
With this program you will learn to identify the main causes of ASD and you will also learn how to cope with them through techniques and methodologies for the correct development"


Social interaction and communication are a necessity for human beings, since in one way or another they need to transmit or demonstrate their behaviors and interests.

However, there are specific cases of people who suffer from Autism Spectrum Disorder and this affects the course of their life, either by being afraid of other people, noises, proactive behaviors or the environment itself.

That is why, to overcome these problems, the presence of a professional with extensive knowledge of ASD is necessary, who knows in principle the manifestations and classifications of the different disorders, as well as their treatments for a correct evolution of personal development.

As a result of this need, TECH has designed this Postgraduate certificate, which is focused on the special education of children and young people diagnosed with some type of neurodevelopmental disorder. Therefore, the professionals will find within this program a wide academic range, full of exclusive and updated information regarding the latest developments in the sector. It will also include audiovisual material, complementary readings and practical exercises based on real cases, enriching the experience and making it more immersive.

It is worth noting that as this is a 100% online program, there will be no need to go to an on-site center, and it will also have a virtual campus, from which the course content can be extracted and reviewed as often as necessary. Therefore, you will only need a device with an Internet connection.

A program full of updated information about ASD, so that once you have completed it you will be an expert in the field"

This Postgraduate certificate in Autism Spectrum and Pervasive and Specific Developmental Disorders for Teachers contains the most complete and up-to-date Education program on the market. Its most notable features are:

  • The development of case studies presented by experts in Autism Spectrum and Pervasive and Specific Developmental Disorders
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where the self-assessment process can be carried out to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

You will have access to the virtual campus 24 hours a day, so that you can learn more about the most important aspects of this field"

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from the industry who contribute their work experience to this program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive education programmed to learn in real situations.

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the academic year For this purpose, the students will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts.

Learn about the most effective diagnostic techniques and contribute in those cases where the person's condition is not yet known"


Develop specialist competencies in Therapeutic Pedagogy to offer your school quality work in this area of fundamental interest"


TECH identifies the current needs of the field and converts them into objectives for education professionals. In this way, whoever wishes to take the Postgraduate certificate will acquire a series of competencies that will help them for the rest of their professional career. The knowledge contained in this program aims to provide informative and didactic tools, essential for a correct approach to neurodevelopmental disorders, mainly ASD. Therefore, after completing this program, the goals to be achieved will be closer.


Become a recognized teacher who addresses complex cases of students with neurodevelopmental disorders, so you will not only contribute to the field but to humanity”

General Objectives

  • Learn how Special Education has evolved, especially regarding international entities such as UNESCO.
  • Use a scientific vocabulary adjusted to the demands of multiprofessional teams, participating in student coordination and monitoring
  • Collaborate in supporting families / legal guardians in the development of students
  • Participate in the assessment and diagnosis of special educational needs
  • Elaborate the adaptations required by students with special educational needs
  • Use the methodology, tools and material resources adapted to the individual needs of students with special educational needs
  • Learn the basics of Psychology, Educational Sciences and Neurology both to read reports from other professionals and to establish specific guidelines for the appropriate response at school to the needs posed by students
  • Establish measures both in the classroom, school and environment for students with special educational needs to enable their full inclusion in today's society

Specific Objectives

  • Define and differentiate the different concepts within autism spectrum disorder
  • Delve deeper into the different disorders, their characteristics, intervention and needs, among other aspects
  • Adapt tools and materials related to learner needs
  • Recognize the different evaluations and prognoses to be established

Enhance your profile and be part of the select group of the most successful professionals in pedagogy and special education"

Postgraduate Certificate in Autism Spectrum and Pervasive and Specific Developmental Disorders for Teachers

Autism spectrum and pervasive and specific developmental disorders are disabilities that affect the cognitive and social development of individuals, so it is essential that teachers have the necessary knowledge to provide an inclusive and appropriate education to their students. The Postgraduate Certificate in Autism Spectrum and Pervasive and Specific Developmental Disorders for Teachers, designed by TECH, provides the necessary tools for education professionals to understand and address these disabilities effectively. The program is based on the Relearning methodology, focused on experiential learning, and focuses on real cases put into practice. Teachers will have access to exclusive content, presented in high-impact audiovisual material, which will enable them to acquire knowledge and skills to work with students with autism spectrum and other developmental disorders.

Delve into ASD as a teacher

The agenda includes aspects such as the concept and classification of autism spectrum disorders and pervasive and specific developmental disorders, educational intervention and curricular adaptation, as well as the importance of early care in these disorders. In addition, the role of the teacher in inclusive education is addressed and strategies and resources for the attention to diversity in the classroom are presented. The Postgraduate Certificate in Autism Spectrum and Pervasive and Specific Developmental Disorders for Teachers can be taken 100% online, from any device with internet connection. Participants will be supported by specialized tutors and will be able to interact with other professionals in the sector. At the end of the program, they will obtain a university degree that will allow them to improve their CV and perform more efficiently in their work.