
Thanks to this 100% online Advanced master’s degree, you will acquire the necessary tools to adequately evaluate the nutritional status of your patients, design personalized dietary plans and monitor their progress”


Clinical Nutrition is fundamental in medical practice, recognizing its ability to positively influence the health and well-being of patients By integrating knowledge about the relationship between food and health, medical professionals can design personalized interventions that address specific medical conditions, promoting recovery, preventing disease and improving quality of life. 

In this context, TECH has developed this comprehensive Advanced master’s degree, which will cover a variety of topics fundamental to understanding the interaction between food and human health Therefore, physicians will analyze in depth the principles of Nutrition, from the biochemistry of nutrients to specific dietary recommendations for various medical conditions In addition, patients' nutritional status will be assessed and personalized dietary plans will be designed  In fact, graduates will use nutritional assessment tools and methods, and interpret the results to determine individual dietary needs This includes the application of specific nutritional strategies to address medical conditions such as Diabetes, Obesity, Cardiovascular Disease and many others.

Finally, professionals will be prepared to work collaboratively within multidisciplinary health care teams  In this way, effective communication with other healthcare professionals will be emphasized, ensuring a comprehensive approach to patient treatment In addition, students will be equipped with the skills necessary to provide quality care and lead health promotion and disease prevention initiatives. 

This Advanced master’s degree, available online, will offer students the flexibility to participate from anywhere and at their convenience It will also rely on the innovative Relearning methodology, which is pioneering in TECH and provides a unique learning experience In addition, students will have access to exclusive and complementary Masterclasses, given by experts in Clinical Nutrition, Genomic Nutrition and Intestinal Microbiota.

You will enjoy an exclusive set of additional Masterclasses, led by internationally renowned experts Access this specialized content to enrich your professional practice now!” 

This Advanced master’s degree in Clinical Nutrition for Medicine contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market The most important features include:

  • The development of case studies presented by experts in Clinical Nutrition in Medicine
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where the self-assessment process can be carried out to improve learning
  • Special emphasis on innovative methodologies in Clinical Nutrition in Medicine
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments  
  • The availability of access to the contents from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

You will implement Clinical Nutrition as a fundamental pillar in the comprehensive care of your patients, promoting healthy eating habits and preventive medical care” 

It includes in its teaching staff professionals belonging to the field of Clinical Nutrition, who pour into this program the experience of their work, as well as recognized specialists from reference societies and prestigious universities. 

Its multimedia content, elaborated with the latest educational technology, will enable contextual learning, ie, a simulated environment that will provide an immersive study programmed to specialize in real-life situations.

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the student must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise throughout the program For this purpose, the professional will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts.

You will develop leadership and management skills, necessary to lead multidisciplinary teams and promote the integration of Nutrition in medical practice"


Bet on TECH! You will delve into how different nutrients impact physiology and organ function, as well as the scientific basis behind therapeutic diets"


The objectives of this Advanced master’s degree will include the acquisition of advanced knowledge on the physiology and metabolism of nutrients, the ability to assess the nutritional status of patients and to design therapeutic feeding plans, tailored to their individual needs In addition, physicians will update their clinical and communication skills, to work as a team with other health professionals and provide a comprehensive approach in the treatment and prevention of diseases through Nutrition. 


The main objective of this Advanced master’s degree will be to keep you up to date to improve patients' quality of life and contribute to the advancement of medical practice through Clinical Nutrition”

General Objectives

  • Update the nutritionist's knowledge on new trends in human nutrition, in both health and pathological situations 
  • Promote work strategies based on the practical knowledge of the new trends in nutrition and their application to child and adult pathologies
  • Acquire theoretical knowledge of human population genetics
  • Know Genomic and Precision Nutrition in order to be able to apply them in clinical practice, including their trajectory and the key studies that contributed to their development
  • Know in which pathologies and conditions of human life Genomic and Precision Nutrition can be applied
  • Evaluate the individual response to Nutrition and dietary patterns in order to promote health and disease prevention
  • Analyze new concepts and future trends in the field of Genomic and Precision Nutrition
  • Tailor personalized dietary and lifestyle habits according to genetic polymorphisms
  • Offer a complete and wide vision of the current situation in the area of Human Microbiota, in its broadest sense
  • Argue how the Microbiota and its interaction with many non-digestive pathologies of an autoimmune nature, or its relationship with the deregulation of the immune system and the prevention of diseases, are currently being given a privileged position
  • Promote work strategies based on the integral approach of the patient as a reference model, not only focusing on the symptomatology of the specific pathology, but also on its interaction with the microbiota and how it may be influencing it
  • Incorporate advanced and innovative knowledge in food and nutrition into clinical practice
  • Revise the fundamental aspects of healthy eating, with a current approach aimed at risk prevention
  • Delve into the correct management of daily nutrition
  • Examine the most common syndromes and symptoms related to nutritional problems

Specific Objectives

Module 1. New Developments in Food 

  • Review the basics of a balanced diet in the different stages of the life cycle, as well as in exercise
  • Assess and calculate nutritional requirements in health and disease at any stage of the life cycle
  • Review the new dietary guidelines, nutritional objectives, and recommended dietary allowances (RDA)
  • Manage food databases and composition tables
  • Acquire skills in reading and understanding new food labeling methods
  • Update the drug-nutrient interaction and its implication in the patient’s treatment
  • Incorporate the possibilities of phytotherapy as an adjuvant treatment in clinical practice

Module 2. Current Trends in Nutrition 

  • Review the new dietary guidelines, nutritional objectives, and recommended dietary allowances (RDA)
  • Explain the proper reading of new food labeling
  • Incorporate phytotherapy as a coadjuvant treatment in clinical practice
  • Identify and classify foods, food products, and food ingredients
  • Review current trends in premature infant nutrition
  • Explain the latest evidence on food allergies and intolerances

Module 3. Nutrigenetics I 

  • Acquire the latest knowledge on population genetics
  • Understand how the basis for the interaction between genetic variability and diet is generated
  • Introducing the advanced Circadian Control System and Central and Peripheral Clocks

Module 4. Nutrigenetics II Key Polymorphisms 

  • Present the key polymorphisms to date related to human Nutrition and metabolic processes that the health practitioner needs to learn
  • Analyze the key studies that support these polymorphisms and the debate, where it exists

Module 5. Nutrigenetics III 

  • Present the key polymorphisms to date related to complex diseases that depend on nutritional habits
  • Introduce new advanced concepts in nutrigenetic research

Module 6. Nutrigenomics 

  • Deepen in the differences between nutrigenetics and nutrigenomics
  • Present and analyze genes related to metabolic processes affected by Nutrition 

Module 7. Metabolomics-Proteomics 

  • Know the principles of metabolomics and proteomics
  • Delve into the Microbiota as a tool for preventive and personalized nutrition

Module 8. Laboratory Techniques for Nutritional Genomics 

  • Understand the techniques used in Nutritional Genomics studies
  • Acquire the latest advances in omics and bioinformatics techniques

Module 9. Epigenetics 

  • Explore the fundamentals of the relationship between epigenetics and nutrition
  • Present and analyze how MicroRNAs are involved in Nutritional Genomics

Module 10. The Relationship between Intolerances/Allergies and the Microbiota 

  • Know how a negative modulation in the microbiota can favor the appearance of food intolerances and allergies
  • Delve into Microbiota changes in patients with food exclusion diets such as gluten

Module 11. Nutrition in Overweight, Obesity and their Comorbidities 

  • Adequately assess the clinical case, interpretation of causes of overweight and obesity, comorbidities and risks
  • Calculate and individually prescribe the different models of hypocaloric diets
  • Plan consultations and multidisciplinary team in obesity

Module 12. Nutrition in Digestive Tract Pathologies 

  • Know the different oral alterations, as well as the Esophagogastric Alterations
  • Address nutrition in post-surgical syndromes
  • Study common food allergies and intolerances with gastrointestinal impact

Module 13. Nutrition in Endocrine-Metabolic Diseases 

  • Explore the etiology, nutrigenetics and nutrigenomics of obesity
  • Delve into the advances in Diabetes Mellitus and hypertension
  • Know the most effective endoscopic and surgical treatments for endocrine-metabolic diseases
  • Update knowledge on dieting and obesity

Module 14. Nutrition in Nervous System Pathologies 

  • Update on the scientific evidence of the relationship between nervous system pathologies and nutrition
  • Assess the patient's needs and difficulties, in addition to an adequate assessment of the nutritional status
  • Learn the main psychological aspects of patients with alterations of behavioral disorders

Module 15. Nutrition in Kidney Diseases 

  • Explore glomerular conditions and tubulopathies
  • In-depth study of chronic renal insufficiencies
  • Investigate the underlying pathophysiological mechanisms of Kidney Diseases
  • Develop and implement strategies for prevention and early management of Chronic Renal Failure

Module 16. Nutrition in Special Situations 

  • Explore nutrition in the context of Metabolic Stress
  • Broaden knowledge regarding the treatment of oncology patients
  • Know the role of Nutrition in immune-mediated diseases

Module 17. Clinical Nutrition and Hospital Dietetics 

  • Delve into the management of hospital Nutrition units
  • Distinguish the different basal and therapeutic diets used in hospital settings
  • Study the interaction between drugs and nutrients

Module 18. Artificial Nutrition in Adults 

  • Distinguish enteral and parenteral nutrition with their main characteristics
  • Know the advances in home artificial Nutrition
  • Improve the nutritional status and quality of life of patients through different types of Nutrition
  • Establish updated protocols for the prescription and follow-up of Nutrition
  • Optimize nutritional care for patients

Module 19. Physiology of Infant Nutrition 

  • Update the drug-nutrient interaction and its implication in the patient’s treatment
  • Identify the relationship between nutrition and immune status
  • Define the fundamentals of nutrigenetics and nutrigenomics
  • Review the psychological bases and biopsychosocial factors that affect human eating behavior
  • Explain the relationship of physiology and Nutrition in the different stages of infant development
  • Describe the main malabsorption syndromes and how they are treated

Module 20. Artificial Nutrition in Pediatrics 

  • Perform nutritional assessment in Pediatrics
  • Reflect on the role of human milk as a functional food
  • Describe new formulas used in infant feeding
  • Incorporate the different techniques and products of basic and advanced nutritional support related to pediatric nutrition into clinical practice
  • Evaluate and monitor the supervision of children on nutritional support

Module 21. Infant Malnutrition

  • Predict patients’ nutritional risk
  • Early detection and assessment of quantitative and qualitative deviations from the nutritional balance due to excess or deficiency
  • Identify children at nutritional risk who are eligible for specific support
  • Identify children suffering from malnutrition
  • Describe the correct nutritional support for a malnourished child
  • Classify the different types of malnutrition and their impact on the developing organism
  • Identify the appropriate nutritional therapy for pediatric patients with chronic pulmonary pathology

 Module 22. Childhood Nutrition and Pathologies 

  • Analyze the implications of nutrition in the growth process and in the prevention and treatment of different childhood pathologies
  • Explain current trends in the nutrition of infants with delayed intrauterine growth and the implication of nutrition on metabolic diseases
  • Reflect on the etiology, repercussions, and treatment of childhood obesity
  • Explain the nutritional treatment of the most common deficiency diseases in our environment
  • Define the role that fats play in children’s diets
  • Assess the psychological and physiological aspects involved in eating disorders in young children
  • Review the pathogenesis and update the treatment of inborn errors of metabolism
  • Identify exclusion foods in the diets of children with celiac disease
  • Identify dietary factors related to bone metabolism
  • Explain managing children with gastroesophageal reflux
  • Describe the main malabsorption syndromes and how they are treated

Module 23. Childhood Nutrition and Pathologies 

  • Identify the repercussion that a pregnant and lactating mother's nutrition has on the intrauterine growth and evolution of new-borns and infants
  • Describe the nutritional requirements in the different periods of childhood
  • Calculate child and adolescent athlete dietary needs and risks
  • Reflect on new trends and models in infant feeding
  • Reflect and identify risk factors in school and adolescent nutrition
  • Identify eating behavior disorders
  • Explain the treatment of dyslipidemias and the role that nutrition plays in their genesis and treatment
  • Manage diabetic children's diet
  • Assess the nutritional support of children with cancer in different situations
  • Reflect on the role of nutrition in autistic children
  • Review the rationale for dietary support of acute diarrhea
  • Describe the management of nutritional support in inflammatory diseases
  • Reflect on the relationship between constipation and infant nutrition
  • Define the dietary management of children with nephropathy
  • Review the dietary management of oral cavity pathologies in children
  • Explain the implications that nutrition can have in the treatment of liver diseases

Module 24. Sports Nutrition 

  • Evaluate and prescribe physical activity as a factor involved in nutritional status
  • Study the latest developments in exercise physiology
  • Emphasize the importance of good hydration in all sports disciplines
  • Treat common eating disorders in sports such as vigorexia, orthorexia or anorexia

Module 25. Assessment of Nutritional Status and Calculation of Personalized Nutritional Plans, Recommendations and Monitoring 

  • Adequate assessment of the clinical case, interpretation of causes and risks
  • Personalized calculation of nutritional plans taking into account all individual variables
  • Draw up nutritional plans and models in order to provide comprehensive and practical recommendations

Module 26. Nutritional Consultation 

  • Review the psychological bases and biopsychosocial factors that affect human eating behavior
  • Acquire teamwork skills as a unit in which professionals and other personnel related to the diagnostic evaluation and treatment of Dietetics and Nutrition are structured in a uni or
  • multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary way
  • Know the basics of marketing, market research and clients that a nutritional practice should manage
  • Delve into the techniques of interviewing and dietary counseling for the patient

Module 27. Probiotics, Prebiotics, Microbiota, and Health 

  • Delve into probiotics, their definition, history, mechanisms of action
  • Delve into Prebiotics, their definition, types of Prebiotics and mechanisms of action
  • Know the clinical applications of probiotics and prebiotics in Gastroenterology
  • Know the Clinical Applications of Endocrinology and Cardiovascular Disorders
  • Understand the clinical applications of probiotics and prebiotics in Urology
  • Understand the clinical applications of probiotics and prebiotics in Gynecology
  • Know the clinical applications of Probiotics and prebiotics in Immunology: Autoimmunity, Pneumology, Dermatology, Vaccines
  • Know the clinical applications of probiotics and prebiotics in nutritional diseases
  • Know the clinical applications of probiotics and prebiotics in neurological diseases, mental health, and elderly
  • Understand the clinical applications of Probiotics and Prebiotics in critically ill cancer patients
  • Understand the use of dairy products as a natural source of Probiotics and Prebiotics 
  • Delve into the safety and legislation in the use of Probiotics

Module 28. Nutrition for Health, Equity and Sustainability 

  • Analyze the scientific evidence regarding the impact of food on the environment
  • Learn about current legislation in the food industry and consumption
  • Assess the health effects derived from the current food model and the consumption of ultra-processed food

The multidisciplinary approach of this Advanced master’s degree will allow you to be updated in the use of Nutrition as a tool in the treatment and prevention of diseases and pathologies”

Advanced Master's Degree in Clinical Nutrition for Medicine

One of the indispensable factors in maintaining a good state of health is nutrition. In fact, nutrition has a significant influence on the adherence to treatments in patients suffering from any type of pathology, from the evolution of their condition to rehabilitation times and the probability of readmission. For this reason, nutritional management is an area that requires highly qualified professionals, especially in the latest advances it has developed. In TECH Global University we developed the Advanced Master's Degree in Clinical Nutrition for Medicine, a program with which you can develop your skills to the maximum in the field with the most complete and up-to-date content and the support of experts in the area that will guide your process.

Become a specialist in Clinical Nutrition for Medicine

Through our program, presented in a 100% online format, you will be able to access the most relevant topics and procedures in the field of clinical nutrition in order to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to implement them in your daily practice. In this way, you will review the basics of a balanced diet in order to assess the condition of your patients, and you will calculate the nutritional requirements according to their particular situation. You will implement the trends and methods of intervention in the management of simple and complex cases, such as those requiring nutritional support. You will learn about dietary design and planning according to the different pathologies, and you will consider food safety as a principle of all professional performance. Get your qualification at the largest School of Medicine and continue advancing in your professional career.