
Dr. Raquel Ruíz Rodríguez is an expert in Human Resources, People Development and Neuromanagement. A regular contributor to the professional and personal growth program Rompiendo las Reglas, her global vision, high capacity for integration, influence and communication make her a high-level professional.  

Her extensive professional experience spans more than 15 years in the area of people and consulting, in corporate environments of large companies. She has held different positions, among others, as HR Manager, with a Generalist profile and People Development Specialist in different sectors.  

  • Director at Rétate Consultora, Escuela Talento y Ciencia.
  • Radio collaborator in the program Rompiendo las Reglas. 
  • Director of Career Development  
  • HR Manager at Bureau Veritas  
  • Doctorate in Business Leadership from Rey Juan Carlos Univeristy. 
  • Official Master's Degree in Neuromanagement from Rey Juan Carlos Univeristy  
  • Gold Level Master's Degree in Coaching by IEC 
  • Master's Degree in Human Resources by IMF 
  • Bachelor's Degree in Labor Relations from the University of Valencia


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