
Learn with this program to successfully deal with patients with toxicology problems, and elevate your potential as an emergency physician to the next level”


There is no doubt that toxicology must evolve to provide emergency physicians with answers to the uncertainties and gray areas they have to work with most of the time. In this sense, professionals often have to deal with drug-addicted patients and a lack of sufficient updates in this regard makes their work even more difficult. That is why TECH professionals have designed this postgraduate certificate that focuses on providing participants with all the knowledge and tools they need to effectively deal with these cases, meeting human and medical-legal criteria.

Throughout the program, professionals will learn to understand the effects of drug abuse and the clinical pictures it causes. All this will allow them to know how to adequately intervene in these cases, using the appropriate medication and treatment. In this line, emergency physician wills also be thoroughly instructed in the medical and legal aspects of illicit drug abuse and will learn the specific action protocols to work in this field.

Similarly, the cases of patients who come to the emergency department with clinical pictures produced by a clinical submission will also be addressed. This implies that physicians will learn to work effectively in the event of sexual assault, robbery, extortion and/or abuse resulting from the influence of psychotropic substances on the patient. In view of this, action protocols will be discussed in depth, as well as the legal regulations to be observed by professionals.

Finally, a critical issue for emergency professionals will be addressed: the medical-legal aspects to be considered in cases of brain death due to intoxication.

The postgraduate certificate stands out for having a 100% online format, so medical professionals are not obliged to travel to a specific center or to study at a specific time, so they only need a computer or mobile device with an Internet connection.

The immense commitment of this institution with your training is materialized by offering the best postgraduate certificate available”

This postgraduate certificate in Clinical Toxicology in Emergency Services contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most important features of the program include:

  • Numerous practical cases presented in form of In Focus videos and clinical videos made by experts in Emergency Medicine
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical activity presentations on procedures and techniques
  • An algorithm-based interactive learning system for decision-making in the clinical situations presented throughout the course
  • Action protocols and clinical practice guidelines which cover the most important latest developments in this specialist area
  • All of this will be complemented by theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Its special emphasis on evidence-based medicine and research methodologies in dealing with patients requiring Emergency services
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

We base our programs on practice as a means to teach you how to solve real problems that may arise in your work in emergency medicine”

The program’s teaching staff includes medical professionals that bring their experience to this program, as well as renowned specialists from leading scientific communities and prestigious universities. 

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive education programmed to learn in real situations. 

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise throughout the program.

With this training program you will take the first step to launch your career to the next level"


With this postgraduate certificate, you will learn how to deal with different cases of substance abuse"


TECH's main objective is clear: to create the most competent professionals in the medical field and, therefore, the most sought-after. To do so, it makes use of a very complete content bank designed in multimedia formats and adapted to the needs of 2.0 students. Likewise, TECH assures professionals that, by training here, they will have access to the most reputable emergency physicians in the field, who pour their years of practical experience into this training program. In short, the perfect union of professionals, syllabus and content make it possible for this University to optimally train the best physicians in the field.



TECH has only one goal: To offer you high-level specialization that will serve as a vehicle for you to grow professionally”

General Objectives

  • Specialize emergency medicine professionals in the methods that enable highly effective and efficient care in hospital emergency departments and primary care centers
  • Apply the most complete and up-to-date syllabus on the market, designed by the best professionals in the field, to offer the most complete specialization to students
  • Successfully treat patients in the emergency department with the knowledge to respond

Specific Objectives

  • Obtain general knowledge of poisoning 
  • Know the new aspects of new abused substances and their language 
  • Know the aspects of chemical submission and study protocols 
  • Chemsex and the work of emergency physicians 
  • Acquire knowledge of the toxicity of the most common alternative medicines and pseudotherapeutic practices 
  • Gain knowledge of newly developed antidotes 
  • Internalize the knowledge of organ donation in brain death due to intoxication 
  • Review medical-legal aspects of intoxications 


This postgraduate certificate opens the doors to the development you have always wanted. You will consolidate yourself within the profession, resulting in unlimited opportunities for you” 

Postgraduate Certificate in Clinical Toxicology in Emergency Departments

If you are a health professional and want to strengthen your knowledge in clinical toxicology to provide specialized care in cases of poisoning, the Postgraduate Certificate in Clinical Toxicology in Emergency Departments at TECH Global University is the perfect option for you. By enrolling in this program, you will acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to efficiently identify and treat poisoning cases in emergency settings. You will learn about the different types of toxins, their effects on the body and the immediate care measures to be taken. Our teaching team is composed of experts in clinical toxicology, who will guide you throughout the program. You will learn how to evaluate the seriousness of a poisoning, interpret the signs and symptoms, and apply the appropriate treatments in each situation.

Enroll now and start advancing in your professional path.

This academic program is taught online, which gives you the flexibility to study from anywhere and at any time that suits your routine. At TECH Global University, we understand the advantages of online education and how it allows you to optimize your time and resources. The online modality gives you access to interactive multimedia content, updated study materials and the possibility of interacting with other health professionals. In addition, you will have access to an extensive online library with specialized resources in clinical toxicology. At the end of the Postgraduate Certificate, you will be prepared to effectively address poisoning situations in emergency departments, improving your diagnostic and treatment skills. You will be able to provide more accurate and timely care to patients affected by poisoning and contribute to saving lives. Don't miss this opportunity to specialize in clinical toxicology in the emergency department. Enroll in the Postgraduate Certificate in Clinical Toxicology in Emergency Departments at TECH Global University and take your career to the next level - your specialization starts here!