
Pediatrics and Neurology are the fields of specialization of Dr. Valentín Sanz Costa, a renowned specialist and reference in the field. His excellent professional career has allowed him to stand out throughout his career, being currently the Director of the Electroencephalography Unit at the University Hospital of Caracas.  

A specialist in Child Neurology, he is an Expert in Applied Neurophysiology in EEG, Video-EEG and in the Treatment and Surgery of Childhood Epilepsy. In addition, he has combined his work with teaching, belonging to various academic programs in the service of Neurophysiology and Neurology.  

  • Director of the Electroencephalography Unit of the Neurology Service of the University Hospital of Caracas.  
  • Pediatrician Specialist in Child Neurology.
  • Master's Degree in Sleep and Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.   
  • Professor of Neurophysiology and Neurology, Postgraduate at the Universidad Central de Venezuela. 
Programmes in collaboration with

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