
You have before you the perfect qualification to get you up to date on Medication Allergy in Children in just 150 hours" 


Medication allergies in infantile and juvenile patients can present themselves in various forms, the most predominant being skin allergies, while the risk of anaphylaxis, although to a lesser extent, also exists. The latter causes great concern in families who, sometimes, in order to avoid reactions, prefer not to use certain medications such as beta-lactam antibiotics in the treatment of frequent pathologies such as infection in its different forms. 

That is why the medical specialists must demonstrate that they have a broad and advanced knowledge in the handling of acute and severe clinical pictures due to allergic reactions, being able to intervene for the benefit of their patients based on the most innovative strategies in the sector. For this reason, this program is perfect for all those professionals who are looking to get up to date on this subject, as well as to perfect their skills through an intensive, multidisciplinary and perfectly compatible with their working day in the practice.  

In addition, this 100% online program includes hours of additional material in different formats that will help you delve deeper into the aspects of the syllabus that you consider most relevant to your medical performance. All the content will be available in the Virtual Classroom from the beginning of the academic experience and can be downloaded to any device with an internet connection, thus guaranteeing that it can be consulted whenever the graduate needs it, even after completing the program.

You will be able to delve into the mechanisms of hypersensitivity to drugs and how they act as allergens, in order to better identify their symptoms"

This postgraduate certificate in Medication Allergy in Children contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most important features include:

  • The development of practical cases presented by experts in Pediatrics and Allergology
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where self-assessment can be used to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies  
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments 
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

Thanks to the course of this program you will have the most current information that will allow you to know in detail the peculiarities of medication reactions in children"

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from the sector who contribute their work experience to this educational program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities. 

Its multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide an immersion education programmed to learn in real situations.  

The design of this program focuses on Problem-Based Learning, by means of which the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that are presented throughout the academic course. For this purpose, the student will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned experts.  

The team of experts who have participated in the preparation of this postgraduate certificate has placed special emphasis on the recommendations to avoid the use of penicillin in allergies to beta-lactams"


In the 6 weeks in which this postgraduate certificate is distributed, you will find the most updated information on non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication allergies" 


Despite the low prevalence of drug allergies in children and adolescents, the medical professional must know in detail the latest scientific evidence on the subject. That is why the objective of this Postgraduate Certificate is to provide you with the most advanced and sophisticated academic tools that will allow you to get up to date through the course of a single, but very complete degree, delving into the specificities of each immune response and the novelties regarding their treatments.


You will be able to combine the course of this program with the day to day of your practice thanks to its convenient 100% online format and the facilities that TECH has included in this postgraduate certificate”

General Objectives

  • Know in detail the latest developments in the management of pediatric patients with medication allergy
  • Know how to safely diagnose a medication allergy and know the most effective treatments according to the degree of hypersensitivity of the patient

Specific Objectives

  • Delve into the different mechanisms of hypersensitivity to drugs and their clinical manifestations
  • Analyze how medications act as allergens
  • Know the technique and interpretation of in vivo medication tests: skin tests, intradermal tests, patch test 
  • Analyze the main reasons for suspicion of drug allergy in pediatrics
  • Know how to make a correct diagnosis of NSAID allergy
  • Know the difference between allergy and idiosyncrasy, and their peculiarities
  • Delve into the alternatives that exist in pediatrics as anti-inflammatory drugs in patients allergic to NSAIDs
  • Know how to diagnose other antibiotics frequently used in pediatrics
  • Delve into the bases and indications to perform desensitization to drugs, knowing the existing protocols for its realization and how to assess the risk to which we expose the patient
  • Perform an etiological diagnostic approach in severe reactions 

In the syllabus you will find an exhaustive classification of the different hypersensitivity reactions to different medications" 

Postgraduate Certificate in Medication Allergy in Children

If you are interested in children's health and want to specialize in drug allergy, TECH's Postgraduate Certificate in Medication Allergy in Children is the perfect choice for you. In this academic program, you will get specialized and comprehensive training that will enable you to identify, treat and prevent allergic reactions to medications in children.

Learn about medication allergies in children with TECH

The importance of this Postgraduate Certificate lies in the increasing incidence of drug allergies in the pediatric population. More and more children are experiencing adverse reactions to different drugs, which can jeopardize their health and well-being. It is essential to have professionals trained in the field of drug allergy in children in order to provide the best treatment and care for these young patients. During this academic program, you will learn about the main causes of drug allergies, the characteristic symptoms and the different clinical manifestations that can occur in children. In addition, you will acquire knowledge about diagnostic methods and specific tests to determine the presence of drug allergy in children. Another important advantage of this program is the opportunity to interact with health professionals from different specialties and share experiences and knowledge. This is fundamental to broaden your vision and knowledge in the field of drug allergy in children and improve your clinical practice. Finally, at the end of the Postgraduate Certificate in Medication Allergy in Children, you will have an academic degree that will support your competencies in this field and will open new job opportunities. You will be able to work in hospitals, clinics, research centers or even as an independent consultant, offering diagnostic and treatment services to children allergic to medications. In summary, the Postgraduate Certificate in Medication Allergy in Children is of vital importance to provide comprehensive and specialized care to children suffering from drug allergy. Come and learn more about this study with TECH Global University.