
Engineers must update their knowledge of new building techniques. In this advanced master’s degree we give you the keys to Energy Efficiency in the Construction of Buildings, in an intensive and complete training”


The advanced master’s degree in Energy Efficiency in the Construction of Buildings covers the complete range of issues involved in this field, both in the residential and tertiary sectors, and in the field of intervention in existing buildings as well as in new construction. Its study has a clear advantage over other programs that focus on specific blocks, which prevents the student from knowing the interrelationship with other areas included in the multidisciplinary field of energy efficiency and sustainability in the construction of buildings.

This program has been designed to provide superior information on Energy Efficiency in the Construction of Buildings. Therefore, at the end of the course, the student will be able to analyze the possible measures to develop a rehabilitation and energy efficiency project based on the experience of singular works and success cases presented in this specialization, where they will be able to analyze the different options of intervention in the energy field regarding materials, systems and installations of high energy performance.

Likewise, they will have acquired a solid knowledge of the rules and regulations to be applied in relation to energy efficiency and sustainability in the construction of buildings. And they will be able to master the knowledge of energy, bioclimatic architecture, renewable energies and building installations, such as electrical, thermal, lighting and control.

Throughout this program, the students will go through all the current approaches to the different challenges of their profession. A high-level step that will become a process of improvement, not only on a professional level, but also on a personal level. Additionally, at TECH we have a social commitment: to help highly qualified professionals to specialize and to develop their personal, social and professional skills throughout the course of their studies.  

This Aadvanced master’s degree is designed to provide access to the specific knowledge of this discipline in an intensive and practical way. A great value for any professional. In addition, as it is a 100% online modality, the student decides where and when to study. Without the restrictions of fixed timetables or having to move between classrooms, this course can be combined with work and family life. 

The use of renewable energy provides social, economic and environmental improvements and its implementation in buildings is essential. What are you waiting for to enroll and learn this at TECH?”

This advanced master’s degree in Energy Efficiency in the Construction of Buildings contains the most complete and up-to-date program on the market. The most important features include:

  • The latest technology in e-learning software
  • Intensely visual teaching system, supported by graphic and schematic contents that are easy to assimilate and understand
  • Practical case studies presented by practising experts
  • State-of-the-art interactive video systems
  • Teaching supported by telepractice
  • Continuous updating and recycling systems
  • Self-regulated learning: full compatibility with other occupations 
  • Practical exercises for self-assessment and learning verification
  • Support groups and educational synergies: Questions to the expert, discussion forums and knowledge
  • Communication with the teacher and individual reflection work
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection
  • Supplementary documentation databases are permanently available, even after the program

A program created for professionals who aspire to excellence and that will allow them to acquire new skills and strategies in a smooth and effective way” 

Our teaching staff is made up of working professionals. In this way, TECH makes sure to offer the student the academic updating objective it intends. A multidisciplinary team of trained and experienced professionals in different environments, who will develop the theoretical knowledge efficiently, but, above all, will put at the service of the program practical knowledge derived from their own experience.   

This command of the subject is complemented by the effectiveness of the methodological design of this Grand Master. Developed by a multidisciplinary team of e-learning experts, it integrates the latest advances in educational technology. In this way, the student will be able to study with a range of convenient and versatile multimedia tools.  

The design of this program is based on Problem-Based Learning, an approach that conceives learning as a highly practical process. To achieve this remotely, we will use telepractice. With the help of an innovative interactive video system and Learning from an Expert.

A high-level scientific program, supported by advanced technological development and the teaching experience of the best professionals"


A deep and comprehensive dive into the most important energy saving strategies and approaches"


Our objective is to prepare highly qualified professionals for the working An objective that is complemented, moreover, in a global manner, by promoting human development that lays the foundations for a better society. This objective is focused on helping professionals reach a much higher level of expertise and control. A goal that can be achieved through the educational journey that this advanced master’s degree offers.


If your goal is to improve in your profession, to acquire a qualification that will enable you to compete among the best, then look no further: welcome to TECH”


Module 1. Energy Rehabilitation of Existing Buildings 

  • Master the main concepts of the methodology to be followed in the development of an energy rehabilitation study analysis according to the criteria to be implemented
  • Interpret the pathologies of foundations, roofs, facades and exterior slabs, carpentry and glazing, as well as installations, developing the study of energy rehabilitation of an existing
  • building, from data collection, analysis and assessment, study of the different proposals for improvement and conclusions, study of technical regulations of application
  • Establish the guidelines to be taken into account in the development of energy rehabilitation interventions in historic buildings, from data collection, analysis and assessment, the study of the different proposals for improvement and conclusions, study of technical regulations of application
  • Acquire the necessary knowledge to develop an economic study of energy rehabilitation based on the analysis of the cost, execution times, the conditions of specialization of the works, the guarantees and specific tests to be requested
  • Elaborate an assessment of the appropriate energy rehabilitation intervention and its alternatives based on the analysis of the different intervention options, based on the analysis of costs based on amortization, the correct selection of objectives, as well as a final extract with the possible courses of action

Module 2. Energy Efficiency in New Buildings 

  • Know the building categories, an analysis of the constructive solutions and objectives to be achieved, as well as the elaboration of a cost study of the various intervention proposals
  • Interpret the possible pathologies of new buildings based on the study of foundations, roofs, facades and exterior slabs, carpentry and glazing, as well as installations, developing the
  • complete energy rehabilitation study from data collection, analysis and evaluation, the study of the different improvement proposals and conclusions, study of the applicable technical regulations
  • Establish the guidelines that must be taken into account in the development of new building interventions with Energy Efficiency in singular buildings, from data collection, analysis and assessment, the study of the different proposals for improvement and conclusions, study of the technical regulations of application
  • Acquire the necessary knowledge to develop an economic study of new construction with energy efficiency based on the analysis of the cost, execution times, specialization conditions of the works, guarantees and specific tests to be requested
  • Elaborate an assessment of the appropriate intervention of a New Energy Efficiency Building intervention and its alternatives based on the analysis of the different intervention options, based on the analysis of costs based on amortization, the correct selection of objectives, as well as a final extract with the possible courses of action

Module 3. Energy Efficiency in the Envelope 

  • Deepen the scope of the envelope study, such as parameters related to materials, thicknesses, conductivity, transmittance and as basic technical conditions to analyze the energy performance of a building
  • Interpret the possible energy improvements based on the study of the energy optimization of foundations, roofs, facades and exterior slabs (floors and ceilings), as well as basement walls in contact with the building, developing the study from data collection, analysis and assessment, study of the different proposals for improvement and conclusions, study of technical regulations of application
  • Approach singular encounters of the thermal envelope such as installation skids and chimneys
  • Acquire the knowledge of the study of the envelope in singular prefabricated constructions
  • Plan and control the correct execution by means of a thermographic study according to the materials, their layout, development of the thermographic analysis, and study of the solutions to be implemented

Module 4. Energy Savings in Windows and Glazing 

  • Master the fundamental concepts of the scope of the study of window and door frames, such as parameters relating to materials (single or mixed material solutions), technical justifications and various innovative solutions depending on the nature of the building
  • Interpret possible energy improvements based on the study of the technical characteristics of the windows and doors, such as transmittance, air permeability, water tightness and wind resistance
  • Cover in detail the scope of the study of glazing types and the composition of composite glazing, such as parameters related to their properties, technical justifications and various innovation solutions depending on the nature of the building
  • Acquire knowledge of the different types of sun protection based on their layout and technical justifications, as well as unique solutions
    Discover the new proposals for high energy performance windows and glazing

Module 5. Energy Savings in Thermal Bridges 

  • Delve into the fundamental concepts of the scope of the study of possible thermal bridges, such as parameters related to the definition, application regulations, technical justifications and various innovation solutions depending on the nature of the building
  • Approach the analysis of each thermal bridge based on the nature of the type, so we will develop the constructive thermal bridges, the geometric ones, the ones due to material change
  • Analyze the possible singular thermal bridges of the building: the window, the splayed, the pillar and the slab
  • Plan and control the correct execution based on the study of possible thermal bridges through thermography, specifying the thermographic equipment, the working conditions, the detection of encounters to be corrected and subsequent analysis of solutions
  • Analyze the different thermal bridge calculation tools: Therm, Cypetherm He Plus and Flixo

Module 6. Energy Savings in Airtightness 

  • Delve into the scope of the airtightness study, such as parameters related to the definition, application regulations, technical justifications and various innovation solutions depending on the nature of the building
  • Interpret the possible energy improvements based on the study of the energy optimization of airtightness based on the intervention in the envelope and in the installations
  • Interpret the development of the various pathologies that can occur when building airtightness is not taken into account: condensation, humidity, efflorescence, high energy consumption, poor comfort, etc
  • Address the technical requirements based on different technical solutions in order to optimize comfort, indoor air quality and noise protection
  • Plan and control the correct execution based on the required thermography tests, smoke tests and Blower-Door test

Module 7. Energy Saving in Facilities 

  • Delve into the study of the scope of the study of air conditioning installations, such as parameters relating to the definition, application regulations, technical justifications and various innovative solutions depending on the nature of the building
  • Delve into the study of aerothermal installations, such as definition parameters, application standards, technical justifications and various innovative solutions depending on the nature of the building
  • You will acquire detailed knowledge in the study of ventilation installations with heat recovery, such as parameters related to the definition, application regulations, technical justifications and various innovative solutions depending on the nature of the building
  • Select the type of boiler and pumps with high energy efficiency and air conditioning through radiant floors and ceilings based on the applicable regulations, technical justifications and various innovative solutions depending on the nature of the building
  • Discover the installation opportunities of the Free-cooling system by analyzing its definition, application regulations, technical justifications and various innovation solutions depending on the nature of the building
  • Analyze the lighting and transport installations of the building with high Energy Efficiency
  • Plan and control the construction of appropriate solar thermal and photovoltaic systems
  • Know the operation of building energy consumption control systems through home automation and Best Management System (BMS) 

Module 8. Building Energy Simulation Tools and Regulations 

  • Interpret the legislative framework applicable to the energy certification of buildings
  • Knowing the proposed regulatory changes in energy matters in the framework of the Technical Building Code CTE 2019 compared to the previous CTE 2013
  • Analyze the different valid tools for the energy certification of buildings, whether it is the Lider-Calener Unified Tools, the C3X Energy Certification program, the C3 Energy Certification program, the CERMA Energy Certification program, the CYPETHERM 2020 Energy Certification program, the SG SAVE Energy Certification program
  • Integrate the fundamental knowledge of the development of an Energy Certification of an existing building by the Simplified Procedure using the C3X program and of a new building using the Unified Lider-Calener tool

Module 9. Energy in the Construction of Buildings 

  • Gain insight into energy in cities 
  • Identify the importance of a building's energy performance
  • Deepen the differences between energy consumption and energy demand
  • Analyze in detail the importance of energy comfort and livability

Module 10. Standards and Regulations 

  • Identify the responsible bodies and agencies
  • Achieve a global vision of current regulations
  • Justify the differences between the different documents, whether they are norms, regulations, standards, legislation and their scope of application
  • Analyze in detail the main regulations that regulate the application procedures on Energy Efficiency and sustainability in buildings
  • Provide tools to search for related information

Module 11. Circular Economy 

  • Have a comprehensive approach to the circular economy in buildings in order to maintain a strategic vision of implementation and best practices
  • Quantify through life cycle analysis and carbon footprint calculation the impact on sustainability in property management for the development of improvement plans that allow energy savings and reduction of the environmental impact produced by buildings
  • Master the criteria of green public procurement in the real estate sector in order to be able to face and manage them with criteria

Module 12. Energy Audit

  • Discuss in detail the scope of an energy audit, the fundamental general concepts, objectives and analysis methodology
  • Analyze the energy diagnosis based on the analysis of the envelope and systems, the analysis of consumption and energy accounting, the proposal of renewable energies to be implemented, as well as the proposal of various consumption control systems
  • Analyze the benefits of an Energy Audit based on energy consumption, energy costs, environmental improvements, competitiveness improvements and building maintenance improvements
  • Establish the guidelines that must be taken into account in the development of the energy audit, such as the request for prior documentation of planimetries and invoices, visits to the building in operation, as well as the necessary equipment
  • Gather previous information about the building to be audited based on general data, planimetries, previous projects, list of installations and technical data sheets, as well as energy invoices
  • Elaborate preliminary data collection procedures with energy inventory, construction aspects, systems and installations, electrical measurements and operating conditions
  • Interpret the analysis and evaluation of the envelope, systems and installations, the different options for action, energy balances and energy accounting of the building
  • Develop a program of improvement proposals based on the energy supply and demand of the building, the type of action to be carried out, the optimization of the envelope and the systems and installations, as well as develop a final report that concludes the study developed
  • Plan the development costs of the Energy Audit based on the scale of the building to be analyzed
  • Delve into the current regulations and future forecasts in energy matters that condition the implementation of the measures proposed in the Energy Audit

Module 13. Energy Audits and Certification 

  • Recognize the type of work to be developed depending on the objectives set by the client to recognize the need to perform an energy audit
  • Conduct an energy audit of the building in accordance with EN 16247-2 to establish an action protocol to determine the initial situation and propose energy efficiency options
  • Analyze the provision of energy services to know each of their characteristics in defining energy service contracts
  • Perform energy certification on buildings to determine the initial energy rating and define improvement options according to standards

Module 14. Bioclimatic Architecture 

  • Gain exhaustive knowledge of the structural elements and their effect on building energy efficiency
  • Study structural components that allow the use of sunlight and other natural resources and their architectural adaptation
  • Detect the connection between buildings and human health

Module 15. Renewable Energies 

  • Deal in detail with the evolution of renewable energies up to their current applications
  • Carry out exhaustive studies of applying these energies in today's construction
  • Internalize and expand on self-consumption, as well as the advantages of its application in buildings

Module 16. Electrical Installations 

  • Choose the most efficient equipment to ensure the lowest possible energy consumption in building activity
  • Detect and correct defects derived from the existence of harmonics to reduce energy losses in the electrical grid by optimizing its energy transmission capacity
  • Design electric vehicle charging infrastructures in the building in compliance with current regulations or specific customer requirements
  • Optimize electricity bills to obtain the greatest economic savings according to the building's demand profile
  • Implement a culture of energy efficiency to increase energy and therefore economic savings in the Facility Management activity within real estate management

Module 17. Thermal Installations 

  • Master the different thermal air conditioning systems and their operation
  • Thoroughly break down its components for machine maintenance
  • Analyze the role of energy efficiency in the evolution of different systems

Module 18. Lighting installations 

  • Apply the principles of lighting technology, its properties, differentiating the aspects that contribute to Energy Efficiency
  • Analyze the criteria, characteristics and requirements of the different solutions that can be used in buildings
  • Design and calculate lighting projects, improving energy efficiency
  • Integrate lighting techniques for health improvement as a reference element in Energy Efficiency

Module 19. Control Installations 

  • Analyze the different installations, technologies and control systems applied to Energy Efficiency in the Construction of Buildings
  • Differentiate between the different systems to be implemented, distinguishing the characteristics in each specific case
  • Delve into how control installations bring energy savings to buildings by optimizing energy resources
  • Master the principles of configuration of control systems used in buildings

Module 20. International Sustainability, Energy Efficiency and Comfort Certifications 

  • Delve into the scope of international sustainability and energy efficiency certifications, as well as current zero/zero consumption certifications
  • Discuss in detail the sustainability certifications Leed, BREEAM and Green, the origins, the types of certifications, the levels of certification, as well as the criteria to be implemented
  • Learn about LEED ZERO Certification, its origin, certification levels, criteria to be implemented and development framework
  • Discuss in detail the Passivhaus, EnePHit, Minergie and nZEB certifications, the origins, the certification levels, the criteria to be implemented and the framework for the development of nearly zero/zero energy buildings
  • Learn more about WELL Certification, its origin, certification levels, criteria to be implemented and development framework

Our goal is to help you achieve yours, through a very unique training program that will become an unparalleled professional growth experience”

Advanced Master's Degree in Energy Efficiency in the Construction of Buildings

Environmental protection has become a key criterion for the construction of all types of works, since, in addition to ensuring the preservation of the ecosystem, they contribute to economic renewal by reducing energy consumption. In order to design and manage infrastructure projects that comply with sustainable principles, it is necessary to have skills in the analysis and restoration of facilities. For this reason, at TECH Global University we have created an Advanced Master's Degree focused on all aspects involved in the energy analysis and refurbishment of new and existing facilities. Throughout the program, the engineer will delve into the categorization, data collection and evaluation of buildings, as well as the development of improvement proposals, including the types of intervention to be performed, time and cost analysis based on amortization. It will also address energy savings in the building envelope, in carpentry and glazing, in thermal bridges and in airtightness. All this using simulation tools and bearing in mind the technical regulations governing each of the phases mentioned.

Advanced Master's Degree in Energy Saving in Building

With this TECH postgraduate degree, the professional in the engineering field will be able to strengthen his competences in the life cycle analysis (LCA) of structures and in the design of recovery plans for them. In addition, thanks to the program proposed by our specialized team of teachers, they will master energy calculations, among which the calculation of the carbon footprint stands out, in order to develop plans for compensation or reduction of CO2 emissions. These programs will ensure the use of good circular practices in the selection and reuse of materials, in the maintenance of equipment and in waste management. In this way, the future expert in this field will not only be able to strategically apply the principles of the circular economy, but also to innovate in the technology of materials and construction systems proposed by bioclimatic architecture. With this set of skills and knowledge, their projects will obtain international sustainability, energy efficiency and comfort certifications, which will guarantee their entry into the labor market and demonstrate their high level of professionalism.