
Get up to date through this rigorous and exhaustive Internship Program, where you will find the most advanced knowledge in the field of Nursing"


Nursing personnel are indispensable in clinical practice. In addition, in recent years, many areas of this field of health have implemented numerous advances. Professionals in the field have increasingly advanced responsibilities such as handling Holter instruments and diagnostic pacemakers to assess the cardiac status of patients. They are also in charge of numerous minor interventions such as the removal of non-compromising dermatological lesions. They are expected to be constantly updated on all the latest tools and protocols. Paradoxically, they do not have enough programs dedicated to developing the skills needed to implement all these advances.

From this context, TECH has designed a learning methodology that is totally innovative and unique in its kind in the educational market. This Internship Program in Advanced Practice Nursing consists of an intensive and immersive on-site stay of the professional in a first level hospital center. In this entity, they will manage the most modern assistance and technological resources. In this way, you will have the opportunity to use them in the approach of real patients with different pathologies that require clinical accompaniment.

On the other hand, this didactic experience will be ideal for the nurse to establish working contact with eminent people in the sector. Through personalized guidance and on-site case discussions, you will get the best experiences, based on the track record of these experts. In turn, an assistant tutor will be in charge of supervising the development of procedures and skills. All this through 3 weeks of a comprehensive and rigorous learning, distributed in days of 8 consecutive hours, from Monday to Friday. At the end of this educational period, the graduate will be able to implement in their workplace a praxis adjusted to the most complete scientific evidence.


Enjoy an intensive 3-week stay at a prestigious center 3 weeks in a prestigious center to up to date yourself in the latest clinical procedures to grow professionally" 

Why our program?

Nursing professionals must be prepared to implement the latest protocols in their field. At the same time, most of the existing programs on the educational market are heavily loaded with theory. For this reason, TECH has devised a new academic modality in which the graduate will move for 3 weeks to a renowned hospital institution. From there, you will manipulate the latest technology and handle the most innovative procedures on real patients. All this, under the close supervision of an assistant tutor and the advice of leading experts.  

practicas enfermeria practica avanzada TECH Global University

 Este programa te facilitará el acceso a una instalación hospitalaria de renombre, donde encontrarás la mejor tecnología para la praxis moderna de la Nursing”

1. Updating from the Latest Technology Available 

This Internship Program will allow you to handle the most modern assistive technologies that are increasingly indispensable for the advanced practice of Nursing. Throughout the 120 hours of this program, you will use different devices and resources for the benefit of real patients with different pathologies.

2. Gaining In-depth Knowledge from the Experience of Top Specialists 

Through this clinical practice, the nurse will expand their knowledge under the guidance of an assistant tutor with extensive professional experience. This educational figure will be in charge of implementing dynamic tasks in the learning process. At the same time, you will be able to discuss criteria and management with highly reputable experts.

3. Entering First-Class Clinical Environments

This excellent hands-on program provides a unique opportunity to learn new skills in a direct and immersive way. This is possible thanks to the fact that TECH has chosen rigorous hospital institutions that integrate the best technologies and a staff of duly updated professionals. 

4. Putting the Acquired Knowledge into Daily Practice from the Very First Moment

Many courses with a high theoretical load are available to nurses. However, none emphasizes skill development in parallel to updating their knowledge. That is why TECH has designed this Internship Program. Through it, professionals will acquire skills in an immersive and intensive way, in a 3-week on-site stay.

5. Expanding the Boundaries of Knowledge

TECH wants all its graduates to be updated according to the latest scientific evidence. For its execution, it has coordinated the realization of this Internship Program in facilities with different geographical locations. Therefore, the graduate will become familiar with the new nursing standards in a fast, flexible and straightforward manner.

programa practicas enfermeria practica avanzada TECH Global University

You will have full practical immersion at the center of your choice"

Internship Program in Advanced Practice Nursing

TECH Global University presents you with our Advanced Practice Nursing Internship Program, a high-level program designed to give you the practical skills and clinical experience needed to excel in the nursing field. Our classes are 100% face-to-face, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the clinical setting and gain a quality hands-on education. One of the key advantages of our program is the opportunity to complete internships in recognized clinics. These internships will provide you with the hands-on experience needed to meet real-world challenges and develop solid clinical skills. Under the supervision of experienced professionals, you will have the opportunity to apply your theoretical knowledge, acquire practical skills and become familiar with the most up-to-date clinical procedures and protocols.

Study in a practical way at TECH Global University

At TECH Global University, we pride ourselves on offering a quality nursing education that combines theory and practice in a comprehensive manner. Our team of highly trained and specialized nursing faculty will guide and support you in your learning process, providing you with the tools and knowledge necessary to become a competent and reliable nursing professional. With our Advanced Practice Nursing Internship Program, you will be prepared to assume roles of greater responsibility in the nursing field. You'll be able to work in a variety of specialized areas, such as acute care, emergency or primary care, and make a significant difference in the lives of your patients. Don't miss this opportunity to advance your career and become a highly skilled nurse. Join TECH Global University and gain the hands-on experience you need to achieve success in the field of advanced practice nursing. enroll now and take the next step toward your professional future!