
With this Internship program, you will gain hands-on experience in the use of advanced Artificial Intelligence tools, improving your skills to develop more efficient and effective code”


Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized the field of programming, with tools such as GitHub Copilot and ChatGPT making it easier to create code. These technologies use advanced language models to assist programmers by suggesting lines of code, detecting errors and providing efficient solutions in real time. Therefore, the adoption of AI in programming not only increases productivity, but also democratizes access to coding, allowing developers to improve their skills and accelerate software development.

Therefore, during 3 weeks, the graduate will become part of a team of specialists of the highest level, with whom they will actively work on real software development projects, using Artificial Intelligence. In this way, they will be able not only to get up to date with the most effective techniques, but also to implement the necessary skills to excel in this field. As a result,  you will participate in a program that will elevate your computing talent to the highest level.

During your stay you will be supported by an assistant tutor, who will ensure that the requirements for which this Internship program was designed are met. Therefore, the specialist will work with total guarantee and security in the handling of the most innovative technology, as well as in the use of the tools and procedures with the best results to date.


Why our program?

This Internship program will provide computer scientists with a competitive advantage by allowing them to work with cutting-edge technologies and tools in real projects, which will significantly improve their practical and theoretical skills. As such, direct experience in the implementation of AI in software development will prepare professionals to face complex challenges, promoting a deep understanding of machine learning algorithms and models. In addition, keeping up to date with advances in AI will be crucial for any programmer who wants to stay relevant and competitive in a dynamic and rapidly evolving job market.

vocational apprenticeships artificial intelligence programming TECH Global University

In a constantly evolving market, having hands-on AI experience will provide you with a crucial advantage, so that you can contribute significantly to the development of innovative solutions”

1. Updating from the latest technology available

In this area, machine learning systems and deep neural networks have revolutionized the ability of machines to autonomously process and understand data. Tools such as TensorFlow and PyTorch have democratized the development of complex models, allowing researchers and developers to explore applications in areas such as natural language processing, computer vision and creative content generation.

2. Gaining in-depth knowledge from the experience of top specialists

The large team of professionals that will accompany the specialist throughout the practical period is a first-class and an unprecedented guarantee of updating. With a specifically designated tutor, the computer scientist will be able to work on real projects in a state-of-the-art environment, which will allow them to incorporate the latest Artificial Intelligence Programming procedures and tools into their daily practice.

3. Entering first-class professional environments

TECH carefully selects all available centers for Internship Programs. Thanks to this, the specialist will have guaranteed access to a prestigious technological environment in the area of Artificial Intelligence in Programming. In this way, they will be able to experience the day-to-day of a demanding, rigorous and exhaustive area of work, always applying the most innovative technological advances.

4. Combining the best theory with state-of-the-art practice

The academic market is plagued by teaching programs that are poorly adapted to the daily work of the specialist and that require long teaching hours, often not very compatible with personal and professional life. TECH offers a new learning model, 100% practical, that allows you to get in front of state-of-the-art procedures in the field of Artificial Intelligence in Programming and, best of all, to put it into professional practice in just 3 weeks.

5. Opening the door to new opportunities

With the ability to develop advanced machine-learning algorithms and intelligent systems, computer scientists can influence industries as diverse as healthcare, e-commerce, automotive and more. These technologies not only optimize existing processes, but also enable the creation of innovative products and services that improve quality of life and business efficiency.

professional practices artificial intelligence programming TECH Global University

You will have full practical immersion at the center of your choice"

Internship Program in Artificial Intelligence in Programming

This Practical Training in Artificial Intelligence in Programming created by TECH Global University is essential for those who wish to stay at the forefront of technology and innovation. This program focuses on providing the skills and knowledge necessary to develop advanced AI solutions applied to programming, a skill in high demand in various industries. Project-based learning methodology is a central component of this training. You will have the opportunity to work on real projects, applying theoretical concepts in practical environments. This hands-on approach not only reinforces your understanding of AI principles, but also allows you to gain experience in solving real-world problems. Here, you will explore the fundamentals of artificial intelligence, including machine learning, deep learning, and neural networks. These concepts form the foundation upon which efficient and effective AI applications are built. You will also learn to use programming languages such as Python, which is widely used in the development of AI algorithms and models due to its simplicity and versatility.

Specialize in Artificial Intelligence in Programming

By combining theory and practice in a dynamic learning environment, this program prepares you to face the current and future challenges of the technology industry, making you a high-level expert, capable of leading high-complexity and high-impact artificial intelligence projects. Another crucial aspect of the training is the introduction to the most advanced tools and platforms in the field of artificial intelligence, such as TensorFlow, Keras, and PyTorch. These tools are fundamental for the development and optimization of AI models, allowing you to create more accurate and efficient solutions. In addition, you will cover topics such as data manipulation and preprocessing, which are essential to ensure the quality and efficiency of AI models. Finally, you will address ethics and responsibility in artificial intelligence development. You will learn about ethical challenges related to AI, including data privacy, algorithmic bias, and the social implications of automated decisions. Enroll now and learn how to develop AI solutions that are not only technically robust, but also ethically responsible and aligned with societal values and principles.