
Thanks to this Postgraduate diploma, you will master frameworks such as React, Angular or Vue, accelerating the development process, optimizing the performance of applications and ensuring an exceptional user experience" 


Modern Front-End Development with Frameworks, such as React, Angular and Vue, facilitates the creation of highly interactive and responsive applications, thus enhancing the user experience. Also, thanks to its focus on efficiency and scalability, it allows developers to create more robust and maintainable web applications in record time.
Hence, this Postgraduate diploma is created, which will equip computer scientists with the ability to implement custom hooks and explore advanced architectures in React, thus ensuring the creation of robust and efficient applications. In addition, the focus on performance optimization and the implementation of Server-Side Rendering (SSR) and static generation with Next.js will ensure smooth and fast user experiences. 

You will also delve into Vue.js, applying the Composition API, developing dynamic applications with Vue Router and optimizing the performance of your projects. It will also focus on security and advanced testing in Vue, as well as the adoption of Vue 3 and its innovations, preparing professionals to face challenges in frontend development with confidence and skill. 

Finally, the program will address Angular application architecture principles, with an emphasis on implementing RxJS for reactive state management and comprehensive testing. In turn, graduates will be able to secure Angular applications against common vulnerabilities and integrate internationalization for greater accessibility. With this comprehensive approach to the main front-end development frameworks, experts will be prepared to tackle any project with knowledge and skill. 

In this sense, TECH has launched a 100% online and highly adaptable academic program, so that students only need an electronic device with an Internet connection to access all educational resources. In addition, you can take advantage of the revolutionary Relearning methodology, which focuses on the repetition of essential concepts for a deep and natural understanding of the content. 

Specialize in Modern Front-End Development with Frameworks! You will not only accelerate the time to market of applications, but also contribute to their quality and robustness" 

This Postgraduate diploma in Modern Front-End Development with Frameworks contains the most complete and up-to-date educational program on the market. The most important features include:

  • The development of practical cases presented by experts in Modern Front-End Development with Frameworks 
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical content with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where the self-assessment process can be carried out to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies 
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments 
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

You'll implement the Composition API and develop dynamic applications with Vue Router, focusing on advanced testing techniques, all through an extensive library of innovative multimedia resources" 

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from the field who contribute their work experience to this educational program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive education programmed to learn in real situations. 

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the academic year For this purpose, the students will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts. 

You will master comprehensive testing and security, ensuring stability and protection against common vulnerabilities. Benefit from the best didactic materials, at the forefront of technology and education! 


You will delve into optimization strategies by exploring advanced architectures and the use of Server-Side Rendering (SSR), in an agile and simple way, thanks to the Relearning methodology"


The main objective of this Postgraduate diploma is to provide computer scientists with comprehensive and specialized knowledge in the most relevant technologies and tools for frontend development. Therefore, among its specific goals will be to specialize professionals in the mastery of modern frameworks, such as React, Angular and Vue, allowing them to build dynamic, efficient and attractive user interfaces. It will also equip them with the necessary skills to optimize application performance, implement comprehensive testing practices and ensure the accessibility and internationalization of their projects. 


This academic program aims to specialize highly qualified professionals ready to face the challenges of front-end development in a constantly evolving technological environment" 

General Objectives

  • Equip you with the skills necessary to integrate TypeScript into different working environments, including projects using frameworks such as React, Vue and Angular 
  • Specializein best practices for security, testing, internationalization, and accessibility, ensuring the development of React applications that are secure, reliable and accessible 
  • Develop specialized knowledge in web security, performance optimization, internationalization, and testing best practices to ensure the creation of secure, efficient, and globally accessible Vue applications 
  • Provide a solid and advanced foundation in Angular, from its internal architecture to its integration with other modern web development technologies and tools 

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Advanced React Front-End Development

  • Implement custom hooks 
  • Optimize React applications for superior performance 
  • Explore advanced React architectures and patterns
  • Apply Server-Side Rendering (SSR) and static generation with Next.js 
  • Perform extensive testing on React applications 
  • Improve internationalization and accessibility in React 

Module 2. Advanced Vue Front-End Development

  • Implement the Composition API in Vue applications
  • Develop dynamic applications with Vue Router
  • Perform advanced Vue testing  
  • Secure Vue applications  
  • Optimize the performance of Vue applications
  • Adopt Vue 3 and explore its capabilities 

Module 3. Advanced Angular Front-End Development

  • Apply Angular application architecture principles
  • Implement RxJS for reactive state management
  • Optimize Angular applications for superior performance
  • Perform comprehensive testing on Angular applications
  • Secure Angular applications against common vulnerabilities
  • Integrate internationalization into Angular 

You will delve into the best practices and current trends in Front-End Web Development. With all the quality guarantees that characterize TECH, the best online university in the world according to Forbes!" 

Postgraduate Diploma in Modern Front-End Development with Frameworks 

Are you looking to expand your skills in web environments? Then you're in the right place! With TECH Global University's online classes, we invite you to dive into our Postgraduate Diploma in Modern Front-End Development with Frameworks, designed for those who wish to excel in the exciting field of IT. Our program will not only provide you with a solid understanding of the fundamentals of front-end development, but will also equip you with the tools and knowledge necessary to take full advantage of the most popular and powerful frameworks that are revolutionizing the industry. Through interactive and dynamic online classes taught by leading industry experts, you will have the opportunity to explore in depth the latest and most relevant technologies, from HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript to Angular, React and Vue.js, among others.

Get certified with the highest quality in front-end development

At TECH, we are committed to providing you with a quality educational experience that fits your needs and schedule. Our flexible online class schedule allows you to access course materials and participate in activities from anywhere and at any time that is convenient for you. In addition to cutting-edge course content, we also offer you additional resources to ensure your academic and professional success, such as our Relearning methodology. Upon graduating from our Postgraduate Diploma in Modern Front-End Development with Frameworks, you will be prepared to face real-world challenges and stand out in a highly competitive labor market. With the skills and knowledge gained, you'll be ready to take on exciting and rewarding roles in tech companies, digital agencies, startups and more. Take advantage of the opportunity to boost your career and take your front-end development skills to the next level! Enroll today at TECH Global University and begin your journey to success.