
With this professional master’s degree, you will be able to obtain the latest content on social network management so that you can become a true community manager" 


When social networks were born in the early 1990s, a few theorists and experts in digital technologies were able to glimpse the great potential for communication and interaction that they had. This development has led to the constant emergence of new virtual environments in which to exchange content and conversations, create spaces for debate and even generate public opinion, which has brought about substantial changes in socioeconomic issues.  

Few are strangers to networks such as YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn or Facebook. Each one occupies a space on the Internet with its target audience, content and specific characteristics, where the figure of community management has become key for the most appropriate management of public and private profiles. An administration that requires in-depth knowledge of digital environments, the essential tools for content generation and the keys to be able to create a positive and relevant image of the professional or business profile you manage. 
In a growing market, TECH offers the professional master’s degree in Social Networks and Community Management, which will allow the journalists or communicators to acquire a learning process that will boost their professional career in this field. To do so, you will be provided with innovative multimedia content that will introduce you to monitoring tools, active listening, programming and the main market research techniques.  

Additionally, students will find in this program the necessary practical material to be able to approach in a much more direct and clear way the daily reality of the community manager.  

A 100% online degree that provides students with an excellent opportunity to advance in their work environment through a convenient and flexible university education. All you need is a computer, tablet or cell phone to access the entire syllabus of the university program. This will also allow you to distribute the teaching load according to your needs, making it compatible with your professional and/or personal responsibilities.  

Stand out in a competitive sector thanks to the up-to-date knowledge you will obtain in this program. Take the step and enroll now"   

This professional master’s degree in Social Networks and Community Management contains the most complete and up-to-date program on the market. The most important features include:  

  • The development of practical cases presented by experts in Social Networks
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide technical and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where self-assessment can be used to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies  
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an internet connection   

From and when you wish, you can access the entire syllabus that makes up this university degree. Enroll now”   

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from the sector who contribute their work experience to this training program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.  

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive training programmed to train in real situations.  

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise throughout the program. For this purpose, the student will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts.   

Delve into public opinion, public communication and media influence models with a 100% online program that adapts to you” 


Design a strategy, create quality content, schedule and monitor. Follow all the steps for professional success with this university education” 


The main objective of this program is to provide students with the necessary knowledge to develop successfully in a sector that has become more relevant in all companies, as it allows to bring the public closer to the company, improve its image and reputation. However, this close communication can have negative effects, so it is necessary for community managers to have the appropriate knowledge and skills, which can be obtained through the syllabus developed by the specialized teaching team that teaches this degree. 


Click and register now for a professional master’s degree that will help you progress in your career as a community manager" 

General Objectives

  • Acquire the necessary knowledge to communicate adequately in all areas, channels and networks, using the appropriate languages for each communication style
  • Master the main tools, techniques and communication strategies for social network management
  • Be able to create quality content adapted to each social network

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Fundamentals of Communication in the Digital Environment 

  • Use information and communication technologies and techniques in the different combined and interactive media or media systems
  • Take advantage of computer systems and resources in the field of advertising and public relations, as well as their interactive applications
  • Be able to understand the importance of the Internet in the search and management of information in the field of advertising and public relations, in its application to specific cases
  • Allow the student to have the ability to analyze, process, interpret, elaborate and structure digital communication
  • Enable the student to analyze and optimize the use of new communication channels and strategies of digital media by the advertising and public relations professional 

Module 2. Integrated Marketing Communication 

  • Be able to understand the importance of the Internet in the search and management of information in the field of advertising and public relations, in its application to specific cases
  • Have the ability to analyze, process, interpret, elaborate and structure digital communication
  • Enable the student to analyze and optimize the use of new communication channels and strategies of digital media by the advertising and public relations professional
  • Understand the importance of social networks and e-mobile as a support and commercial revolution and use these tools to achieve advertising and public relations objectives

Module 3. Creativity in Communication 

  • Understand the structure and transformation of today's society in relation to the elements, forms and processes of advertising and public relations communication
  • Encourage creativity and persuasion through different formats and communication media
  • Gain knowledge about the elements, forms and processes of advertising languages and other forms of persuasive communication
  • Know the significant and appropriate tools for the study of advertising and public relations
  • Gain knowledge about the fields of advertising and public relations and their processes and organizational structures
  • Identify the professional profiles of advertising and public relations professionals, as well as the main skills required in the performance of their professional practice
  • Identify the fundamental principles of human creativity and its application in the manifestations of persuasive communication

Module 4. Strategic Marketing   

  • Recognize the sociological, economic and legal aspects that influence advertising communication and the development of public relations
  • Be able to deal with the informative treatment of scientific advances in an understandable and effective way
  • Be able to relate advertising and public relations coherently with other social and human sciences
  • Analyze the main characteristics and processes of strategic and applied political communication
  • Manage existing tools to contribute to the successful positioning of the company in the online and offline environment 

Module 5. Research in Digital Media 

  • Understand the importance of the Internet in the search and management of information in the field of advertising and public relations, in its application to specific cases
  • Have the ability to analyze, process, interpret, elaborate and structure digital communication
  • Be able to analyze and optimize the use of new communication channels and strategies of digital media by the advertising and public relations professional
  • Know how to apply advertising communication research techniques
  • Organize the research and communication work in digital media
  • Master the strategies and tools for Internet research, knowing the different formats, supports and data storage sites in the service of advertising and public relations
  • Know and understand the importance of the Internet in the research work in the field of advertising and public relations

Module 6. Creative Advertising I: Copywriting 

  • Know how to use information and communication technologies and techniques in the different combined and interactive media or media systems
  • Recognize the elements, forms and processes of advertising languages and other forms of persuasive communication
  • Recognize significant and appropriate tools for the study of advertising and public relations
  • Know how to analyze the elements that make up the advertising message: graphic elements, audiovisual elements and musical and sound elements
  • Assume the role of a creative editor within an advertising agency or advertising department in a company or institution
  • Have the ability to carry out the role of a creative editor within an advertising agency or advertising department in a company or institution

Module 7. Creative Advertising II: Art Management 

  • Understand the nature and communicative potential of images and graphic design
  • Know the creative advertising process
  • Prepare advertising pieces in due time and form according to the specifications of the different advertising and public relations genres
  • Have the ability to perform the professional role of art director within an advertising agency or an advertising department of a company or institution
  • Participate in the creation of audiovisual advertising
  • Encourage creativity and persuasion through different formats and communication media 

Module 8. The Fundamentals of Graphic Design 

  • Know how to analyze the elements that make up the advertising message: graphic elements, audiovisual elements and musical and sound elements
  • Understand the nature and communicative potential of images and graphic design
  • Know how to use information and communication technologies and techniques in the different combined and interactive media or media systems
  • Encourage creativity and persuasion through different formats and communication media
  • Gain knowledge about the elements, forms and processes of advertising languages and other forms of persuasive communication 

Module 9. Corporate Identity 

  • Enable the student to relate advertising and public relations in a coherent manner with other social and human sciences
  • Enable the student to foster creativity and persuasion through different formats and media
  • Train the student to understand the main debates and media events arising from the current situation and how they are generated and disseminated according to communication strategies and interests of all kinds
  • Prepare the student to know the significant and appropriate tools for the study of advertising and public relations
  • Enable the student to act as an advertising and public relations professional in accordance with the legal and ethical standards of the profession
  • Understand the communication department within businesses and institutions
  • Be able to apply the necessary techniques for the management of a communication department within companies and institutions
  • Know how to organize events in the private and public sphere, following protocol guidelines

Module 10. Public Opinion 

  • Be able to understand the basic concepts and theoretical models of human communication, its elements and characteristics, as well as the role it plays in the psychological processes of advertising and public relations
  • Know how to reflect with theoretical soundness and empirical rigor on the processes by which the advertising and public relations professional helps build and express public opinion
  • Identify multiple expressions, phenomena and processes of public opinion
  • Relate advertising and public relations in a coherent manner with other social and human sciences 

nstragram, YouTube, Twitter... it doesn't matter which profile or channel you use. This program provides you with the essential information to succeed in them. Enroll now” 

Professional Master's Degree in Social Networks and Community Management


The great impact of social networks in modern business communication processes makes this specialty one of the areas of greatest employability today, with an increasing interest of both public and private entities in hiring professional experts in the field. Understanding the need for academic updating that accompanies the growth of occupational opportunities in the sector, in TECH Global University we have designed our program of Professional Master's Degree in Social Networks and Community Management focused on the training of the professional. In this postgraduate program, special attention will be paid to the knowledge of the main elements and actions to be considered in the development of a strategic plan for social media and social networks. In the same way, the following topics will be modernized: the possibilities present in the use of the hootsuite platform for the monitoring and programming of contents; and the understanding of the important role of creativity as a differential element in the generation of social media contents.

Study an online Professional Master's Degree in Social Networks and Community Management


The correct communicative management of the various social networks requires the approach, management and control of professionals with sufficient knowledge to adapt messages and content to the characteristics of each digital platform. In our Professional Master's Degree, you will acquire the necessary skills, abilities, knowledge and tools for an adequate development in the area of social networks. Likewise, this postgraduate course will update the professional's knowledge regarding the following aspects: the elements to be taken into account in the planning and structure of a content plan; and the knowledge of the different methods for the promotion of content on social networks such as Facebook and Twitter.