
Update your skills and explore the representation of results thanks to this Postgraduate Certificate in only 12 weeks"


COVID-19 is an example of collaborative research that has made its way in the face of new epidemiological diseases. In this sector, outreach has been essential for the population to understand how the vaccine can control the symptoms of the virus. Perhaps without the field work to get the information to the individuals, they would not have agreed to wear it. However, new technologies have been fundamental in this task, as online platforms and digital applications such as Tik Tok, Twitter and Instagram have also provided a means of communication and are full of adapted health information.

Given the importance of converting scientific research into useful data for other experts and also for the rest of society, specialists working in this area must master all the most up-to-date tools to adapt their reports and memoirs, depending on the call they are faced with. For that reason, TECH has designed this postgraduate certificate in Dissemination of Research Results, a dynamic and comprehensive program that delves into the various formats of information, message targeting, data representation for short communications and much more. Thanks to this program, students will be able to update their competencies in a multidisciplinary way, but, above all, perfect their skills 100% online. 

It is a degree that offers all the facilities to students, so that they are the ones who adapt their own pace of study. In addition, it has 300 hours of theoretical, practical and additional content including: detailed videos, research articles, complementary readings, self-knowledge exercises and dynamic summaries, among many others. All this, with the support of a teaching team experienced in the medical area and with its own research to help the informative work of specialists who enroll and bet on digital learning adapted to new technologies. 

You will work on honing your skills related to the dissemination method by producing successful scientific reports, memoirs and papers" 

This postgraduate certificate in Dissemination of Research Results contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most important features include:

  • Development of case studies presented by experts in Medical Research
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where self-assessment can be used to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments 
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection 

An ideal program to get you up to speed on new platforms for dissemination and master the latest developments in adapting scientific results"

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from the sector who contribute their work experience to this educational program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.

Its multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide an immersive education programmed to learn in real situations.

The design of this program focuses on Problem-Based Learning, by means of which the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that are presented throughout the academic course. For this purpose, the student will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned experts.

Have you not yet mastered the principles of reproducibility? Then this program is perfect for you and for you to aspire to greater skill in sharing your knowledge"


The targeting of the message is essential to reach the target audience, do you want to get into this area? Do it 100% online with TECH"


The main objective of this postgraduate certificate on Dissemination of Research Results is to update the knowledge of graduates in Medicine and other health professionals interested in the dissemination and disclosure of their work. For that reason, and in order to enable them to use the latest tools in this field, TECH has developed this program that explores the adaptation of a scientific work in popularization material and literature. In addition, the graduate who accesses it will find the best academic technology and will deepen in the selection of the correct material for each type of public call.


With this postgraduate certificate you will learn about the cover letter so that you can master the presentation of your clinical studies and achieve your professional and personal goals"

General Objectives

  • Understand the appropriate approach to a question or problem to be solved
  • Asses the state of the art of the problem through literature search
  • Assess the feasibility of the potential project
  • Study the drafting of a project in accordance with the different calls for proposals
  • Examine the search for funding
  • Master the necessary data analysis tools
  • Write scientific articles (papers) for the daily magazines
  • Generate posters relevant to the topics addressed
  • Know the tools for dissemination to the non-specialized public
  • Delve into data protection
  • Understand the transfer of knowledge generated to industry or the clinic
  • Examine the current use of artificial intelligence and massive data analysis
  • Study examples of successful projects

Specific Objectives

  • Learn the various ways of disseminating results 
  • Internalize how to write reports 
  • Learn how to write for a specialized journal 
  • Learn how to generate a poster at a congress
  • Learn how to prepare different communications of different times 
  • Learning how to turn a scientific paper into dissemination material

You will have the most innovative academic tools that will allow you to achieve your aspirations in a guaranteed way and in less than 12 academic weeks"

Postgraduate Certificate in Dissemination of Research Results

The effective dissemination of research results is essential for the advancement of knowledge and the contribution to the development of society. Thinking of expanding the knowledge of professionals interested in working in this sector, TECH Global University developed the Postgraduate Certificate in Research Results Dissemination. A cutting-edge online program that will allow you to acquire the necessary skills to carry out a successful dissemination of your research. Through a theoretical-practical approach, you will learn effective scientific communication strategies, the use of technological tools for dissemination on digital platforms, the creation of relevant content for different audiences and the optimization of the impact of your results. In addition, you will deepen in the analysis of real cases and in the understanding of best practices in dissemination of research results in different fields of knowledge.

Study an online postgraduate Certificate in research results dissemination

The proper dissemination of research results is essential for their value and application in today's society. In our Postgraduate Certificate, we will provide you with the opportunity to acquire the necessary skills to effectively communicate your research to different audiences. Through high quality training, you will delve into the strategies and techniques of scientific communication, the use of digital tools for dissemination in virtual environments, the development of accessible content and the optimization of the visibility of your results. In addition, you will study the best practices in dissemination of results in different research disciplines. Sign up now and boost the impact of your research!