
With this Professional master’s degree, 100% online, you will master Salesforce and get advanced skills to develop fully customized applications" 


Declarative Programming in Salesforce is a fundamental process for IT, as it makes it easy for users to configure and customize the platform using visual, rules-based tools. In this way, administrators configure Salesforce based on business requirements without having to rely on developers to write custom code. This, in turn, enables teams to implement changes more quickly and reduces the costs associated with both developing and maintaining individualized solutions. In addition, it fosters greater autonomy and capacity on the part of users to adapt to the changing needs of organizations. 

In this scenario, TECH has created an innovative Professional master’s degree in Salesforce Programming.  Its main objective is to provide students with the best development practices in this platform, as well as the most sophisticated techniques to lead them to success in the field of programming. To this end, the academic path will delve into issues ranging from different log visibility models or multitenant architectures to community management for external consumers. The curriculum will also provide programmers with a set of declarative automation tools to facilitate rapid iteration and maintainability. In line with this, the didactic materials will analyze different measures to promote security in Apex, Visualforce and Aura, among others. 

On the other hand, the methodology of this university degree stands out for its 100% online mode, adapting to the needs of busy professionals who set the goal of advancing in their careers. In addition, it uses the Relearning system, based on the repetition of key concepts to fix knowledge and facilitate learning. In this way, the combination of flexibility and a robust pedagogical approach makes the program highly accessible. In addition, professionals will have access to a comprehensive virtual library full of multimedia resources in different formats to ensure dynamic learning.  

A degree that will keep you abreast of the latest trends and updates in the Salesforce platform to elevate your programming skills"

This Professional master’s degree in Salesforce Programming contains the most complete and up-to-date educational program on the market. The most important features include:

  • Development of practical cases presented by experts in Salesforce Programming
  • The graphic, schematic and practical contents of the program provide complete and practical information on those disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where the self-assessment process can be carried out to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

 TECH provides you with a wide variety of learning materials in a variety of formats including how-to videos, supplemental readings, and case studies”

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from the field who contribute their work experience to this educational program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.  

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive education programmed to learn in real situations.  

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the academic year For this purpose, the students will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts.

Using the revolutionary Relearning methodology, you will effectively integrate all concepts to successfully achieve the results you want"


You'll delve into the OmniStudio Framework to efficiently build, customize and manage business applications in Salesforce"


Upon completion of this Professional master’s degree, graduates will have gained in-depth knowledge of the Salesforce platform, including both its functionality and development capabilities. In turn, computer scientists will improve their programming skills to design highly customized applications using both Apex and Visualforce. In this regard, they will perform effective data management by executing SOQL and SOSL queries. All this will allow students to solve technical problems with immediacy, as well as to diagnose or solve bugs in the language codes.  In this way, they will be qualified to take advantage of the opportunities offered by the computer industry.  


You will incorporate agile software development methodologies into your daily practice and apply these approaches to optimally manage the creation of applications"

General Objectives

  • Lay the foundation for the most advanced concepts focused on programming on the Salesforce platform 
  • Establish the Salesforce ecosystem as a development platform and determine the relevant boundaries
  • Generate specialized knowledge of how the metadata-driven development model used on the Salesforce platform works 
  • Analyze how Salesforce works with data and multitenant architecture 
  • Develop Salesforce database fundamentals 
  • Analyze all the tools and advanced options for creating objects in Salesforce
  • Promote the correct use of APIs and data manipulation tools
  • Identify the key tools and resources for programming in Apex
  • Introduce testing tools to ensure the proper functioning of developed components
  • Promote the use of good development practices aligned with the standards defined by Salesforce

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Salesforce Programming

  • Compile the types of environments that can be used for development on the Salesforce platform
  • Analyze how the database architecture on which Salesforce is based works in order to make developments within the platform more flexible
  • Evaluate how the record visibility model and record sharing between application users works
  • Establish the existing permissions model in the platform to grant the necessary accesses to the users that will use the developments that we make in Salesforce

Module 2. Data Modeling in Salesforce

  • Analyze, in an advanced way, all the Salesforce tools for the creation of objects and attributes in Salesforce
  • Delve into the best practices for data manipulation in Salesforce
  • Examine, at a specialized level, best techniques in the use of SOQL and SOSL query languages
  • Solve performance issues when working with large volumes of data

Module 3. Declarative Programming in Salesforce

  • Generate specialized knowledge on formulas and custom functions on the platform
  • Propose page layout solutions using declarative tools
  • Develop and evaluate workflows taking into account limits and best practices
  • Generate automated configurations to track approval processes

Module 4. Programming in APEX for Salesforce 

  • Master Apex development tools
  • Evaluate the differences between Java and Apex, delving into the features that distinguish Apex
  • Analyze the possibilities of accessing data from Apex
  • Develop synchronous and asynchronous processes, understanding their limitations and applying best practices

Module 5. UI Programming in Salesforce 

  • Delve into the various user interface (UI) development frameworks available in Salesforce
  • Delve into event management and how custom components communicate within the application
  • Identify the various tools dedicated to ensuring the quality of the developed code
  • Explore the different frameworks used for unit and end-to-end test generation

Module 6. OmniStudio Framework 

  • Develop specialized knowledge on the components included in Omnistudio
  • Analyze and specify the use of each of Omnistudio's components
  • Establish good practices for the use of these components
  • Delve into the connection between the different Omnistudio components to develop the solution in the most effective and scalable way

Module 7. API and Integrations in Salesforce

  • Specify the type of configuration we need to run in Salesforce to enable inbound integrations and to narrow down your security policies
  • Demonstrate how each of the API types in the Salesforce platform works
  • Develop different practical cases of exporting and importing data in bulk using the Bulk API
  • Present the different types of existing events and identify the type of information that is sent in each of them. In turn, define how we can subscribe to the
  • Salesforce platform event bus to capture the events published in the channel we are interested in

Module 8. Advanced Programming in Salesforce

  • Evaluate different Trigger Frameworks with emphasis on the characteristics of each one and the benefits they provide
  • Design an error handling mechanism, in which any uncontrolled error that occurs during the execution of the application's custom code is recorded in detail
  • Examine the SOLID principles that enable the creation of efficient, robust and scalable software
  • Generate expertise in Apex Enterprise Patterns that define how to organize Apex code to ensure maintainability, scalability and robustness

Module 9. Salesforce Security 

  • Delve into the best practices of the most popular Salesforce development frameworks (Apex, Visualforce, Aura, LWC)
  • Analyze the inverted security pyramid on which the Salesforce security model is based
  • Compile all available measures to protect the solution against external attacks
  • Correctly monitor application access operations for both users and applications

Module 10. Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) in Salesforce 

  • Determine the recommended environment roadmap for developing, testing, and deploying changes to live environments
  • Evaluate the different source code repository branching strategies on which the team can rely to work in a collaborative environment
  • Examine the tools available in Salesforce DX for exchanging metadata and executing operations against Salesforce environments
  • Generate command-driven development environments based on the fundamentals of Scratch Orgs

You will implement in your projects security systems in Salesforce environments, including the configuration of profiles, to ensure regulatory compliance" 

Professional Master's Degree in Salesforce Programming

The Professional Master's Degree in Salesforce Programming created by TECH Global University is your passport to mastery of the leading platform in customer and sales management. With this 100% online program, you will become an expert in developing custom applications, automating business processes and creating unique experiences for your customers using Salesforce, the tool preferred by companies around the world to boost their growth and maximize their results. Here, you will learn about the platform's architecture, its core components and how it integrates with other technologies to deliver complete customer and sales management solutions. In addition, you will gain skills in developing custom applications in Salesforce. You will master the use of Apex, the programming language and Visualforce to create custom solutions that are tailored to the specific needs of your business and your customers.

Learn about Salesforce programming

With this online Professional Master's Degree, you will be prepared to lead development projects on the world's most powerful CRM platform. As you advance through the program, you'll learn how to automate business processes. You will discover the power of Salesforce Workflow Rules, Process Builder and Workflows to simplify repetitive tasks, optimize productivity and improve operational efficiency in your organization. In addition, you'll master data integration and APIs, learn how to connect Salesforce with external systems, databases and third-party applications using REST and SOAP APIs, and how to securely and efficiently synchronize data in real time. In addition, you will explore advanced personalization and user experience enhancement techniques. You will learn how to design and develop engaging and functional user interfaces using Lightning Web Components and Lightning App Builder to create personalized, customer-centric experiences. From this, you will develop technical and strategic skills that will enable you to drive innovation, improve productivity and achieve business success. Enroll today and become a Salesforce expert!