic Isuue of Fish Parasites

Module 9. Food Technology II

9.1. Technology of Refrigeration

9.1.1. Fundamentals of Preservation via Refrigeration
9.1.2. Effect of Refrigeration on the Chemical Reaction Rate and on Microbial Growth
9.1.3. Factors to be Monitored During Refrigerated Storage Effect on Foods

9.2. Technology of Freezing

9.2.1. Process and Stages of Freezing: Theory of Crystallization
9.2.2. Freezing Curves Modification of Foods During Freezing
9.2.3. Effects on Chemical and Biochemical Reactions
9.2.4. Effects on Microorganisms Defrosting

9.3. Cold Production Systems

9.3.1. Calculating Refrigeration and Freezing Requirements
9.3.2. Calculation of Freezing Time Cold Production Systems
9.3.3. Refrigerators and Refrigerated Storage
9.3.4. Freezers and Frozen Storage
9.3.5. Vapor Compression and Cryogenic Systems

9.4. Technology of Dehydration

9.4.1. Concept, Goals and Foundation
9.4.2. Psychrometry and Applications of the Psychrometric Diagram
9.4.3. Drying Speed. Drying Phases and Curves
9.4.4. Effects of Dehydration on Foodstuffs
9.4.5. Equipment, Installations and Applications

9.5. Freeze-Drying and Concentration Freezing

9.5.1. Theoretical Fundamentals Freeze-drying Systems
9.5.2. Applications. Effect on Foods
9.5.3. Freezing Concentration: Fundamentals and Objectives

9.6. Reduction of the Water Activity in Food Via the Addition of Solutes

9.6.1. Main Water Activity Reducing Agents and How They Act
9.6.2. Salting Technology: Salting Methods, Effects on Foodstuffs
9.6.3. Addition of Sugars and Other Chemical Agents as Depressants of Water Activity
9.6.4. Effect on Foods

9.7. Smoking Technology

9.7.1. Definition and Composition of Smoke Smoke Production Systems
9.7.2. Smokehouse Characteristics Smoking Techniques
9.7.3. Effect on Foods
9.7.4. Applications in the Food Industry

9.8. Packaging Technology

9.8.1. Purposes of Packaging
9.8.2. Design of Packaging and Materials for Manufacture
9.8.3. Analysis of the Interactions Between Packaging and Food Packaging and Dosing Systems
9.8.4. Container Closure and Closure Control Checks Packaging for Distribution
9.8.5. Container Labeling

9.9. Material Transport Systems

9.9.1. Material Transport Systems. Transporters
9.9.2. Pneumatic Equipment Cranes and Vehicles
9.9.3. Temperature Regulated Food Transportatio

9.10. Food Preparation Industries and the Preparation of an Industrial Kitchen

9.10.1. Concepts and Objectives of Culinary Science and Technology The Professional Culinary Space
9.10.2. Culinary Techniques

Module 10. Quality and Food Safety Management

10.1. Food Safety and Consumer Protection

10.1.1. Definition and Basic Concepts
10.1.2. Quality and Food Safety Evolution
10.1.3. Situation in Developing and Developed Countries
10.1.4. Key Food Safety Agencies and Authorities: Structures and Functions
10.1.5. Food Fraud and Food Hoaxes: The Role of the Media

10.2. Facilities, Premises and Equipment

10.2.1. Site Selection: Design and Construction and Materials
10.2.2. Premises, Facilities and Equipment Maintenance Plan
10.2.3. Applicable Regulations BORRAR

10.3. Cleaning and Disinfection Plan (L + D)

10.3.1. Dirt Components
10.3.2. Detergents and Disinfectants: Composition and Functions
10.3.3. Cleaning and Disinfection Stages
10.3.4. Cleaning and Disinfection Programming
10.3.5. Current Regulations BORRAR

10.4. Pest Control

10.4.1. Pest Control and Disinsection (Plan D + D)
10.4.2. Pests Associated with the Food Chain
10.4.3. Preventive Measures for Pest Control Traps and Snares for Mammals and Ground Insects Traps and Snares for Flying Insects

10.5. Traceability Plan and Good Manipulation Practices (GMP)

10.5.1. Structure of a Traceability Plan
10.5.2. Current Regulations Associated with Traceability BORRAR
10.5.3. GMP Associated with Food Processing Food Handlers Requirements to be Met Hygiene Training Plans

10.6. Elements in the Management of Food Safety

10.6.1. Water as an Essential Element in the Food Chain
10.6.2. Biological and Chemical Agents Associated with Water
10.6.3. Quantifiable Elements of Quality, Safety and Use of Water
10.6.4. Approval of Suppliers Supplier Monitoring Plan Current Regulations Associated BORRAR

10.6.5. Food Labeling Consumer Information and Allergen Labeling Labeling of Genetically Modified Organisms

10.7. Food Crisis and Associated Policies

10.7.1. Triggering Factors of a Food Crisis
10.7.2. Scope, Management and Response to the Food Security Crisis
10.7.3. Alert Communication Systems
10.7.4. Policies and Strategies for Improving Food Quality and Safety

10.8. HACCP plan design

10.8.1. General Guidelines to be Followed for its Implementation: principles on which it is based and pre-requisite program
10.8.2. Management Commitment
10.8.3. Configuration of HACCP
10.8.4. Description of the Product and Identification of its Intended Use
10.8.5. Flow Diagrams

10.9. Development the HACCP Plan

10.9.1. Defining Critical Control Points (CCPs)
10.9.2. The Seven Basic Principles of the HACCP Plan Requirements Identification and Analysis Establishment of Control Measures for Identified Hazards Determination of Critical Control Points (CCP) Defining Critical Control Points (CCPs) Establishment of Critical Limits Determination of Corrective Actions HACCP System Checks

10.10. ISO 22000

10.10.1. ISO 22000 Principles
10.10.2. Purpose and Field of Application
10.10.3. Market Situation and Position in Relation to Other Applicable Standards in the Food Chain
10.10.4. Application Requirements
10.10.5. Food Safety Management Policy



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Professional Master's Degree in Food Engineering Applied to Health

The food industry is one of the most important sectors in the global economy, with a growing demand for healthy and sustainable food. TECH Global University's Professional Master's Degree in Food Engineering Applied to Health is the ideal program to specialize you in the design and production of healthy, safe and high quality food. This Professional Master's Degree is designed to provide you with comprehensive information in food engineering, from production to processing and marketing of healthy foods. You will acquire knowledge in food technology, process design, food safety and quality, and gain skills in project management and innovation in the food industry.

Learn from experts in food engineering accompanied by TECH.

Do you know why TECH is considered one of the best universities in the world? Because we have a catalog of more than ten thousand academic programs, presence in multiple countries, innovative methodologies, unique academic technology and a highly qualified teaching team. This Master's degree gives you the opportunity to work with experts in the food industry and learn from their experience. You will learn about the latest trends and technologies in the production of healthy and sustainable food, and you will be able to lead and manage innovative projects in the sector. Graduates of this Professional Master's Degree will be able to work as food engineers, production managers, food safety consultants, food researchers and food technologists, among others. TECH Global University's Professional Master's Degree in Food Engineering Applied to Health is a cutting-edge program that offers an exceptional learning experience for those seeking a career in the food industry. Enroll now and discover how you can make a difference in producing healthy and sustainable food for the future!