
Lead the field of computer security defense in your company with this Postgraduate diploma"


Why Study at TECH?

TECH is the world's largest 100% online business school. It is an elite business school, with a model based on the highest academic standards. A world-class center for intensive managerial skills education.   

TECH is a university at the forefront of technology, and puts all its resources at the student's disposal to help them achieve entrepreneurial success"

At TECH Global University

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The university offers an online learning model that balances the latest educational technology with the most rigorous teaching methods. A unique method with the highest international recognition that will provide students with the keys to develop in a rapidly-evolving world, where innovation must be every entrepreneur’s focus.

"Microsoft Europe Success Story", for integrating the innovative, interactive multi-video system. 
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The Highest Standards

Admissions criteria at TECH are not economic. Students don't need to make a large investment to study at this university. However, in order to obtain a qualification from TECH, the student's intelligence and ability will be tested to their limits. The institution's academic standards are exceptionally high...  

95% of TECH students successfully complete their studies.
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Professionals from countries all over the world attend TECH, allowing students to establish a large network of contacts that may prove useful to them in the future.  

100,000+ executives prepared each year, 200+ different nationalities.
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Students will grow hand in hand with the best companies and highly regarded and influential professionals. TECH has developed strategic partnerships and a valuable network of contacts with major economic players in 7 continents.  

500+ collaborative agreements with leading companies.
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This program is a unique initiative to allow students to showcase their talent in the business world. An opportunity that will allow them to voice their concerns and share their business vision. 

After completing this program, TECH helps students show the world their talent.
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Multicultural Context 

While studying at TECH, students will enjoy a unique experience. Study in a multicultural context. In a program with a global vision, through which students can learn about the operating methods in different parts of the world, and gather the latest information that best adapts to their business idea.

TECH students represent more than 200 different nationalities.  
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Learn with the best

In the classroom, TECH’s teaching staff discuss how they have achieved success in their companies, working in a real, lively, and dynamic context. Teachers who are fully committed to offering a quality specialization that will allow students to advance in their career and stand out in the business world. 

Teachers representing 20 different nationalities. 

TECH strives for excellence and, to this end, boasts a series of characteristics that make this university unique:   

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TECH explores the student’s critical side, their ability to question things, their problem-solving skills, as well as their interpersonal skills.  

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Academic Excellence 

TECH offers students the best online learning methodology. The university combines the Relearning method (postgraduate learning methodology with the best international valuation) with the Case Study. Tradition and vanguard in a difficult balance, and in the context of the most demanding educational itinerary. 

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Economy of Scale 

TECH is the world’s largest online university. It currently boasts a portfolio of more than 10,000 university postgraduate programs. And in today's new economy, volume + technology = a ground-breaking price. This way, TECH ensures that studying is not as expensive for students as it would be at another university.   

At TECH, you will have access to the most rigorous and up-to-date case analyses in academia” 


The Postgraduate diploma in Computer Security Defense Measures has been structured on the basis of the Relearning methodology, based on the reiteration of content, and where, in addition, management personnel will be able to acquire a broad knowledge of Cybersecurity with multimedia material. All in a simple way and reducing the hours of study. 

Be an efficient manager in all fields of business. Apply all the learning provided by this Postgraduate diploma in your company"


The Postgraduate diploma in Computer Security Defense Measures is an advanced program aimed at executives and managers of different departments of the company, who must assume the responsibility of protecting the company against any computer attack it may suffer.

The syllabus of this Postgraduate diploma will provide students with the necessary leadership for the adoption of all necessary measures, as well as the implementation of the main tools and existing protocols  to prevent a company from suffering a cyber-attack, and in the case of suffering it, to know how to act and lead the whole team to reverse the situation.

During the 450 hours of specialization, students will be provided with practical material that will allow them to extrapolate any incident to their own company. It is, therefore, a deep immersion in real situations that a business may experience.

This Postgraduate diploma delves into the analysis of threats in the IT system, the management of any incident and the main policies to be adopted in each company depending on the security attack in which it has been affected.

This Postgraduate diploma takes place over six months and is divided into 3 modules:

Module 1. Security Policies for the Analysis of Threats in Computer Systems
Module 2. Security Incident Management Policies
Module 3.
Practical Implementation of Security Policies against Attacks


Where, When and How is it Taught?

TECH offers the possibility of developing this Postgraduate diploma in Computer Security Defense Measures completely online. Throughout the 6 months of the educational program, you will be able to access all the contents of this program at any time, allowing you to self-manage your study time.

Module 1. Security Policies for the Analysis of Threats in Computer Systems

1.1. Threat Management in Security Policies

1.1.1. Risk Management
1.1.2. Security Risk
1.1.3. Threat Management Methodologies
1.1.4. Implementation of Methodologies

1.2. Phases of Threat Management

1.2.1. Identification
1.2.2. Analysis
1.2.3. Localization
1.2.4. Safeguard Measures

1.3. Audit Systems for Threat Localization

1.3.1. Classification and Information Flow
1.3.2. Analysis of Vulnerable Processes

1.4. Risk Classification

1.4.1. Types of Risk
1.4.2. Calculation of Threat Probability
1.4.3. Residual Risk

1.5. Risk Treatment

1.5.1. Implementation of Safeguard Measures
1.5.2. Transfer or Assume

1.6. Control Risks

1.6.1. Continuous Risk Management Process
1.6.2. Implementation of Security Metrics
1.6.3. Strategic Model of Information Security Metrics

1.7. Practical Methodologies for Threat Analysis and Control

1.7.1. Threat Catalog
1.7.2. Catalog of Control Measures
1.7.3. Safeguards Catalog

1.8. ISO 27005

1.8.1. Risk Identification
1.8.2. Risk Analysis
1.8.3. Risk Evaluation

1.9. Risk, Impact and Threat Matrix

1.9.1. Data, Systems and Personnel
1.9.2. Threat Probability
1.9.3. Magnitude of Damage

1.10. Design of Phases and Processes in Threat Analysis

1.10.1. Identification of Critical Elements of the Organization
1.10.2. Determination of Threats and Impacts
1.10.3. Impact and Risk Analysis
1.10.4. Methods

Module 2. Security Incident Management Policies

2.1. Information Security Incident Management Policies and Enhancements

2.1.1. Incident Management
2.1.2. Responsibilities and Procedures
2.1.3. Event Notification

2.2. Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems (IDS/IPS)

2.2.1. System Operating Data
2.2.2. Types of Intrusion Detection Systems
2.2.3. Criteria for IDS/IPS Placement

2.3. Security Incident Response

2.3.1. Data Collection Procedure
2.3.2. Intrusion Verification Process
2.3.3. CERT Organizations

2.4. Intrusion Attempt Notification and Management Process

2.4.1. Responsibilities in the Notification Process
2.4.2. Classification of Incidents
2.4.3. Resolution and Recovery Process

2.5. Forensic Analysis as a Security Policy

2.5.1. Volatile and Non-Volatile Evidence
2.5.2. Analysis and Collection of Electronic Evidence Analysis of Electronic Evidence Collection of Electronic Evidence

2.6. Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems (IDS/IPS) Tools

2.6.1. Snort
2.6.2. Suricata
2.6.3. Solar-Winds

2.7. Event Centralizing Tools

2.7.1. SIM
2.7.2. SEM
2.7.3. SIEM

2.8. CCN-STIC Security Guide 817

2.8.1. CCN-STIC Security Guide 817
2.8.2. Cyber Incident Management
2.8.3. Metrics and Indicators

2.9. NIST SP800-61

2.9.1. Computer Security Incident Response Capability
2.9.2. Handling an Incident
2.9.3. Coordination and Information Sharing

2.10. ISO 27035

2.10.1. ISO 27035 Standard. Incident Management Principles
2.10.2. Incident Management Plan Preparation Guidelines
2.10.3. Incident Response Operations Guide

Module 3. Practical Implementation of Security Policies in the Face of Attacks

3.1. System Hacking

3.1.1. Risks and Vulnerabilities
3.1.2. Countermeasures

3.2. DoS Attack

3.2.1. Risks and Vulnerabilities
3.2.2. Countermeasures

3.3. Session Hijacking

3.3.1. The process of Hijacking
3.3.2. Hijacking Countermeasures

3.4. Evading IDS, Firewalls and Honeypots

3.4.1. Avoidance Techniques
3.4.2. Implementation of Countermeasures

3.5. Hacking Web Servers

3.5.1. Attacks on Web Servers
3.5.2. Implementation of Defense Measures

3.6. Hacking Web Applications

3.6.1. Attacks on Web Applications
3.6.2. Implementation of Defense Measures

3.7. Hacking Wireless Networks

3.7.1. Vulnerabilities in Wi-Fi Networks
3.7.2. Implementation of Defense Measures

3.8. Hacking Mobile Platforvs

3.8.1. Vulnerabilities of Mobile Platforms
3.8.2. Implementation of Countermeasures

3.9. Ramsonware

3.9.1. Ramsonware Vulnerabilities
3.9.2. Implementation of Countermeasures

3.10. Social Engineering

3.10.1. Types of Social Engineering
3.10.2. Countermeasures for Social Engineering


An experience that will allow you to lead the implementation of action protocols for cyber attacks"

Postgraduate Diploma in Computer Security Defense Measures

In today's digital age, information security has become a fundamental concern for individuals and organizations. If you want to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to protect the digital world and face the challenges of cybersecurity, the Postgraduate Diploma in Computer Security Defense Measures of TECH Global University is the perfect choice for you.

Our program, taught in online classes, gives you the convenience of learning from anywhere and adapting your studies to your personal schedule. Through our virtual learning platform, you will have access to interactive content, multimedia resources and debate forums, which will allow you an enriching and collaborative learning experience.

The Postgraduate Diploma in Computer Security Defense Measures will provide you with the most up-to-date knowledge on the latest cyber threats and best practices in information security. You will learn intrusion prevention and detection techniques, digital forensics, incident management, and network and system protection.

Enroll now and protect your Digital World

Our team of University Experts in computer security will guide you through real case studies and practical simulations, allowing you to apply your knowledge in secure virtual environments. In addition, you will be personally mentored by professionals with extensive experience in the field of cybersecurity, who will provide guidance and support throughout the program.

Upon completion of the Postgraduate Diploma in Computer Security Defense Measures, you will be prepared to face cybersecurity challenges and protect the sensitive information of individuals and organizations. You will be able to work as a security analyst, cybersecurity consultant or be part of teams specialized in protecting data and systems.

Don't let cyber-attacks compromise your digital world. Enroll in our Postgraduate Diploma in Computer Security Defense Measures and become a professional in protecting against cyber threats!