
Specialize with TECH! This professional master’s degree in Transfusion Medicine and Patient Blood Management is the program you were looking for to boost your academic career towards excellence" 


Allogeneic transfusion remains the most useful and rapid therapeutic tool for blood component replacement after acute blood loss. However, we are increasingly aware of its limitations and undesirable effects in poly-transfused patients, both in terms of infusional adverse reactions and its influence on their morbidity and mortality during hospitalization. On the other hand, it is necessary to optimize the use of a limited and costly resource from blood donors, collaborating to maintain a sustainable health system. 

Therefore, in this professional master’s degree from TECH, the student will learn the different strategies and current recommendations of restrictive therapy of hemocomponents in the management of the bleeding patient (Patient Blood Management) and the correct use of other blood derivatives, in a didactic way with examples of common practice and with a main focus on patient safety.

Thus, a broad approach is proposed for the entire transfusion system, in its different areas, pre-transfusion and post-transfusion, patients with or without acute bleeding, medical or surgical patients in its three pillars of care (pre-, intra- and post-operative), as well as in the areas of donation and processing of blood components, according to current quality standards, the importance of pre-transfusion tests and the development of a robust hemovigilance system, together with various issues of paramount knowledge and management in Transfusion Medicine. 

In addition, it is a 100% online professional master’s degree that provides the student with the ease of being able to study it comfortably, wherever and whenever he/she wants. All you need is a device with internet access to take your career one step further. A modality in line with the current times with all the guarantees to position the medical professional in a highly demanded field. 

You will learn the latest strategies for restrictive hemocomponent therapy in the management of the bleeding patient with the best professionals in the field" 

This professional master’s degree in Transfusion Medicine and Patient Blood Management  contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most important features include:

  • The development of case studies presented by experts in transfusion medicine and Patient Blood Management 
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for 
    professional development
  • Practical exercises where self-assessment can be used to improve learning
  • With a special emphasis on evidence-based medicine and research methodologies in the field of transfusion medicine
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments  
  • Content that is accessible from any device with an Internet connection 

Thanks to this professional master’s degree, you will perfectly understand the process of the donation of blood and blood components in the context of the current legislation in Spain" 

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from the sector who contribute their work experience to this program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.

Its multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive education programmed to learn in real situations.

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise throughout the program. For this purpose, the professional will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts.

You will master the strategies to increase red blood cell mass, especially in patients who will undergo surgeries with high hemorrhagic risk, contributing to their well-being and early improvement"


Learn more about the different methods to reduce intraoperative bleeding and the main indications and thresholds of blood transfusion from the best professionals"


The purpose of this professional master’s degree program is for students to achieve the proposed objectives so that they can update their understanding of Transfusion Medicine and deepen their knowledge of Patient Blood Management through the development of the different skills necessary for good medical practice. To this end, a team of medical professionals has poured their knowledge and experience into the development of the points of this curriculum, which will drive the professional from a complete perspective and a current approach, with comprehensive preparation for the achievement of their professional goal, guiding them towards excellence in their daily medical work.


You will update your knowledge in transfusion medicine and understand the importance of hemovigilance like never before"

General Objectives

  • Know everything about the process of blood donation and blood components. 
  • Understand hemovigilance as a transversal process involving the entire transfusion chain, from donor to patient

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Blood Donation, Self-Donation and Pre-Transfusion Testing 

  • Understand the process of blood, and blood components, donation, framing it in the context of current legislation
  • Address the donation process specifically, delving into the donor selection process, and the transfusion request process, including the development of pre-transfusion compatibility testing
  • Address the issue of alternatives to allogeneic blood transfusion raised in the Seville Document with special interest in self-donation. The concept of donation promotion will also be developed, understood as a necessary process to match donation and transfusion, and thus obtain a correct management of resources

Module 2. Immunohematology 

  • In-depth study of the performance and interpretation of immunohematological tests that will lead the clinician to provide greater safety in the act of transfusion

Module 3. Allogeneic Transfusion and Patient Blood Management (PBM) Overview

  • Delve into the concepts of Patient Blood Management programs, recommendations for implementation in our environment and to specify transfusion thresholds in the non-bleeding patient

Module 4. Transfusions in Pediatrics

  • Gain a deeper knowledge of the indications of hemocomponents in pediatric patients, considering it as a therapeutic measure, of which a clear and precise physiological knowledge is necessary in the pediatric age to avoid unnecessary risks and to make a good use of them
  • Determine transfusion thresholds in the pediatric population
  • Focus on the proper use of blood derivatives in the pediatric population

Module 5. Transfusion and Blood Saving Strategies in Special Situations 

  • Describe and identify special clinical situations in which individualized transfusion strategies are a priority

Module 6. Processing of Blood Components

  • Delve into blood components, from their procurement to the quality criteria that must be observed in their production. 
  • Learn in detail about each of the products, the modifications that can be made to them, such as irradiation, cryopreservation and pathogen inactivation techniques
  • Influence the labeling of products that follow the standards of the International Society of Blood Transfusion (ISBT), which must be respected so that the exchange of components between countries is possible when necessary.

Module 7. Therapeutic Apheresis 

  • Know the apheresis technique, its purpose and usefulness in clinical practice, with its different clinical indications Learn to perform the procedure or at least know which patients can benefit from this procedure taking into account side effects ]and complications
  • Be familiar with the legislation and quality standards that apply to this 
    type of procedure

Module 8. Strategies for Blood Saving in the Preoperative Setting

  • Acquire in-depth knowledge of the recommended preoperative evaluation of the patient, in terms of the patient's treatments and pathologies that may increase bleeding complications in surgery
  • Explore strategies for increasing red blood cell mass, especially in patients who will undergo surgery with a high bleeding risk

Module 9. Strategies for Blood Saving in the Intraoperative Setting

  • Acquire in-depth knowledge of the different methods to reduce intraoperative bleeding and the main indications and thresholds for blood transfusion

Module 10. Strategies for blood saving in the postoperative setting and the patient 

  • Explore in the best practices in blood component transfusion and blood-saving strategies in response to the needs of the critically ill patient
  • Acquire in-depth knowledge of the recommended guidelines for the management of anticoagulation and thromboprophylaxis in these patients

The fractionation of whole blood implies a greater use of a resource that is, by definition, limited. Therefore, it is necessary to learn more about blood components, do it with this professional master’s degree from TECH!" 

Professional Master's Degree in Transfusion Medicine & Patient Blood Management

Due to its constant innovations in the development of new therapeutic alternatives and new models for blood bank management, transfusion medicine stands out as one of the most advanced specialties of modern medicine in recent years. This situation has produced a growing interest, on the part of professionals in the field, in the search for and approach of academic updating programs that allow them to remain at the forefront of the sector's novelties. Understanding this situation, at TECH Global University we have designed our program of Master's Degree in Transfusion Medicine and Patient Blood Management. This postgraduate course will pay special attention to the knowledge and management of new therapeutic apheresis techniques. In addition, we will deepen in the modernization of the following concepts: the particularities and aspects to be taken into account in the development of a platelet transfusion process for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes; and the identification of the most appropriate techniques for plasma transfusion procedures in patients younger than 4 months.

Study an Online Professional Master's Degree in Transfusion Medicine and Patient Blood Management

The large number of aspects and elements to be considered for the correct development of a blood transfusion process make this specialty one of the most demanding fields with respect to the degree of preparation of its specialized professionals. In our Professional Master's Degree program you will approach transfusion medicine from the identification of the main scopes, opportunities, possibilities and limitations of the sector, contemplating the different regulations that regulate the development of its practices. Likewise, in this postgraduate program you will delve into updating the following aspects: knowledge of the new techniques used for the inactivation of pathogens in blood components; and the identification of the various anesthetic and surgical strategies and techniques used for blood saving in intraoperative contexts.