
What are you waiting for to enroll? Do it now and face the challenges of the field of education" 


Language is the main tool used by human beings to transmit thoughts, ideas or feelings; however, when there is a lack of a sense such as speech or when it is difficult to manage it, it is necessary to resort to efficient alternatives, being these other types of communication or physical therapies. Among the most common disorders we can find stuttering, selective mutism or the inability to express oneself correctly, so in these cases it is necessary to assist with a specialist who contributes from their experience and knowledge.

In this way, the teacher assumes several cases within the classroom and has to manage those students with communication difficulties or disorders. Therefore, this program is an opportunity to update their knowledge based on the most innovative and most effective therapies today.

Therefore, this Postgraduate certificate offers a complete program in the management of children, adolescents and young people with difficulties or inabilities to communicate effectively. Inside, the professional will be able to find a broad syllabus, which not only covers the solution of the problem, but also delves into the origin of the problem. In addition, they will find high-impact audiovisual material, readings of high academic value and practical exercises that emulate real situations of the profession.

Finally, once the qualification has been passed, the teachers will acquire new competencies that will contribute to their profession, so that they will become experts in the use of state-of-the-art techniques for the treatment of communication disorders.

Contribute to the treatment of disorders such as stuttering, selective mutism and shyness" 

This Postgraduate certificate in Approach to Students with Communication Disorders contains the most complete and up-to-date educational program on the market. Its most notable features are:

  • The development of case studies presented by experts in Communication Disorders
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice 
  • Practical exercises where the self-assessment process can be carried out to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies  
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments 
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

This Postgraduate certificate is an opportunity for you to understand the causes of communication disorders and to successfully address them"

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals in the sector who contribute their work experience to this program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide professionals with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive learning, designed for specializing oneself in real situations.

The design of this program focuses on Problem-Based Learning, by means of which the professional must try to solve the different situations of professional practice that arise throughout the academic course. For this purpose, the students will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts.

A compendium of updated information selected by experts in the field who know what the current needs of the field are"


TECH offers you an innovative and high-impact program, which will complement your career to reach the top of your profession"


TECH's objectives are based on the current needs of the sector in order to seek the professional growth of teachers. The knowledge contained in this program aims to provide informative and didactic tools, essential for a correct approach to communicative disorders. In this way, the development of the program will provide graphic material, complementary readings and exercises focused on real life cases, which will offer a more immersive experience.


Achieve your goals with TECH and become a recognized teacher with emphasis on communication disorders" 

General Objectives

  • Learn how Special Education has evolved, especially regarding international entities such as UNESCO.
  • Use a scientific vocabulary adjusted to the demands of multiprofessional teams, participating in student coordination and monitoring 
  • Collaborate in supporting families / legal guardians in the development of students 
  • Participate in the assessment and diagnosis of Special Educational Needs 
  • Elaborate the adaptations required by students with Special Educational Needs 
  • Use the methodology, tools and material resources adapted to the individual needs of students with Special Educational Needs 
  • Learn the basics of Psychology, Educational Sciences and Neurology both to read reports from other professionals and to establish specific guidelines for the appropriate response at school to the needs posed by students 
  • Establish measures both in the classroom, school and environment for students with Special Educational Needs to enable their full inclusion in today's society 

Specific Objectives

  • Define the term communication and know its possible disorders 
  • Classify and recognize the different communication disorders 
  • Identify the neurological basis of development and learning in the developmental pyramid 
  • Know the incidences in student developmental stages for their intervention 
  • Understand multiprofessional coordination with students, together with the required documentation and organization according to needs 
  • Understand social intervention according to student developmental stages 
  • Know the intervention at the individual level according to the stages of student development in relation to their needs and disorder type 
  • Adapt tools and materials related to learner needs 
  • Recognize the different assessments to be established depending on the type of disorder of the student 

Boost your profile and be part of the select group of the most successful professionals of the future"

Postgraduate Certificate in Addressing Students with Communication Disorders

TECH Global University's Postgraduate Certificate in Addressing Students with Communication Disorders is the perfect educational program for those professionals and educators who wish to specialize in supporting students with communication disorders. In this Postgraduate Certificate, you will gain theoretical and practical knowledge about the different communication disorders that can affect students, such as autism spectrum disorder, dyslexia, language disorder, among others. Through virtual classes, you will have access to updated and quality content, taught by Postgraduate Diplomas in the field of special education and communication. Virtual classes give you the flexibility to study from anywhere and at any time, adapting to your personal and work schedule.

Develop skills to provide specialized educational support with TECH.

At TECH Global University, we work to offer you the best possible continuous learning, adapted to the needs and demands of today's labor market. You will have interactive University reCourse, explanatory videos and discussion forums that will encourage collaborative learning and the exchange of experiences with other professionals. One of the main benefits of this Postgraduate Certificate is that you will be able to apply the knowledge acquired in a practical way. Throughout the program, real cases and study situations will be presented in which you will be able to put into practice the strategies and intervention techniques to improve students' communication. Upon completion of the Postgraduate Certificate in Addressing Students with Communication Disorders, you will be prepared to provide specialized educational support to students who need it. You will be able to design and implement inclusive pedagogical strategies, adapt didactic materials and work collaboratively with the teaching team and families. Don't miss this opportunity to develop skills for addressing students with communication disorders.
