
With TECH you will master the best creative strategies to connect with consumers effectively"


One of the main challenges of advertising is to achieve creativity in a society where everything seems to be invented. Hence the need for organizations to implement strategies aimed at attracting the interest of users and differentiating themselves from the competition. With all this in mind, specialists in this sector have the mission to innovate through techniques capable of persuading and surprising consumers.

Aware of this reality, TECH has implemented an innovative study program that serves as a guide for students to develop successful advertising campaigns. To this end, the most advanced techniques in areas such as advertising and marketing are studied. It also delves into the importance of knowing the target and analyzing the data of the target audience to detect their needs or understand how they act. In addition, guidelines are given for the creation of impactful content based on both emotional narratives and eye-catching visual content. It also delves into the steps to develop an appropriate personal brand in an ever-changing digital environment.

On the other hand, the academic resources of this program have been prepared by a group of teachers with an extensive professional background. Thanks to their experience, they bring the most up-to-date knowledge and the latest advertising techniques to the syllabus.

In addition, the university degree has a 100% online methodology, through which graduates will complete the program comfortably, since for the analysis of its contents they will only need a device with Internet access. At the same time, the curriculum is supported by the innovative Relearning teaching system: a method that provides the mastery of complex concepts through continuous and progressive reiteration of them. At the same time, it introduces real situations in the learning process so that competencies are acquired in a natural way, without the extra effort of memorizing.

This postgraduate diploma will help you harness your creativity and build innovative ads to stand out in the advertising industry"

This postgraduate diploma in Advertisement and Advertising Communication contains the most complete and up-to-date program on the market. The most important features include:

  • The development of practical cases presented by experts in Advertisement and Advertising Communication
  • The graphic, schematic and eminently practical contents with which it is conceived provide cutting- Therapeutics and practical information on those disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where self-assessment can be used to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

Through this program, you will delve into how to influence consumer wants and needs”

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from sector who contribute their work experience to this educational program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.

Its multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide an immersive education programmed to learn in real situations.

The design of this program focuses on Problem-Based Learning, by means of which the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that are presented throughout the academic course. For this purpose, the student will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned experts.

With TECH you will delve into free advertising and make brands become news"


Thanks to this training you will be up to date with new trends in creative research"


Through this postgraduate diploma, students will be able to implement creative strategies in advertisements. Thus, graduates will innovate in the market to capture greater attention from users and will be able to differentiate themselves from the competition. To achieve this objective, the academic itinerary is supported by a teaching staff specialized in the advertising sector. In this way, students will be qualified to design avant-garde communication plans with which to stand out in a sector that offers numerous job opportunities.


Thanks to TECH you will implement creative techniques in advertisements that will attract and retain consumers"

General Objectives

  • Know in depth the new projects of value for commercial communication
  • Develop creative communication skills to improve the relationship between the brand and the consumer
  • Show the vision of creativity as a collaborative agent in the development of communication
  • Train the professional, by means of the necessary skills, to improve problem solving and develop the essential professional competences
  • Know in depth the relationship between the creative and the rest of the agents that participate in the gestation of the commercial communication
  • Show and assess the new trends that professionals in this sector will encounter now and in the future

Specific Objectives

Module 1. How to create ads

  • Explain how creative thinking in advertising works and its strategic importance
    Analyze in detail the target audience and the use of insight in advertising
  • Understand how the advertising message is structured
  • Explore different spaces for creativity in communication
  • Highlight the importance of art direction and its implementation while respecting the brand style
  • To glimpse the future of creative research

Module 2. How to create a brand

  • Analyze psychological advertising models
  • Explore creative currents in advertising
  • Explaining the importance and usefulness of branding
  • Addressing key concepts in brand building
  • Present the logical steps in brand building
  • Show the differences between a claim and a slogan
  • Analyze creativity in media planning
  • Discover the current context of brands

Module 3. Personal branding and political campaigns

  • Study the development of personal branding and strategies applied to political campaigns
  • Explore the importance of personal branding and how to promote it creatively
  • Delve into personal brand development strategies
  • Address creative networking strategies
  • Learn how to plan political campaigns
  • Learn about the candidate's capabilities

You will unleash your creativity and lead successful campaigns for the most prestigious companies through TECH"

Postgraduate Diploma in Advertisement and Advertising Communication

Are you passionate about creating impactful ads that grab the attention of the public? If so, you should study at TECH Global University 100% online. The Postgraduate Diploma in Advertisement and Advertising Communication academic program is an excellent choice for those who wish to acquire technical and practical knowledge in the field of advertising and communication. This study offers a unique combination of theory and practice at a distance, providing students with the necessary tools to create effective advertisements and communicate effectively with target audiences.

Study at the best digital university in the world

During the program, you will learn about the fundamental principles of advertising and communication, including the study of consumer behavior, market research and communication strategy. You will also have the opportunity to become familiar with different forms of advertising, such as print advertising, online advertising and television advertising, and you will learn how to adapt your messages and communication strategies to different media and platforms. One of the highlights of this program is its focus on advertising creativity. You will have the opportunity to develop your creative skills and learn techniques to generate innovative and effective ideas for your ads. You will also explore how to write persuasive advertising messages and how to use visual and audiovisual elements to capture the audience's attention. At the end of the program, you will be prepared to enter the world of advertising and advertising communication, whether working in advertising agencies, marketing departments of companies or even as a freelancer. TECH Global University is ranked by Forbes as the best digital university in the world, thanks to the more than ten thousand university programs in ten different languages that we have available, that's why you should study with us. Not only will you acquire technical knowledge and practical skills, but you will also have the opportunity to develop your creativity and work on real projects. Don't miss the opportunity to prepare yourself in this exciting field!