
This professional master’s degree takes a dynamic and multidisciplinary approach, perfect for updating your knowledge in Hospital and Health Services Management" 


Generally, if a professional is appointed manager of a hospital and does not have adequate training or previous experience, they lack leadership skills and the ability to manage change, as well as finding it difficult to manage relationships (both internal and external). 

This may complicate negotiations and cause issues with financial, legal and regulatory management.

This professional master’s degree has been designed to enable students to effectively face these and many other day-to-day problems in hospital management, by developing the skills set out in the  Leadership Competencies for Healthcare Services Managers document, issued by the International Hospital Federation. It combines the best of an Online Business School so as to develop managerial skills, together with management, communication and social and professional responsibility skills, coupled with the social awareness and ethical conduct required in a position of responsibility in a hospital; that is what we intend to achieve in a program like this. The practical nature of the topics makes it easy for each student to transmit their experience and professional background, making each session, within the context of the program, an opportunity to expand knowledge and put it into action.

In addition, during the programyou will receive 10 Masterclasses given by an internationally renowned expert with a long track record in economic management and performance evaluation in hospitals. In this way, thanks to this academic degree, the graduate will acquire expertise in this field. In addition, thanks to the most complete and up-to-date theoretical and practical contents on the market, the student will assimilate the knowledge in an intuitive way. All this through a 100% online program that avoids the face-to-face classes with stipulated schedules, and provides students with effective professional development.

Get qualified through the professional master’s degree in MBA in Hospital and Health Services Management”

This professional master’s degree in MBA in Hospital and Health Services Management contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most important features include:

  • The development of practical cases presented by experts in Hospital and Health Services Management
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where the self-assessment process can be carried out to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection work
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

This program is the best investment you can make in selecting a  program for two reasons: in addition to qualifying you as a healthcare manager, you will earn a degree from TECH Global University"

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from the field who contribute their work experience to this educational program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive education programmed to learn in real situations.

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the academic year For this purpose, the students will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts.

You will be able to complete the professional master’s degree 100% online, adapting it to your needs and making it easier for you to take it while you carry out your full-time healthcare activities"


Increase the quality of your management with this  program, and improve patient care"


This professional master’s degree in MBA in Hospital and Health Services Management covers the latest trends in Leadership for Healthcare Services Managers and offers a highly practical and cutting-edge program, at a time when knowledge accreditation is increasingly important.


With this program, you will be able to better manage people and resources, and improve processes in a healthcare center"

General objectives 

  • Analyze the theories and models regarding the organization and functioning of Healthcare Systems, focusing on their political, social, legal, economic and organizational structure.
  • Improve knowledge and professional skills in health management from a Clinical Management perspective, while becoming familiar with the practical methodological tools that apply to the critical areas of both institutional and everyday health management
  • Approach clinical management with efficacy, efficiency, effectiveness, equity, performance and profitability; and solve problems by using information systems appropriately
  • Demonstrate and assess advanced initiatives and experiences in Clinical and Health Management
  • Train professionals to uses basic skills to improve their problem solving and decision making in daily Clinical and Healthcare Management

Specific objectives

Module 1. Planning and Control of Health Organizations

  • Describe, compare and interpret characteristics and performance data of different health models and systems 
  • Apply the essential concepts and methods of planning, organization and management of health institutions 
  • Explore the care and health division in the interdisciplinary team and learn about new challenges in the healthcare sector 
  • Learn about the different professionals in the Health System, and their day-to-day interactions 
  • Describe the conflicts of interest that exist between the different professionals of the health care system 

Module 2. Health Systems and Policies  

  • Describe the Main Health System Models 
  • Know and differentiate the entities and professionals in the healthcare system, as well as the established forms of health financing 
  • Understand the right to health care and know about the portfolio of basic and complementary services 
  • Define user co-payment and financing, as well as the consequences of its use  
  • Integrate new information technologies to drive transformation of health systems  

Module 3. Medical and Welfare Management Department in the Health System  

  • Describe how to achieve the aforementioned transformation of the healthcare system and of the current healthcare model, to ensure excellent care that is sustainability in the medium to long term 
  • Overcome care fragmentation with more integrated care, not only between primary care and hospitals, but also between hospitals and social services 
  • Develop mechanisms for effective patient participation in the healthcare system 
  • Integrate ICT as a fundamental driver of transformation, which supports a clinical information sharing strategy 

Module 4. Clinical Management.  

  • Facilitate the necessary coordination between units and patient monitoring 
  • Make this a clear management priority because, if properly developed, it is the basis for true continuous quality improvement 
  • Get to know and understand the models and key features of interhospital clinical management units (ICMUs) 
  • Get to know the characteristics of the Interhospital Clinical Management Units
  • Understand the importance of leadership and organizational profile in the Interhospital Clinical Management Units 
  • Identify patient needs 
  • Know the fundamentals of human resources management 
  • Know how processes are organized in the ICMU: Learn about the control panel Identify and integrate synergies 
  • Know how to implement management by objectives and a vision for improvement. 

Module 5. Chronicity and Telemedicine Management  

  • Explore the definition and origins of telemedicine, its evolution over the years and the different types of telemedicine that are currently available 
  • Know the key considerations when introducing telemedicine projects into healthcare organization, studying both the aspects most valued by patients and those that can guarantee success in the implementation of a telemedicine project 
  • Examine examples of telemedicine services currently in place around the world, with a final reflection on the advantages and risks that may be involved in the large-scale implementation of a healthcare system that knows no geographical boundaries 

Module 6. People and Talent Management  

  • Learn the key concepts of people assessment, talent development and organizational culture, which will lead to improved performance
  • Implement evaluation systems, develop empowerment skills and commit to improving the organizational culture 

Module 7. Management and Economic Assessment  

  • Understand, interpret, transmit and apply regulatory norms for the activities and functions of health professionals regarding clinical management in accordance with the legal framework of the health sector 
  • Recognize and know how to apply and interpret health law in order to contextualize clinical practice in terms of professional and social responsibility, as well as the ethical aspects associated with health care 
  • Carry out an economic analysis of the functioning of health institutions and the economic behavior of the agents involved in health systems 
  • Apply the fundamental concepts of economic evaluation techniques and tools applied in management practice within health systems. 
  • Determine the techniques, styles and methods for defining, guiding and leading professional-talent management policies in health institutions. 
  • Within a clinical setting, recognize, apply and learn how to assess the usefulness of different leadership and management tools that can also be applied to the context of healthcare practice. 

Module 8. Quality Management  

  • Develop the ability to analyze different health benefits 
  • Lead quality and patient safety systems applied to the context of clinical management units 
  • Develop methodological and instrumental skills in epidemiological research and the assessment of centers, services, technologies and the health programs 
  • Apply health accreditation approaches to different types of organizations and health centers 
  • Develop methodological and instrumental skills to adequately use the different health information systems in the management decisions of the clinical units 
  • Understand, interpret and appropriately apply the most suitable tools for clinical assessment and decision making in each situation 
  • Design and lead improvement, innovation and transformation processes in the units, services and centers 

Module 9. Management by Process Lean Healthcare  

  • Study what a process is, how it is managed and how to implement process management in an organization 
  • Study process improvement 
  • Study different ways of defining "how" processes are carried out 

Module 10. Competency Management  

  • Define the concept of skills from different perspectives 
  • Develop a performance appraisal procedure and a plan to implement it 
  • Learn how to provide professional feedback to improve performance, self-assessment and enhance results.  
  • Apply methods to improve performance through intrinsic and extrinsic motivation 
  • Learn about communicative strategies, putting different techniques into use  

Module 11. Patient Security.  

  • Describe the background and current status of patient safety in the healthcare system 
  • Accurately identify patients using track and trace systems. 
  • Define the risk of infections associated with nursing, as well as venous access care and fall hazards 
  • Review the definition and classification of nosocomial infection 
  • Establish nursing care plan for hospital-acquired infection through various surveillance activities and written protocols and procedures 

Module 12. Quality Accreditation in Healthcare.  

  • Understand the role of accreditation for healthcare quality assurance programs 
  • Reviewing the history of quality accreditation in health care 
  • Know the criteria of the excellence models and the render logic scheme 
  • Learn to integrate the standards used as a basis for certification, as well as any major theoretical and practical conflicts.  

Module 13. Leadership Management  

  • Describe the concept of leadership and establish the steps to follow for success, as well as the qualities and actions of a leader 
  • Study the seven habits common to successful people and leaders 
  • Review intrinsic and extrinsic motivation to establish the differences between motivation, satisfaction and the different theories relating to them  
  • Learn to evaluate whether tasks can be delegated and recognize non-delegable functions 

Module 14. Change, Decision-Making and Time Management  

  • Identify, understand and integrate managerial skills into daily health management procedures 
  • Manage scientific databases for carrying out reviews and bibliographic searches of scientific studies 
  • Conduct a critical and in-depth study on the complexity and chronicity of care and assistance in the health system 
  • Communicate result findings after having analyzed, evaluated, and synthesized the data 

Module 15. Internal Communication in Management 

  • Know the fundamentals of communications theory 
  • Know and identify the obstacles to effective internal communication within the healthcare organization 
  • Appreciate the importance of internal transparency within the organization 
  • Identify the keys to good face-to-face verbal communication with professionals 
  • Learn how to make the most of technological tools and manage them efficiently 
  • Know the basic techniques for non-verbal Communication 
  • Appropriately evaluate the use of the meeting as an element of internal communication and participation within the healthcare organization 
  • Know the keys to the efficient use of meetings as a resource 
  • Identify the basic features of the clinical committee structure 
  • Be aware of the potential for asynchronous work using new technologies. 
  • Develop skills to get the most out of meetings 
  • Learn how to identify and anticipate a conflict within the organization. 
  • Be aware of the specific features of conflict within healthcare organizations 
  • Get to know the main causes of conflict 
  • Acquire change management skills to avoid conflicts arising from resistance to change
  • Understand the basic methodology for conflict mediation 

Module 16. Creating a Personal Brand 

  • Establish a strategy to promote the personal brand, understood as the set of marketing strategies focused on the person who wants to achieve certain personal and/or professional goals 
  • Learn how to conduct a productive job interview, using methods to ensure successful outcome  

Module 17. Communication and Marketing in Health  

  • Gain knowledge about the basic concepts of marketing 
  • Identify the main historical and current references 
  • Identify the peculiarities of marketing in the healthcare world 
  • Start to view communication as an essential element within the healthcare organization 
  • Be aware that nowadays, internal and external communication are intermingled concepts 
  • Put a communication strategy in place as part of an overall knowledge management strategy 
  • Identify the importance of information symmetry in healthcare
  • Know the fundamentals of the market  

Module 18. Teaching and Research Management   

  • Introduce the student to the concept of clinical epidemiology and the benefits of applying epidemiological method to clinical questions 
  • Define the essential features of clinical trials design and implementation 
  • Describe the main observational studies and their most important measures of disease frequency and exposure-disease association
  • Define the peculiarity of diagnostic assessment studies and their indicators 
  • Describe the different forms of prognostic studies 
  • Explain the most important potential biases in epidemiological studies 
  • Introduce the student to current program-based, translational and cooperative research 
  • Explore the impact of the new paradigm for big data and Systems Medicine 
  • Make students aware of the importance of research projects design, both in terms of structure and rigor 
  • Briefly describe research funding options in biomedical research 
  • State the value of the technological transfer of health research results 

Acquire the necessary skills to specialize in this field and give a boost to your profession"

Professional Master's Degree in MBA in Hospital and Health Services Management

In order for the treatments and surgical operations carried out to be successful, it is necessary to have a high-level healthcare staff, from the management team to the Nursing assistants, surgeons and primary care physicians. These are essential for the proper functioning of each hospital center, and therefore in TECH we contribute to this purpose by training our Professional Master's Degree students through a rigorous, deep and updated syllabus. In this way, each one will be able to acquire the necessary skills to responsibly manage the position held and safely attend to the related processes.

Professional Master's Degree in Hospital and Health Services Management.

In order to occupy management, direction and leadership positions in any health institution, it is necessary to have studies like this one from TECH Global University. Through this postgraduate program you will acquire formal knowledge in health administration and management, which will allow you to opt for government positions in both public and private healthcare centers (non-profit organizations).

Study a postgraduate degree online

Thanks to our commitment to the latest educational technology and the extensive experience of our faculty, our program is fully updated and ready to prepare you with the best tools. Train in clinical and hospital management to take on a position of responsibility and leadership in your community, which will allow you to improve health care and participate in the most relevant research, linked to the work experience of all those involved in the medical field.