
Incorporate to your intervention capacity, the advanced management of the novelties that research has brought to the area of cryobiology and embryonic development"


Acquiring knowledge of anatomy, physiology and embryology is essential to serve as a basis and introduce the Expert. All the concepts developed in this module will have their implication in the rest of the topics developed in the other modules of the syllabus. Oovogenesis and spermatogenesis are the beginning of the reproductive process. From this point on, the fertilization of the egg by the sperm will depend to a great extent on the anatomical integrity of the male and female reproductive system, so its study also helps to understand possible reproductive dysfunctions. The correct fertilization of the oocyte by the sperm will be assessed once two pronuclei appear, which are provided from each of the reproductive cells. The study of embryology, cell division, the stages of embryonic development, are also key pieces in the understanding of the whole reproductive process. 

Once the anatomy and physiology have been introduced, we will explain in detail the basic study that is requested to a couple consulting for infertility, and the moment of its indication. 

The assessment of the infertile woman begins by determining her ovarian reserve, mainly through the ultrasound count of antral follicles (AFR) and the determination of anti-mullerian hormone (AMH) in the blood, which has emerged as a fairly specific diagnostic test and has largely replaced the use of other hormonal determinations such as FSH, LH and estradiol, which were traditionally performed in the first phase of the cycle. 

For the assessment of tubal patency, although the test considered the gold standard is hysterosalpingography, a test considered the gold standard, a technique performed by instilling a hyperechogenic gel through the cervix, for subsequent assessment of the morphology of the uterine cavity and tubal patency by vaginal or abdominal ultrasound, avoiding the contrast and radiation used in the classic HSG, has recently been described as an alternative. 

Within endometrial assessment, apart from the classic assessment of the endometrial pattern and thickness by ultrasound, the most recent studies support the usefulness of endometrial receptivity tests at the time of implantation, microbiota studies or diagnosis of altered endometrial immunological profiles, for which reason the current evidence in this field is presented. 

With a methodological design based on proven teaching techniques, this postgraduate diploma course will take you through different teaching approaches to allow you to learn in a dynamic and effective way”

This postgraduate diploma offers you the benefits of a scientific, teaching and technological high-level course.  These are some of its most notable features: 

  • Latest technology in online teaching software
  • Highly visual teaching system, supported by graphic and schematic contents that are easy to assimilate and understand
  • Practical cases presented by practising experts
  • State-of-the-art interactive video systems
  • Teaching supported by telepractice
  • Continuous updating and recycling systems
  • Self-regulating learning: full compatibility with other occupations
  • Practical exercises for self-evaluation and learning verification
  • Support groups and educational synergies: questions to the expert, debate and knowledge forums
  • Communication with the teacher and individual reflection work
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection
  • Supplementary documentation databases are permanently available, even after the course

Our innovative telepractice concept will give you the opportunity to learn through an immersive experience, which will provide you with a faster integration and a much more realistic view of the contents: “learning from an expert”"

Our teaching staff is composed of medical professionals, practising specialists. In this way, we ensure that we provide you with the training update we are aiming for. A multidisciplinary team of professors with training and experience in different environments, who will develop the theoretical knowledge in an efficient way, but, above all, will bring their practical knowledge derived from their own experience to the course: one of the differential qualities of this Specialist Diploma. 

The efficiency of the methodological design of this master's degree, enhances the student's understanding of the subject. Developed by a multidisciplinary team of e-learning experts, it integrates the latest advances in educational technology. This way, you will be able to study with a range of comfortable and versatile multimedia tools that, will give you the operability you need in your training.  

The design of this program is based on Problem-Based Learning: an approach that conceives learning as a highly practical process. To achieve this remotely, we will use telepractice:  with the help of an innovative interactive video system, and learning from an expert, you will be able to acquire the knowledge as if you were actually dealing with the scenario you are learning about. A concept that will allow you to integrate and fix learning in a more realistic and permanent way. 

Increase your decision-making confidence by updating your knowledge with this Postraduate Diploma course"


You will be trained by professionals with extensive experience in the sector, who have deposited all their knowledge and experience in the development of this program"


This main objective of this Postgraduate Diploma is to bring the students' knowledge up-to-date in all areas surrounding decision making during the evaluation of the patient and her partner. This includes the diagnosis, prognosis and the subsequent treatments. A structured approach in all areas related to assisted reproduction, that will allow you to make a leap in your professional career with the expertise of the best online university in the world. 


With an advanced qualification objective, this diploma will allow you to learn efficiently and apply what you have learned with the security of a learning centered on practice"

General Objectives

  • Acquire up-to-date concepts in anatomy, physiology, embryology and genetics, which will help us to understand reproductive diagnostics and treatments
  • Understand in detail the aspects related to the initial assessment of a sterile couple. Study criteria and referral to Reproduction Units.  Basic clinical examination, request and interpretation of the results of complementary tests
  • Perform an appropriate assessment and clinical orientation of the couple. Indication of request for specific tests based on the above findings
  • Have an exhaustive knowledge of the different types of medical treatment, indications and their choice according to the profile of the patient and her partner
  • Know the indications and surgical techniques that could improve the reproductive results of our patients. Alterations in uterine morphology (congenital or acquired). Endometriosis. Tubal Surgery
  • Know the techniques used in the Andrology, IVF and cryobiology laboratories. Diagnostic techniques and sperm selection techniques. Oocyte evaluation. Embryonic development 
  • Describe the types of genetic embryonic studies that are available, know their possible indications and be able to interpret the results
  • Know the current legal situation of the treatments for Assisted Reproduction in our country
  • Know the main scientific and patient societies in the field of Reproductive Medicine

Specific Objectives

  • Acquire knowledge of the techniques used in oocyte cryopreservation and their efficiency
  • Acquire knowledge of the techniques used in ovarian tissue cryopreservation and their efficiency


A complete in-depth study of the latest advances and ways of approaching assisted reproduction, in all its care facets" 

Postgraduate Diploma in Embryo Development and Cryobiology in Assisted Reproduction Laboratory

If you are passionate about the field of assisted reproduction and want to specialize in embryo development and cryobiology in assisted reproduction laboratories, TECH Global University's Postgraduate Diploma in Embryo Development and Cryobiology in Assisted Reproduction Laboratory is the perfect program for you. With our teaching, you will gain the knowledge and skills necessary to understand and master the process of embryonic development from fertilization to the early stages of gestation. You will learn about the different methods and techniques used in assisted reproduction laboratories to culture and select high quality embryos. In addition, you will specialize in the field of cryobiology, which refers to the process of freezing and storing embryos and gametes for future use in assisted reproduction treatments. You will learn about the different cryopreservation techniques and how to optimize the survival and viability of frozen embryos and gametes. The program is designed by experts in the field of assisted reproduction and embryonic developmental biology. You will learn how to use state-of-the-art equipment and innovative technologies used in assisted reproduction laboratories. You will also acquire practical skills through activities and case studies that will allow you to apply your knowledge in real situations.

Study at TECH to contribute to the advancement of reproductive medicine.

Studying online gives you the flexibility to adapt your study schedule to your personal and professional needs. You will have access to interactive learning materials, multimedia resources and online collaboration tools that will allow you to interact with professors and fellow students. In addition, you will be supported by a dedicated academic team that will guide you throughout the program. The Postgraduate Diploma in Embryonic Development and Cryobiology in Assisted Reproduction Laboratory is aimed at assisted reproduction professionals, embryologists, biologists and other specialists interested in the field of assisted human reproduction. It is also suitable for students of biology, medicine and related disciplines who wish to acquire specialized knowledge in this field.