
Laura Alonso Granel has a Diploma in Optics and a Professional Master's Degree in Optometry with a high specialization in Pediatric Optometry from Boston University

Her extensive knowledge and academic studies have allowed her to develop a successful career undertaking her own project, the company VEO, Optometry and Visual Training, a center dedicated to the analysis and improvement of the visual system, detecting and treating problems that interfere with the patient's quality of life. 

She is a member of the National College of Opticians and Optometrists in Spain and has excelled in another facet such as university teaching in exclusive postgraduate programs. 

  • Owner and technical director of the company "VEO, Optometry and Visual Training". 
  • Diploma in Optics and Optometry from the University School of Optics and Optometry of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Granada.  
  • Diploma in Optics from the University School of Optics of Alicante. University of Alicante. 
  • Professional Master's Degree in Optometry. Optometric Specialization Center. Madrid 
  • Professional Master's Degree in Optometry. Boston Center of Optometry. Madrid 
  • Diploma in Optics and Optometry, University of Alicante. 
  • Member of the National College of Opticians-Optometrists. 
  • High Specialization in Pediatric Optometry, NEWENCO. Boston University 
  • Berard method auditory reeducator 
Programmes in collaboration with

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