
Acquire the necessary skills to work in nursing in the best ophthalmology units with a high intensity postgraduate diploma"


The work of the nursing professional is developed in multiple and different areas of intervention. From the patient's reception and accompaniment to, the moment of treatment application and follow; up control, the nursing staff must have the capacity of a multifunctional worker.

This is also essential in the Ophthalmic Nursing The nursing professional requires a solid specialization that qualifies them in the work areas in which they are going to develop their work. This performance is also affected by the constant technical and technological advances in this field, which means that professionals must be attentive to all updates so as not to become outdated at great speed.

However, achieving this update requires a dedication that is not always compatible with real life. 

This complete postgraduate diploma has managed to reconcile the intensity of a very complete program, which covers all the essential aspects of the specialization of an expert in ophthalmic nursing, with the daily life of any professional, even those who are in practice.

Through a study approach that takes advantage of the most efficient teaching formulas and the most useful and versatile online systems, this postgraduate diploma is a highly qualified tool that will take you, step by step, at your own pace but without delay, to the most demanding educational goal.

A luxury program that we put within your reach with the best conditions of the educational market. 

With this postgraduate diploma you will be able to combine high-intensity training with your professional and personal life, achieving your goals in a simple and real way"

This postgraduate diploma in Ocular Pathology contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. Its most notable features are:

  • The latest technology in online teaching software
  • A highly visual teaching system, supported by graphic and schematic contents that are easy to assimilate and understand
  • Practical cases presented by practising experts
  • State-of-the-art interactive video systems
  • Teaching supported by telepractice
  • Continuous updating and recycling systems
  • Autonomous learning: full compatibility with other occupations
  • Practical exercises for self-evaluation and learning verification
  • Support groups and educational synergies: questions to the expert, debate and knowledge forums
  • Communication with the teacher and individual reflection work
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection
  • Supplementary documentation databases are permanently available, even after the course

A program created and directed by professional experts in Ophthalmic Nursing that make this postgraduate diploma a unique opportunity for professional growth”

Our teaching staff is made up of professionals from different fields related to this specialty. In this way TECH ensures that it delivers the targeted capacitive update it intends. A multidisciplinary team of professionals, trained and experienced in different environments, who will cover the theoretical knowledge in an efficient way, but, above all, will bring the practical knowledge derived from their own experience to the course: one of the differential qualities of this course. 

This mastery of the subject is complemented by the effectiveness of the methodological design of this postgraduate diploma in Ocular Pathology. Developed by a multidisciplinary team of experts who integrate the latest advances in educational technology. In this way, you will be able to study with a range of comfortable and versatile multimedia tools that will give you the operability you need in your training. 

The design of this program is based on Problem-Based Learning: an approach that views learning as a highly practical process. To achieve this remotely, telepractice will be used. With the help of an innovative interactive video system andlearning from an expert will be to acquire the knowledge as if you were facing the scenario you are learning at that moment. A concept that will allow you to integrate and fix learning in a more realistic and permanent way. 

The learning of this postgraduate diploma is developed through the most advanced didactic means in online teaching to guarantee that your effort will have the best possible results"


Our innovative telepractice concept will give you the opportunity to learn through an immersive experience, which will provide you with a faster integration and a much more realistic view of the contents: “learning from an expert”


The objective of this program is to provide nursing professionals with the necessary knowledge and skills to perform their activity in the field of Ophthalmology. Through a work approach that is fully adaptable to the student, this postgraduate diploma will progressively lead you to acquire the skills that will propel you to a much higher professional level. 


Become one of the most sought-after professionals of the moment, with this postgraduate diploma in Ocular Pathology"

General Objectives

  • Specialize quality nurses to offer high-level ophthalmic nursing care
  • Acquire knowledge and skills that will enable nurses to practice their profession autonomously within the field of ophthalmic nursing

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Ocular Anatomy and Physiology

  • Update students' knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the eyeball in the master's program
  • Know the anatomy, histology, physiology, neurophysiology and biochemistry of the visual system and the process of vision
  • Provide and expand on previous knowledge of how the organ responsible for vision functions
  • Go through each and every one of the elements that make up our eye in an interactive way, by means of images, photographs and videos

Module 2. Principles of Applied Optics

  • Explain in a simple way what optics applied to vision consists of so that the student understands the importance of the concepts in daily clinical practice
  • Value and incorporate the technological improvements necessary for the correct development of their professional activity
  • Demonstrate understanding of the general structure of optometry and its connection with other specific and complementary disciplines
  • Demonstrate the ability to participate effectively in unidisciplinary and multidisciplinary work groups in projects related to optometry 

Module 3. Ocular Pharmacology

  • Interpret pharmacokinetic, pharmacodynamic and toxicological data of drugs used in the prevention and treatment of ocular conditions, diagnostic tests and visual examinations
  • Recognize and characterize the different dosage forms and routes of administration of drugs used in the prevention and treatment of ocular conditions, diagnostic tests and visual examinations
  • Describe, justify and apply the clinical criteria governing the rational use of drugs used in the prevention and treatment of ocular conditions, diagnostic tests and visual examinations
  • Apply the clinical procedures necessary for the early detection of an ocular adverse reaction Establish lines of action in case of an ocular adverse reaction

Module 4. Ocular Pathology

  • Be able to identify the main problems of ophthalmologic pathology Know the theoretical basis of diagnostic methods in ophthalmologic pathology
  • Know the diagnosis and medical-surgical therapeutics of the main diseases of the visual apparatus
  • Recognize the ocular manifestations of systemic diseases
  • Detect and evaluate the main ophthalmologic disorders in order to refer patients to an ophthalmologist for study and treatment
  • Know the epidemiological patterns of the main visual pathologies


A boost to your CV that will give you the competitiveness of the best prepared professionals in the labor market"

Postgraduate Diploma in Ocular Pathology

Ocular pathology is a fascinating and vitally important field in eye health care. Studying it allows us to understand the complexities of diseases and disorders that affect the eyes and vision, as well as to develop effective strategies for diagnosis and treatment. Would you like to gain the necessary knowledge to specialize in this field? TECH Global University has the ideal program for you. The Postgraduate Diploma in Ocular Pathology is a high-level Postgraduate Diploma that will help you fulfill this purpose in a dynamic and efficient way. To make this training a unique and easily accessible experience, we have structured all classes in a 100% online format, where you will be able to flexibly schedule them according to your needs and have at your disposal state-of-the-art multimedia content. As you progress through the program, you will have access to the latest technological advances in the field of ocular pathology (optical coherence tomography, laser surgery), allowing you to stay abreast of the most cutting-edge techniques in ophthalmic practice.

Become an expert in Ocular Pathology

This Postgraduate Diploma represents a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the fascinating field of vision and understand the challenges and disorders that can affect it. Here, we will provide you with a solid foundation of knowledge in ocular pathology, allowing you to explore the mysteries behind eye diseases. We have the endorsement of experts in the field, who serve as instructors through a 100% online methodology, in which you can combine your learning with other activities, given the flexible schedule and ease of access from any device connected to the internet. Throughout the program, you will have the opportunity to learn from experts in the field of ophthalmology and ocular research. Thus, you will delve into the world of diseases such as glaucoma, cataracts, macular degeneration and many other common eye conditions. In addition, you will understand the causes, symptoms, diagnostic methods and the most advanced treatment options for each pathology.