
Join this postgraduate diploma in TECH and acquire 100% online comprehensive skills to develop new journalistic genres in your daily practice”


The technological advances brought about by the Internet have completely revolutionized communication. Faced with this situation, information companies have developed digital platforms to facilitate access to culture to anyone. Aware of the benefits that these generate, more and more institutions are demanding the incorporation of experts in Cyberculture. 

These specialists need to update their knowledge frequently, given the constant evolution experienced by both web platforms and social networks.

To help them with this task, TECH launches this disruptive program to improve the skills of professionals around the generation of high quality digital content. Under the supervision of a distinguished teaching staff, students will delve into proactivity in the social society. In this sense, the syllabus will delve into aspects such as collective intelligence and digital civilization. In this way, students will take advantage of the resources provided by social networks to promote interactivity among users. In addition, this academic itinerary has a complete teaching staff made up of the best specialists in Cultural Communication, Cyberculture and Audiovisual Media. 

Among them is a specialist of international stature who, as Guest Director, is in charge of an exhaustive and exclusive group of Masterclasses.

It should be noted that the program is based on the Relearning method. TECH is a pioneer of this teaching system, based on the repetition of key contents for a natural and gradual learning. Students will learn with less effort and more performance, allowing them to become more involved in their professional specializations. In addition, students can access the Virtual Campus from any device with Internet access (cell phone, tablet, computer, etc.) and download the teaching materials to view them whenever they wish. In short, students will broaden their professional horizons thanks to a complete program that will catapult them to success.

Delve into new communication strategies in the era of the networked society through Masterclasses by a distinguished International Guest Director"

This postgraduate diploma in Cultural Journalism, Cyberculture and Audiovisual Media contains the most complete and up-to-date program on the market. The most important features include:

  • The development of practical cases presented by experts in Cultural Communication
  • The graphic, schematic and practical contents with which it is conceived provide cutting- Therapeutics and practical information on those disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where the self-assessment process can be carried out to improve learning 
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies  
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments 
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

Do you want to master all the communication trends intrinsic to Cyberculture? Get it in 6 months through TECH"

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from the field who contribute their work experience to this educational program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive education programmed to learn in real situations.

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the academic year For this purpose, the students will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts. 

You will thoroughly analyze the radio script and handle the most successful editing tools thanks to this complete program"


A flexible university program with a convenient 100% online format, to adapt to the agendas of professionals with different obligations or projects"


This program will provide students with a clear perception of the relationship between journalism and culture. In this way, graduates will be able to make the most of the different media and genres in which the work of cultural journalists is developed. Likewise, this Postgraduate Diploma will provide journalists with an absolute mastery of the most avant-garde resources to improve their communication skills.


You will build audiovisual stories adjusted to the latest creative trends and the aesthetics of Postmodernity through the innovative contents of this program"

General Objectives

  • Broaden the knowledge and information to the student with a higher level of insight in the field of journalism, although, more specifically within the field of cultural journalism
  • Learn to perform informative and dissemination functions in a specialized and professional environment, with emphasis on information within the different genres of cultural journalism

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Cultural Information on the Radio

  • Understand how cultural information works in the radio media
  • Learn and be able to differentiate between the different cultural journalistic genres used in radio
  • Learn how to create cultural content from scratch for the radio media 
  • Know the advantages of this media in order to bring information to more listeners
  • Design and produce campaigns or communicative products related to the field of culture 
  • Know and demonstrate standard procedures for promoting and disseminating cultural events and facts 
  • Communicate with appropriate language in professional media
  • Know and use digital technologies to innovate in the production and dissemination of culture through digital technology 

Module 2. Audiovisual Culture 

  • Acquire theoretical and practical tools to know how to read the cultural aspect in audiovisual texts
  • Use the cultural phenomenon beyond what is universal and extrapolate it to symbolism in order to achieve a better representation of reality by the spectator
  • Know, identify, describe and understand the situation of cultural reality in contemporary societies, both in its creative and industrial dimensions
  • Know, understand and analyze artistic languages and cultural codes in order to be able to interpret, criticize and rigorously evaluate artistic and cultural manifestations in different media and languages 
  • Know how to read and analyze images and audiovisual texts
  • Know the forms of universal language 
  • Understand the different discourses within the audiovisual language for its later evaluation
  • Develop the social imaginary to carry out original cultural and audiovisual original audiovisuals

Module 3. Television Culture 

  • Know and understand the audiovisual language
  • Analyze the specific variants of the television genre
  • Know, analyze and develop the most technical concepts of the audiovisual sector
  • Know how to understand and analyze different practical examples of programs that these professionals have had to face in real life
  • Knowledge, capacity and ability to be able to inform and communicate in the language of each media in a professional and rigorous manner about cultural facts
  • Design and produce campaigns or communicative products related to the field of cultural specialization
  • Know and use digital technologies to innovate in the production and dissemination of culture through digital technologies

Module 4. Cyberculture and Digital Journalism of Cultural Contents 

  • Have knowledge of the development of cultures and cybercultures as essential contexts for understanding the rules that prevail in cyberspace
  • Understand the transformation of traditional media and the emergence of new media
  • Reflect critically on cultural phenomena and new communicative contexts
  • Master journalistic writing and to be informed daily on current cultural events
  • Know, identify, describe and understand the situation of cultural reality in contemporary societies, both in its creative and industrial dimensions
  • Knowledge and application of technologies and systems used to process, elaborate and transmit information, as well as to express and disseminate informative and/or cultural creations

You will analyze real cases, extracted from concrete experiences in the media, which will offer you a theoretical-practical perspective to solve various problems in your daily practice"

Postgraduate Diploma in Cultural Journalism, Cyberculture and Audiovisual Media

In an increasingly connected and digitalized world, journalism has evolved significantly. Technology and online platforms have transformed the way we consume and produce information. For this reason, at TECH Global University we present our Postgraduate Diploma in Cultural Journalism, Cyberculture and Audiovisual Media, designed to provide you with the necessary skills to excel in this new era of journalism. Our online classes allow you to access quality education from anywhere and at any time. Through interactive platforms, you can participate in real-time discussions, connect with journalism professionals and explore the latest trends in cyberculture and audiovisual media. In this specialized postgraduate program, you will immerse yourself in the world of cultural journalism and learn how to analyze, research and produce relevant content in digital media. You will explore the relationship between culture and society, and how it is reflected in contemporary media. You will also acquire skills in the production of audiovisual content, learning to use modern tools and techniques to create impactful journalistic pieces.

Broaden your horizons in digital journalism from your own home

Our teaching team is made up of outstanding journalism and communication professionals who will guide you on your path to success. Through hands-on projects and case studies, you'll develop the skills to cover cultural events, research trends and create multimedia content that engages digital audiences. Upon completion of our advanced postgraduate program, you will be prepared to face the challenges of the digital age with confidence and creativity. You will contribute to the dissemination of culture and the arts, and become a versatile journalist adapted to today's demands. Take advantage of the opportunity to broaden your horizons in cultural journalism and audiovisual media. Join TECH Global University and acquire the skills you need to excel in the digital age. Your journalistic voice deserves to be heard in today's cyberculture!