
Ethnographic and qualitative research in the educational context, developed in a postgraduate certificate that will give you all the guidelines to carry it out safely"  


Ethnographic research has as a fundamental characteristic its character of prolonged fieldwork. Through direct contact with the people and the realization of data collection in the field.  

This relationship determines the appearance of links that are considered part of the process and that allow to obtain, in a direct way, data on the behavior of the individuals of the events and their consequences and to place them in the context that determines and explains them.  This way of working facilitates their understanding and the formulation of hypotheses in the environment. 

However, this participation must be conditioned by a series of rules that ensure that the researcher does not interfere  in the way of life or in the events they are contemplating and documenting.  The ethnographer is said to assume a "marginal native" identity.  

Also important in school ethnography is the contextual description, which includes the social and economic factors of a society or environment that will provide the data that certain events or situations require for their understanding. 
All this path will be addressed in this program, providing students with the ability to carry out qualitative and ethnographic research that will give their projects an exceptional projection. 

With a study methodology that will make it possible to perfectly combine this postgraduate certificate with other obligations, this program is a process of maximum interest for professionals that will add value to their work in any center or institution. 

Learning that will allow you to conduct research in the educational environment with the quality of a specialist" 

This  postgraduate certificate in Qualitative and Ethnographic Research Methods and Techniques Applied to Education ccontains the most complete and up-to-date educational program on the market. The most important features include:

  • Practical case studies presented by experts
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where self-assessment can be used to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

You will learn efficiently, with the most interesting study methods in online teaching"  

The program includes in its teaching staff professionals from the sector who bring to this program their work experience, as well as recognized specialists from reference societies and prestigious universities.  

Its multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will allow professionals to learn in professionals a situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive education programmed to prepare in real situations.  

The design of this program focuses on Problem-Based Learning, by means of which professionals must try to solve the different professional practice situations that are presented to them throughout the academic year. For this purpose students will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system developed by renowned experts.   

You will delve into the different Methods and Techniques of Qualitative and Ethnographic Research Applied to Education, under the guidance of experts with extensive experience in the teaching sector"


Take the step and open a new path of development and growth in your teaching career, specializing in Methods and Techniques of Qualitative and Ethnographic Research Applied to Education"


With this postgraduate certificate in Qualitative and Ethnographic Research Methods and Techniques Applied to Education , students will learn everything they need to conduct a complete research through the methodology of applied ethnography and qualitative research. In this process, professionals will be able to access the most complete knowledge of the different mental tools and materials that provide the necessary answers to promote the improvement of any institution in this sector. 


Collecting data from within a system requires specific standards to ensure the accuracy of the data. Learn with TECH how to get the best results in educational research"  

General Objectives

  • Know how to organize an Ethnographic Research in the educational context
  • Collect and analyze qualitative and ethnographic data

Specific Objectives

  • Understand the epistemological debates surrounding ethnographic research in education
  • Acquire knowledge and become familiar with the most common methods, techniques and tools used in ethnographic research practice.
  • Analyze the different ethnographic practices that exist
  • Become familiar with ethnographic works
  • Learn to handle and analyze the materials collected during fieldwork
  • Know how to write ethnographic texts
  • Know how to read and evaluate ethnographic texts

Set yourself on the road to a more effective, more inclusive and more realistic practice in your center" 

Postgraduate Certificate in Qualitative and Ethnographic Research Methods and Techniques Applied to Education

Qualitative and ethnographic research methods and techniques applied to education are essential tools for understanding educational processes and their relationship to the social, political and cultural context. These methods allow researchers to acquire advanced research skills and contribute to scientific knowledge in this field. If you want to obtain the necessary knowledge to work in this area, at TECH Global University you will find the ideal program to fulfill this purpose. The Postgraduate Certificate in Qualitative and Ethnographic Research Methods and Techniques Applied to Education is focused on providing you with the most relevant contents of the educational field so that you can specialize in the study of education and its impact on society. Through a 100% online and asynchronous learning process, you will learn the techniques and tools necessary to carry out high-quality research.

Get to know the methods and techniques of qualitative and ethnographic research applied to education

The main objective of this Postgraduate Certificate is to provide you with the best theoretical and practical contents related to the methods and techniques of qualitative and ethnographic research applied to the educational field. To achieve this goal, we structure the course with sophisticated thematic axes that will provide you with specific knowledge about participant observation, in-depth interviewing and qualitative data analysis. In addition, you will learn about different theoretical perspectives that will allow you to better understand educational processes and their relationship with the social, political and cultural context. From this, you will be able to conduct high-quality research in the field of education, which will allow you to contribute significantly to scientific knowledge in this field. You will also be equipped with analytical and effective communication skills to present your findings clearly and coherently to a diverse audience.