
Specialize in Sports Journalism with a high-quality professional master’s degree that will provide you with the skills of a top professional in this field"


Specialization is a determining factor in any profession, in Sports Journalism too; however, the problem is even more complex in the world of communication because the digital environment has changed not only the concept of media (a newspaper is nowadays considered something different in the 'transmedia' context), but also that of the journalist, who has become a multimedia professional and, as a result, must master all the possibilities offered by the different media (and social networks) and their tools (a mobile or smartphone, in fact, can be considered one of them). 

As professors of recognized prestige and professionals with many years of experience, we have deeply analyzed the educational alternatives offered by the market to successfully address the new challenges faced by the profession. The professional master’s degree in Sports Journalism offered by TECH Global University is undoubtedly the most complete of all the available programs, because we approach the specialization in its many different aspects.

The professional master’s degree in Sports Journalism offers journalism professionals a practical, dynamic and flexible option to update techniques and concepts in their specialty, as well as discover innovative processes applicable to the practice of their profession. 

The professional master’s degree in Sports Journalism is the only one of its kind that faces and solves the multiple challenges of the new and complex reality of Sports Journalism in all its fields. Let's go straight to the current keys of the profession, to the solutions (trial and error) that are being proposed by large, medium and small means of communication in a world of information that has become fragmented in its journalistic and advertising aspects.

This professional master’s degree covers many of the educational gaps that some of the current media professionals have in other sports disciplines (basketball, cycling, tennis, motor sports, etc.), it is of great value for those who aspire to be the new referents of Sports Journalism .

The proven experience of TECH Global University is at your service during this complete program"

This professional master’s degree in Sports Journalism contains the most complete and up-to-date program on the market. Its most notable features are: 

  • The latest technology in online teaching software
  • A highly visual teaching system, supported by graphic and schematic contents that are easy to assimilate and understand
  • Practical cases presented by practising experts
  • State-of-the-art interactive video systems
  • Teaching supported by telepractice
  • Continuous updating and recycling systems
  • Autonomous learning: full compatibility with other occupations
  • Practical exercises for self-evaluation and learning verification
  • Support groups and educational synergies: questions to the expert, debate and knowledge forums
  • Communication with the teacher and individual reflection work
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection
  • Supplementary documentation databases are permanently available, even after the program

A professional master’s degree supported by the best technology, which will allow you to learn in a fluid and efficient way"

The team of professors in the Sports Journalism program have extensive experience in teaching at the university level, both in undergraduate and graduate programs, and extensive experience as working professionals, which allows them to know, first hand, the profound transformation undergone by the communication sector. Their direct experiences, their knowledge and the analytical capacity of those who hold a managerial position are the best source to grasp the key to the present and the future of a vocational and exciting profession for those who love sports and communication.

The methodology of the programs offered at TECH Global University, in online format, allows students to break down the barriers imposed by work obligations and the difficult balance between work and personal life. Accessing face-to-face learning is practically impossible for those who are involved in the daily demands of work. 

All this educational summary makes this program of specialization in Sports Journalism , which includes all the aspects that are relevant and essential to turn the professional journalist into a true expert in the fields related to Sports Journalism

With professors who are experts in this area of work, this program is a unique opportunity for professional development"


Get certified in one of the most interesting fields of journalism with TECH Global University"


The program in Sports Journalism is aimed at obtaining a degree of specialization that allows a journalism professional to develop their career in this field in an optimal way. For this purpose, we have developed the essential theoretical content that will serve as a foundation for the practice, which will be developed intensively throughout the program. 


Understand the way of working in all areas of Sports Journalism , the most up-to-date working methods and the different fields in which this activity can be developed. All with the quality of TECH Global University"

General Objectives

  • Analyze current trends and the forms in which Sports Journalism is practiced 
  • Examine the personal and professional skills of a sports communicator
  • Identify opportunities to benefit from the generation of specialized, original and valuable content for the user
  • Generate specialized knowledge on the organization and management of today in a multimedia sports newsroom
  • Develop specialized knowledge about sports activities and the entities that make up the business network in this field 
  • Determine the profiles and skills needed for sports companies
  • Identify the importance of communication in the sports environment
  • Generate specialized knowledge on sports marketing and sponsorship
  • Analyze the impact of sport on society
  • Acquire in-depth knowledge of sports organizations
  • Define the functions of the communication departments of sports companies
  • Examine the changes in the management of sports companies
  • Define the different areas of sports organizations
  • Address the development of marketing and advertising in sports
  • Delve into the history of sport
  • Examine the current radio scenario, sports radio in particular, detecting the threats posed by new technologies and the strengths that radio has at its disposal
  • Analyze and identify the different types of sports radio programs that exist today
  • Provide a historical evolution of sports radio from its birth to the present and know the milestones that have marked its progress
  • Compile the necessary journalistic skills in the field of sports in order to be able to rigorously practice Journalism so specialized like that of sports journalism
  • Define the transformation of the traditional radio model, converted as other media in 'transmedia', in order to be able to visualize alternatives in the Sports Journalism of the future
  • Examine the current panorama of sports on television, with the two-way flow offered by generalist and thematic channels, and with two opposing styles, quality programs and 'trash TV' programs 
  • Analyze and identify the different formats that deal with sports information: news, programs and broadcasts
  • Evaluate the impact of new technologies on television, the revolution it has brought about in the consumption of sports content, and its application in the coverage and broadcasting of sport
  • Identify the key moments that sports news coverage has had in the history of television
  • Acquire essential terminology for the handling of audiovisual contents offered on television
  • Expose all the internal and external agents involved in the broadcasting of a sporting event
  • Evaluate the similarities and differences between television and radio in the broadcasting of a sporting event
  • Develop the techniques that allow the use of the voice as a tool, applying the rhythm and intonation required for television
  • Specify how a television sports newsroom works and how its various members interact with each other
  • Demonstrate the importance of broadcasting rights and the power that television has in decision making when organizing a sporting event
  • Interpret audiences and the effect of technology on viewers, who have moved away from their passive role
  • Assess the figure of the sports presenter on television, the techniques and tools available to them, and the way they 'act' according to the type of program 
  • Define the elements involved in the recording, editing, montage and postproduction of a television video
  • Compile, manage and interpret relevant data through specific digital tools
  • Master tools and resources to visualize data in a clear and attractive way
  • Analyze sports events in-depth
  • Establish relationships with the main sources of investigative Sports Journalism 
  • Present photography as an important part of the journalistic discourse
  • Demonstrate that, in one way or another, images support stories
  • Recognize the core value of the photojournalist
  • Establish an approach to the different aspects of sports photography
  • Develop skills for an optimal distribution of multi-sport contents
  • Acquire advanced knowledge of the sports disciplines with the greatest media projection
  • Analyze the fundamentals of almost fifty other disciplines to reinforce a comprehensive overview of multisport aspects
  • Examine the most recommendable guidelines when approaching the news report and other journalistic genres (to cover these sports)
  • Generate specialized knowledge on regulations and strategies that subsequently enrich journalistic pieces
  • Delve in the history of major sporting events and the geopolitical dimension that contextualizes them
  • Analyze the historical milestones in major events that have found the necessary repercussions to break established social patterns
  • Evaluate the intimate relationship between power and sport, and between politics and major sporting events, with the media at times exercising power and at other times its true counter-power function
  • Offer the key to the correct use of the language of sports
  • Make known the diversity of terminology in the world of sports
  • Apply knowledge on the use of language to journalistic writing of chronicles, news, reports or interviews

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Sports Journalism

  • Analyze the direction of sports journalism: “wherever it goes” 
  • Carry out an in-depth study of the forms of organization of sports newsrooms 
  • Identify the opportunities offered by the technologization of journalism
  • Examine the qualities of a good sports journalist
  • Define the different sources of sports journalism
  • Specify the ethical and deontological codes that govern sports journalists
  • Identify the signs of the different genres of sports journalism

Module 2. Sports Journalism and its Multiple Environments

  • Analyze the impact of sport on society
  • Acquire in-depth knowledge of sports organizations
  • Define the functions of the communication departments of sports companies
  • Examine the changes in the management of sports companies
  • Define the different areas of sports organizations
  • Address the development of marketing and advertising in sports
  • Delve in the history of sport

Module 3. Online or Digital Sports Journalism

  • Master the methodology and techniques used by the online media
  • Analyze how to manage social media strategies
  • Start a business and manage your personal brand
  • Develop a Community Manager specialized knowledge to manage communication with the audience
  • Structure, organize and make the most of the spaces on a website
  • Determine the styles of narrative journalism

Module 4. Sports Journalism in Radio

  • Develop the necessary and specific skills to generate content for any radio format 
  • Examine the internal and external agents involved in the development of a radio sports program
  • Develop specialized knowledge on techniques to improve the voice as an essential tool for radio
  • Analyze the new radio platforms that support and increase the broadcasting of sports radio
  • Demonstrate the use of social media as a means to enhance the messages of sports programs
  • Evaluate how a radio journalist acts in the daily coverage of current affairs
  • Perform audience measurements and establish the techniques used for interactivity with listeners 

Module 5. Sports Journalism in Television

  • Compile the essential terminology for the handling of audiovisual contents offered on television
  • Expose all the internal and external agents involved in the broadcasting of a sporting event
  • Evaluate the similarities and differences between television and radio in the broadcasting of a sporting event
  • Develop the techniques that allow the use of the voice as a tool, applying the rhythm and intonation required for television
  • Specify how a television sports newsroom works and how its different members interact with each other
  • Demonstrate the importance of broadcasting rights and the power that television has in decision making when organizing a sporting event
  • Interpret audiences and the effect of technology on viewers, who have moved away from their passive role
  • Assess the figure of the sports presenter on television, the techniques and tools available to them, and the way they 'act' according to the type of program 
  • Define the elements involved in the recording, editing, montage and postproduction of a television video

Module 6. Data and Investigative journalism

  • Analyze sports from a data journalism perspective
  • Select appropriate data sources for specific statistical news items
  • Support information or opinions with relevant data
  • Compile, process, manage, filter and compare statistics
  • Access, discriminate and publish confidential information and leaks

Module 7. Sports Photojournalism

  • Provide students with knowledge about photography that most journalists do not have
  • Implement a powerful base of image concepts to create a conceptual foundation for photography
  • Help students learn why photographs are used in certain ways
  • Rethink previous knowledge of photography
  • Examine what the leaders in this field are currently doing
  • Analyze what has been done up to the present day
  • Raise awareness in favor of joint work between photographer and editor

Module 8. Specialization in Sports

  • Identify the key to the development of a sporting event to provide the most accurate interpretation
  • Analyze the ins and outs of the following disciplines: rugby, basketball, cycling, athletics, motor sports, tennis and golf
  • Define the key to the regulations of sports disciplines with less media projection
  • Advance in the specialization in multisport matters
  • Define patterns for optimal content distribution
  • Specify the chronicle guidelines according to each sport discipline
  • Examine the performance of prestigious events such as the U.S. Masters in golf, the Davis Cup in tennis and the Grand Tours in cycling

Module 9. Major Sporting Events

  • Compile the most relevant facts in the history of major sporting events (Olympic Games, World Cups and the most important tournaments in other disciplines such as motorsports, tennis, basketball or golf) from their origins to the present day
  • Evaluate the political, social, economic and cultural circumstances in which they are developed, and which give full meaning to them
  • Expose the techniques, resources, skills and circumstances in which news coverage of a major event such as a World Cup, Olympic Games or Formula One World Championship is carried out
  • Demonstrate how to organize a major event in its four phases (design, development, management and completion) by defining the type of event, structure and strategic objectives
  • Specify the practical case of the organization of a Davis Cup tennis final, with the creation of an organizing committee, a media strategy and the organization of the press
  • Demonstrate the importance of broadcasting rights and the power that television has in decision making when organizing a sporting event
  • Interpret the assignment of image exploitation rights and how it directly affects the development of sports journalism
  • Assess the role of women in their participation in major sporting events: from the creation of their own Games in Ancient Greece to the quest for equality today

Module 10. Sports Language

  • Study the importance of sports language in the context of common language
  • Know the etymology and use of sports words
  • Study the presence of words and expressions from the language of sports in other areas and news sections
  • Analyze the contribution of sports journalistic language and its innovations (neologisms) in the evolution of dictionaries
  • Understand the most common lexical and semantic errors made in everyday sports journalism
  • Know and analyze foreign terms used in the world of sports
  • Analyze the most common rhetorical resources in sports journalistic discourse
  • Use and study how sports language is included in glossaries and style books of journalistic media, as well as other resources available online for the correct use of the language

Our goal is simple: to offer you a high-quality program, with the most developed teaching resources so that you can achieve the best results with little effort”

Professional Master's Degree in Sports Journalism

There is one thing a Champions League final, a title fight in boxing or the UFC and an opening presentation of the Olympic Games have in common: vast media coverage. This is no accident. Sports have long been one of the most attractive facets of journalism because of the great fascination it holds for spectators and/or fans. Whether to inquire about the scandal of a famous athlete or to analyze the plays and strategies in championships, the press has an enormous field of action in this field. At TECH Global University, we have set out to train communication professionals in the latest advances, trends, dynamics and informative tools with the Professional Master's Degree in Sports Journalism. Focused on providing a unique experience, easily accessible, but at the same time of high curricular level, we have devised this postgraduate course in a completely online format in which you can navigate even from mobile devices and free from fixed schedules, exploring the most complete and innovative agenda in digital interactivity.

Titúlate in sports journalism with this postgraduate

Studying with TECH is equivalent to making the best goal of your life and we will tell you why: we are ranked as one of the best virtual universities worldwide with a catalog of more than 10,000 high quality educational programs that use proven cognitive methodologies such as the Relearning model, coupled with advanced multimedia material that complements our excellent curricula. This particular Professional Master's Degree is structured in ten modules where you will find: sources and documentation of sports journalism, communication management skills, sports psychology, online media landscape and management, advertising strategies in digital media, sports radio, audiovisual content, photojournalism, coverage of major sporting events, among many other topics that will give a big plus to your skills. Do you aspire to ascend to the podium of journalists transmitting all that mass passion for sport? Opt for TECH and do it without leaving home.