
Enroll in this Professional master’s degree and improve your knowledge on Environmental Management"


Environmental pollution is one of the main problems currently existing on the planet. In all countries, the poor quality of air, water and waste affecting the soil is generating not only problems with the natural environment, but also causing the proliferation of diseases or side effects that significantly aggravate people's health. Engineering provides, from its technical knowledge, great solutions to reduce and even eliminate these consequences.  

However, in this scenario, Environmental Management is essential from the very conception of the project, where the landscape itself, land management, as well as an adequate planning in all processes, must be taken into account. This knowledge has been advancing in recent years, thanks to a great extent to new technologies and to the professionals of the sector themselves. In view of this reality, there is an unquestionable need for increasingly qualified engineers with a global and technical vision. For all these reasons, TECH Global University has created this Professional master’s degree with the main objective of providing the graduate with the most comprehensive and current knowledge in this field. 

In this way, the professional has a program with a theoretical and practical approach that will allow them to delve into the proper organization and management of projects, the processes of assessment and environmental impact, the tools most commonly used to perform an audit and waste management. All this in a much more visual and dynamic way thanks to the video summaries, videos in detail or specialized readings that are part of the resource library of this program. 

In addition, this academic institution uses the Relearning system, which allows students to progress through the syllabus in a more natural way, reducing even the long hours of study so frequent in other methodologies.

The engineer is has an excellent opportunity to advance in their professional career through a 100% online university qualification, flexible and adaptable to the needs of the students. In order to study this Professional master’s degree, all that is needed is an electronic device with an Internet connection to access the syllabus on the Virtual Campus at any time of the day. In addition, the graduate has the freedom to distribute the teaching load according to their needs, making this university education easily compatible with the most demanding responsibilities. 

Enroll in a university program in which you will be able to delve into the treatment of contaminants and control strategies"

This Professional master’s degree in Environmental Management contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most important features include:

  • The development of case studies presented by experts in Environmental Management
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where self-assessment can be used to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

Acquire the most comprehensive knowledge on Environmental Management and progress in your professional career as an engineer"

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from the sector who contribute their work experience to this educational program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive education programmed to learn in real situations.

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the academic year For this purpose, the students will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts. 

TECH will boost you in your sector through this Professional master’s degree in Environmental Management"


If you have an engineering project in mind, this diploma will allow you to maintain quality at all levels"


Know how pollution control networks work, environmental regulation and policy or the processes of planning and execution of projects, taking into account the Environmental Management, are just some of the goals that students will achieve with this Professional master’s degree. For this purpose, video summaries, detailed videos and diagrams prepared by a team of specialists with experience in this field are available. 


You have at your fingertips the most advanced content in Environmental Management. Take a firm step forward in your professional career with this Professional master’s degree"

General Objectives

  • Acquire basic knowledge of science and use its results, integrating them with social, economic, legal and ethical fields for the identification of environmental problems 
  • Know basic models of pollutant dispersion and understand the functioning of pollution control networks
  • Present the concept of landscape in its different dimensions and its treatment in the regulatory context
  • Differentiate the phases of an engineering project taking into account the Environmental Management

Specific Objectives 

Module 1. Contaminant Analysis

  • Plan and develop environmental projects with a transdisciplinary approach
  • Integrate in work teams that develop professional tasks, including teaching or research, in the environmental field
  • Analyze, manage and conserve the environment and associated resources in natural, rural or urban environments, as well as design and develop land management plans and projects
  • Develop, implement and maintain environmental management systems in the company, as well as know, analyze and prevent environmental health risks
  • Evaluate the environmental impact of projects, plans and programs

Module 2. Environmental Administration and Legislation

  • Understand what law is and what the general bases of the legal system are
  • Know the main principles of the Constitutional, International and EU legal system in relation to environmental protection
  • Identify and know the main aspects of the legal-administrative regulation of the various areas of intervention and their justification titles in environmental protection
  • Know, in general terms, the main aspects of environmental legal protection in different areas where legal-administrative intervention is applied

Module 3. Landscape Diagnosis and Restoration

  • Understand the system underlying the landscape and the factors that determine the different types of landscape
  • Understand the spatial dimension of landscape phenomena at different scales
  • Define and characterize the different types of landscapes
  • Learn how to evaluate the landscape in terms of quality, fragility and capacity of use according to its characteristics and using different techniques

Module 4. Project Organization and Management

  • Identify the elements, parts and phases of an environmental project
  • Understand the regulations and legislation related to projects
  • Apply organizational aspects in projects
  • Elaborate project documents, as well as other complementary documentation
  • Use planning and activity scheduling techniques
  • Apply technical and administrative aspects of the different phases of projects.
  • Use cross-cutting aspects in projects

Module 5. Environmental Impact Assessment and Management Systems

  • Study the feasibility of a project
  • Plan a preliminary project for an offer
  • Plan and manage deadlines, as well as organize the human resources required for a project
  • Manage costs within a project
  • Control the risks that may affect the development of a project
  • Supervise the quality of a project at all levels

Module 6. Environmental Auditing

  • Know the different tools related to environmental auditing
  • Define the concepts studied
  • Identify the auditing tools necessary for the resolution of the problems that arise
  • Express in precise terms the problem to be solved

Module 7. Environmental Education and Social Practices

  • Know the environmental education model
  • Interpret reality from a systemic point of view
  • Contextualize the critique of knowledge, relating theoretical principles with social, economic and ecological problems
  • Apply ethical principles related to sustainability values in personal and professional behavior

Module 8. Waste Management

  • Describe the management and the different wastewater treatments
  • Assess soil contamination and know how to apply contaminated soil treatment techniques
  • Identify the management of a wide range of wastes and know how to choose the appropriate treatment for each of them
  • Distinguish between the different processes of minimization, preparation for reuse, recycling, other recovery and disposal

Module 9. Environmental Policy

  • Know the political structure
  • Master the regulation of environmental policy
  • Identify the legal instruments of environmental policy
  • Acknowledge the different policies applied in environmental assessment

Module 10. Environmental Contamination Treatment

  • Understand contaminant treatment methods and control strategies applicable in each case
  • Know and understand the preventive or corrective technologies for water and soil pollution
  • Design systems for physical and chemical purification of gaseous emissions
  • Be able to use information from various sources on an applied topic, interpret it appropriately, draw meaningful conclusions and present them publicly

Do you want to design systems that reduce gas pollution? With this program you will be able to do it successfully"

Professional Master's Degree in Environmental Management

Environmental pollution is one of the main problems worldwide, affecting the quality of air, water and soil, which negatively impacts the planet and people's health. Engineering offers technical solutions to reduce and eliminate these consequences. Therefore, it is necessary to have great competences in the consideration of the landscape, land management and proper planning, in order to develop large environmental management projects. For this reason, the Professional Master's Degree in Environmental Management is born, which offers a comprehensive learning in this field, deepening in the organization of projects, environmental impact assessment, audits and waste management. All this, through a 100% online mode that will favor a teaching adapted to your personal needs.

Increase your knowledge and skills anytime, anywhere

The Professional Master's Degree in Environmental Management is based on a Relearning methodology, which facilitates natural learning and reduces the long hours of study. The syllabus includes video summaries, videos in detail and specialized readings. With just an electronic device with an Internet connection, you can access the Virtual Campus and distribute the course load according to your own needs. This program is, therefore, an excellent opportunity to develop your career as an environmental engineer enjoying unparalleled study facilities.