
Through this 100% online Postgraduate certificate, you will use the Information and Communication Technologies to use Health information effectively”


Effective communication plays an essential role in the provision of Public Health services and the promotion of the welfare of the population. In this sense, new technologies are transforming the way in which relationships between health professionals and patients are established. In this regard, the World Health Organization indicates in a recent report that more than 80% of the world's population owns a cell phone. This presents significant opportunities for improving health communication, as well as for accessing clinical care services. 

In this context, TECH is implementing a pioneering program in Postgraduate certificate. The academic itinerary will delve into the communicative processes, paying attention to factors such as the agents involved or the importance of the reliability of the information. Likewise, the syllabus will delve into the use of new technologies for the promotion of health, community development and the empowerment of community associations. Therefore, graduates will acquire advanced skills to design health education programs using digital tools and transmit information on disease prevention.  

For this university degree, TECH has created a fully online educational environment, designed to meet the needs of professionals with busy schedules. In this way, nurses will be able to individually manage both their schedules and assessments. Furthermore, the teaching incorporates the revolutionary Relearningmethod, based on the repetition of key concepts to consolidate knowledge in an optimal way. The only thing professionals will need is an electronic device with Internet access to access the Virtual Campus and enjoy the most dynamic teaching materials on the market.

This program gives you the opportunity to update your knowledge in a real scenario, with the maximum scientific rigor of an institution at the forefront of technology"

This Postgraduate certificate in Postgraduate certificate contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most important features include:

  • The development of case studies presented by experts in Public Health and Health Management
  • The graphic, schematic and eminently practical contents with which it is conceived gather scientific and practical information on those disciplines that are indispensable for professional practice 
  • Practical exercises where the self-assessment process can be carried out to improve learning 
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies  
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments 
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

You will learn how to use the Internet of Things in subjects such as Epidemiology and Public Health”

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from the sector who contribute their work experience to this specializing program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.  

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive education programmed to learn in real situations.  

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the course. For this purpose, students will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts.

Are you looking to incorporate state-of-the-art strategies to improve accessibility to accurate information into your nursing practice? Achieve it through this program"


TECH's characteristic Relearning system will allow you to learn at your own pace, without depending on external teaching conditions"


After completing this Postgraduate certificate, Nursingprofessionals will have a comprehensive knowledge of Communication and New Technologies in Public Health for Nursing. Likewise, graduates will acquire advanced skills to handle state-of-the-art digital technologies to promote healthy lifestyles, prevent diseases and even encourage the adoption of positive behaviors in the community. Related to this, nurses will enhance their communication skills to interact with both patients and family members in an accurate and empathetic manner. 


You will handle emerging tools such as the Internet of Things to optimize the quality of user care and workflows”

General Objectives

  • Develop a broad and comprehensive conceptual framework of the situation, challenges and needs of Public Health in the 21st century
  • Examine the international and global framework of Public Health policies
  • Determine the key factors for a correct communication in health crisis: crisis communication and communication crisis
  • Identify the theoretical and methodological framework for evaluation in Public Health
  • Identify the steps to be followed for disease assessment using epidemiological data
  • Compile the research methodology related to disease surveillance
  • Identify the main risk and protective factors in communicable and non-communicable diseases
  • Analyze the importance of quality assessment of intervention studies
  • Develop the fundamentals of clinical epidemiology, measurement of frequency and distribution of diseases
  • Critically evaluate the efficacy and effectiveness of clinical interventions, pharmacological treatments, surgical interventions and prevention strategies
  • Fundamentals of the principles of the epidemiological method
  • Fundamentals of the principles of health promotion, social determinants of health, health-related behavioral theories, and strategies to promote healthy lifestyles and environments
  • Analyze the main health risks for different vulnerable groups
  • Implement a holistic and integrative vision in the impact assessment of environmental risks on health protection

Specific Objectives

  • Analyze communication processes and their use in Public Health
  • Evaluate the current presence of Public Health in the communication framework and develop strategies for its improvement
  • Examine the different communication channels available for use in Public Health and define their use
  • Substantiate the specific communication needs in crises with a health component and to establish the essential factors for their best implementation
  • Identify the key points for the use of Social Media as a tool for knowledge and intervention in Public Health
  • Examine the technological developments available for use in community health
  • Evaluate the use, usefulness, risks and benefits of new technologies available in Public Health
  • Present the general framework of the use and future possibilities of Artificial Intelligence in Public Health

You will have access to didactic materials in different formats, such as explanatory videos or interactive summaries, for an enjoyable learning experience”

Postgraduate Certificate in Communication and New Technologies in Public Health for Nursing

This Postgraduate Certificate in Communication and New Technologies in Public Health for Nursing created by TECH Global University provides a complete specialization that combines clinical nursing experience with the latest digital tools and communication techniques in the health field. This program is delivered in 100% online mode, giving you exceptional flexibility that allows you to access course content from anywhere, anytime. The syllabus covers a wide range of relevant topics including digital educational materials, telemedicine, the use of mobile applications in healthcare, and ethics in the use of technology in healthcare. Each module is designed to provide an in-depth, practical understanding of how new technologies can improve communication and public health care. This degree is taught by a team of professionals and experts who share up-to-date theoretical knowledge, as well as practical experiences and case studies that enrich learning. This combination will prepare you to contribute to improving the health of communities and apply effective communication and technology strategies in your clinical practice.

Specialize in public health communication and new technologies in nursing

The current labor market requires professionals, in different areas of knowledge, to specialize in order to respond correctly to the challenges of the labor market, therefore, in TECH we have strived to structure high quality content, which can provide the necessary knowledge to make you stand out in your jobs. In our high quality postgraduate certificate, the thematic axes will guide you correctly so that at the end you will be able to handle everything related to communication and new technologies in public health for nursing. On the other hand, throughout the course you will face a series of practical exercises that will be fundamental to internalize the concepts taught in each lesson, preparing you for the possible challenges that you will face during your work practice. Upon completion, you will be prepared to contribute to the promotion of public health and effectively use digital tools and communication strategies in your clinical practice. In doing so, you will expand your career opportunities and play a crucial role in the digital transformation of healthcare and improving the health of communities. enroll now!