
Through this Professional master’s degree, 100% online, you will provide a comprehensive care focused on the needs of the patient and effectively address the most difficult symptoms"


As the world's population continues to age, the demand for Palliative Care focused on the specific needs of patients is on the rise. As such, medical care in this context plays a crucial role in improving the quality of life of users, as well as providing support to their families. However, despite advances in the treatment of symptoms associated with advanced chronic diseases, clinicians face significant challenges in the management of complex symptoms in terminally ill individuals. As such, physicians need to update their knowledge regularly to incorporate new treatments into their practice to help control symptoms and optimize patients' quality of life.

To facilitate this task, TECH has developed a complete program in Palliative Care. An academic itinerary that will delve into aspects ranging from pain treatments or symptom control, to emergency care during the end of life. It will also address the most innovative techniques to provide users with relief of suffering in all its dimensions (including thoracentesis, elastomeric infusors or drug delivery pumps). In this way, specialists will enhance their competencies to assess and manage a variety of symptoms in terminally ill patients.

The university program is taught in a 100% online format, which allows the experts to combine their update with the rest of their regular commitments. In addition, TECH employs its disruptive Relearning method with which doctors will progressively consolidate their knowledge without having to invest long hours of study. In turn, the program is supported by a teaching staff of excellence that is distinguished by having a renowned expert as International Guest Director. This scientist has accumulated dissimilar research results and is in charge of the development of 10 exhaustive Masterclasses.

This program guarantees you an exhaustive and exclusive update through the very complete Masterclasses of its International Guest Director"

This Professional master’s degree in Palliative Care contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. Its most notable features are:

  • Practical cases presented by experts in Palliative Care
  • The graphic, schematic and eminently practical contents with which it is conceived gather scientific and practical information on those disciplines that are indispensable for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where self-assessment can be used to improve learning.
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

You will deepen your understanding of Nutrition in Palliative Care Patients and be able to help them both maintain their energy and reduce fatigue"

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from the sector who contribute their work experience to this specializing program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive education programmed to learn in real situations.

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the course. For this purpose, students will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts.

You will master the most sophisticated non-invasive techniques for pain control, such as Neuromodulators, Infiltrations or Plexus Ablations"


You will master the most sophisticated non-invasive techniques for pain control, such as Neuromodulators, Infiltrations or Plexus Ablations"


With this revolutionary university program, physicians will have a solid understanding of the models of care in Palliative Care. Likewise, specialists will develop advanced clinical skills aimed at both the assessment and management of severe symptoms in terminally ill patients. Related to this, graduates will provide highly personalized care that takes into account the preferences, values and beliefs of individuals. In addition, physicians will stand out for their high ethical awareness and respect the dignity of individuals at all times. They will also design effective strategies to help families cope with grief.


You will develop advanced competencies to manage the emotional stress and grief associated with caring for terminally ill patients, while also providing support to family members"

General Objectives

  • Have a solid understanding of the fundamentals and models of care in Palliative Care, as well as aspects such as epidemiology or pathophysiology of chronic diseases
  • Enhance clinical skills for the comprehensive assessment of patients, including the management of complex symptoms and the approach to total suffering
  • Adopt an individualized approach to care, focusing on both the preferences and values of users, respecting their autonomy at all stages of pathology
  • Obtain empathetic and effective communication skills with both affected individuals and their families
  • Apply knowledge of specific nutrition to improve prognosis and reduce complications in patients with advanced disease
  • Keep abreast of innovations in matters such as diagnostic and therapeutic techniques most relevant to the follow-up of palliative patients

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Palliative Care

  • Know the origin and development of Palliative Care
  • Delve into the different types of organization in Palliative Care
  • Develop practical skills in symptom management (such as pain control, Dyspnea management or Fatigue management)
  • Acquire skills to provide emotional support to patients and family members facing serious pathologies

Module 2. Palliative Care in Oncology Patients

  • Understand the functioning of the Oncology Services
  • Analyze the different types of Cancer by apparatus and systems

Module 3. Pain Treatment

  • Delve into the knowledge of pain, its anatomy and ways of exploration
  • Analyze conventional treatments
  • Provide patients with information about their pain condition, as well as self-regulation and self-care strategies to manage it effectively
  • Investigate alternative and innovative techniques for implementation in clinical practice

Module 4. Symptom Management

  • Understand the physiological and pathological basis of common symptomatology in terminally ill patients
  • Accurately identify the different types of symptoms
  • Perform comprehensive examinations in the health of terminally ill patients
  • Acquire skills to treat each symptom optimally

Module 5. Emergencies in Palliative Care

  • Differentiate between palliative and terminal patients
  • Recognize the most frequent emergencies in palliative patients
  • Carry out a correct clinical management of palliative emergencies
  • Adjust the most appropriate treatments according to the specific needs of the patient

Module 6. Palliative Care in Non-Oncological Processes

  • Delve into the palliative criteria of the most frequent non-oncologic pathologies 
  • Obtain competences to identify patients with non-oncological palliative needs
  • Apply the most appropriate treatments according to the pathology
  • Provide personalized care that respects the preferences, values and beliefs of individuals 

Module 7. Palliative Care Techniques in Medicine

  • Know the importance of nursing in the management and care of palliative patients
  • Have a solid knowledge of the NICs and NOCs
  • Know how to apply assessment scales to Palliative Patients
  • Remain at the forefront of state-of-the-art techniques in complex ulcer care
  • Delve into the main nursing techniques with therapeutic potential
  • Analyze the use of endovenous and subcutaneous pumps

Module 8. Family and Bereavement Care in Palliative Care

  • Recognize the importance of psychology in palliative care
  • Manage innovative techniques of approaching family members
  • Establish the differences between palliative sedation and euthanasia
  • Develop advanced strategies to help families manage bereavement
  • Design procedures to avoid the conspiracy of silence
  • Enhance communication skills to interact with patients' loved ones and inform patients honestly about issues such as prognosis of illness

Module 9. Nutrition in the Palliative Patient

  • Acquire competences to diagnose malnutrition in palliative patients from early stages
  • Perform an optimal approach to Cachexia and Sarcopenia
  • Have a deep understanding of the types of diets depending on the pathology.
  • Master the method of average nutrition

Module 10. Pediatric Palliative Care

  • Be aware of the peculiarities of Pediatric Palliative Care
  • Analyze the epidemiology of cancer in children
  • Delve into the management of the most common symptoms in pediatric palliative care
  • Control dosage by weight in pediatrics

Updating your knowledge about Palliative Care Emergencies will be much more enjoyable thanks to the multimedia content that you will find in the Virtual Campus of this program"

Professional Master's Degree in Palliative Care

According to data from the World Health Organization (WHO), it is estimated that about 40 million people annually need palliative care, a figure that is constantly increasing due to the growing burden of non-communicable diseases and the continuous aging process of the general population. Due to this situation, palliative care stands out as an area of great importance with a growing field of work around it. Understanding the need for educational updating that accompanies the growth of occupational opportunities in the field, at TECH Global University we have prepared our Professional Master's Degree in Palliative Care. In this postgraduate program, special attention will be paid to the knowledge of the different and new palliative care strategies focused on the care of psychiatric patients. In addition, the following concepts will be updated: the identification of the multiple aspects or factors to be considered in the development of a palliative care process in pediatric patients, as well as the knowledge of the different strategies used in the approach and psychosocial support to both the palliative patient and their family environment.

Study an online Professional Master's Degree in Palliative Care

Due to the nature of its care processes and the behavioral and symptomatological characteristics of the patients to be treated, palliative care stands out as a highly demanding area for its specialized professionals. In our Professional Master's Degree you will learn the set of communicative and therapeutic skills necessary to perform an adequate job performance in the field of palliative care. Similarly, in this postgraduate program you will delve into the modernization of the following topics: the identification of the different hematological symptoms that may affect a palliative patient, considering their various alternatives of approach, as well as the knowledge of the different modalities of pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment used in the management of pain in palliative patients.