
You will incorporate into your daily practice the most relevant advances in the area of Creation of Network Interfaces and Applications thanks to a distinctive, unique and effective hands-on experience"


With the exponential growth of digital connectivity and the proliferation of smart devices, designers and developers are facing increasingly complex challenges to create intuitive and efficient user experiences. As a result, the focus is increasingly on accessibility and inclusion, ensuring that interfaces and applications are accessible to all, regardless of their capabilities or limitations. 

And as the best way to perfect these skills is through practice, TECH has designed a program consisting of a 120-hour internship in a leading IT company in the field of Creation of Interfaces and Network Applications. In this way, during 3 weeks, the graduate will become part of a team of specialists of the highest level, with whom they will work actively in the development of real projects of interfaces and web applications. 

In this way, the computer scientist will not only learn the most effective procedures and the most up-to-date tools, but will also be able to implement cutting-edge technologies such as CSS and JavaScript in their practice. In this way, you will not only participate in a program that will elevate your talent to the highest level, but also considerably increase your chances in a constantly changing work environment.

During the stay, you will be supported by an assistant tutor, who will ensure that the requirements for which this Internship Program was designed are met. Therefore, the specialist will work with total guarantee and security in the handling of the most innovative and best performing computer technology to date. In this way, you will perfect your skills in visual design, interaction and user experience (UX/UI).


A unique training experience, key and decisive to boost your professional development"

Why our program?

TECH has designed a unique and disruptive academic product in the current pedagogical panorama, which will allow the professional to enter a real computer environment, where they will practice the latest procedures and handle the most current tools in the Creation of Interfaces and Network Applications. For 3 intensive weeks, the graduate will be integrated into a multidisciplinary work team, where they will see firsthand, both the latest findings in the area, as well as how to apply them to their own daily practice.

practicas creacion interfaces aplicaciones red TECH Global University

The system proposed by TECH will put you at the center of the equation, offering you training with real utility and adapted to your needs"

1. Updating from the Latest Technology Available

In the area of interface creation and networked applications, the integration of Artificial Intelligence and machine learning systems enables the development of more intuitive and adaptive interfaces, capable of anticipating user needs and dynamically personalizing the experience. In addition, cloud computing provides a scalable and flexible infrastructure for the development and deployment of web applications, allowing developers to create multiplatform and high-performance experiences that adapt to the demands of today's market.

2. Gaining In-depth Knowledge from the Experience of Top Specialists

The large team of professionals who will accompany the computer scientist throughout the entire practical period is a first-rate endorsement and a guarantee of unprecedented updating. With a specifically designated tutor, the graduate will be able to work on real projects in a state-of-the-art environment, which will allow them to incorporate into their daily practice the most effective procedures and tools for the Creation of Network Interfaces and Applications.

3. Entering First-Class Professional Environments

TECH carefully selects all the companies available for Internship Programs. Thanks to this, the specialist will have guaranteed access to a prestigious IT organization in the area of interface and web application development. In this way, they will be able to experience the day-to-day of a demanding, rigorous and exhaustive area of work, always applying the latest advances in their work methodology.

4. Combining the Best Theory with State-of-the-Art Practice

The academic market is plagued by teaching programs that are poorly adapted to the daily work of the specialist and that require long teaching hours, often not very compatible with personal and professional life. For this reason, TECH offers a new learning model, 100% practical, that allows you to get in front of state-of-the-art procedures in the field of the Creation of Interfaces and Network Applications and, best of all, to put it into professional practice in only 3 weeks.

5. Opening the Door to New Opportunities

With the advancement of technology and the growing demand for innovative digital experiences, computer scientists have the opportunity to explore and leverage emerging tools, such as Artificial Intelligence and cloud computing. In addition, globalization and the increasing interconnectedness of digital devices and platforms create a landscape conducive to international collaboration and professional networking, allowing experts in creating networked interfaces and applications to expand their reach and contribute to the development of innovative solutions on a global scale.

programa practicas creacion interfaces aplicaciones red TECH Global University

You will have full practical immersion at the center of your choice"

Internship Program in Creation of Network Interfaces and Applications

The creation of network interfaces and applications is a crucial field in today's digital era. To excel in this competitive field, the internship program created by TECH Global University becomes essential. This program provides you with the skills and knowledge necessary to design and develop effective and attractive web interfaces and applications. One of the most valuable features is the inclusion of on-site internships. During these sessions, you will have the opportunity to work on real projects under the guidance of experts in web design and development. This will allow you to apply your theoretical knowledge in practical situations, face real challenges and develop effective and efficient solutions. During the course, fundamental topics such as the design of intuitive and attractive interfaces, web programming using modern technologies such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript, the integration of APIs for advanced functionalities, the optimization of user experience and adaptability to different devices and screens will be addressed.

Get qualified with an Internship Program in Creation of Network Interfaces and Applications

In addition, you will learn how to use popular tools and frameworks in the web development industry, which will allow you to create robust, high-performance applications and interfaces. You will also be provided with testing and debugging techniques to ensure the quality and functionality of your creations. At the end of the training, you will have a portfolio of projects developed during the internship, which will allow you to demonstrate your skills and experience to potential employers or clients. In addition, you will be prepared to face the challenges of web development in a professional environment, thanks to the combination of technical and practical knowledge acquired. In short, this program provides you with the tools and knowledge necessary to excel in the competitive world of web development. Take advantage of this opportunity to boost your career and contribute to growth and innovation in the field of web interfaces and applications. Start your path to success in creating web interfaces and applications today!