
With the professional master’s degree in Clinical Ophthalmology, you have the opportunity to update your knowledge comfortably and without sacrificing scientific accuracy, in order to incorporate the latest advances in the approach to ocular diseases into your daily medical practice"


Vision Science in general, which includes Optics, Optometry, Ocular Pharmacology, and Ophthalmology in particular, has experienced spectacular progress over the last ten years, together with significant technological development in the field. There have been noteworthy advances in treatment of pathologies that, until recently, were major causes of blindness, such as cataracts, glaucoma, and alterations and degeneration of the retina and the macula.

All branches of ophthalmologic surgery have undergone changes that have completely transformed the approach to the pathologies associated with the field. The introduction of new scanning techniques, both in the anterior segment of the eyeball and in the posterior segment, has improved the diagnosis and monitoring of diseases, and allows the efficacy of treatment to be tracked. Diseases for which there was no treatment a decade ago are now effectively treated, such as age-related macular degeneration.

All these rapid advances are the result of multidisciplinary collaboration between seemingly unrelated disciplines such as Ophthalmology, Physics, Cell Biology, Bioengineering, Biochemistry, Optics, and Pharmacology, all of which justify the existence of this professional master’s degree program.

Seize the opportunity and take the step to get up-to-date on the latest developments in Clinical Ophthalmology"

This professional master’s degree in Clinical Ophthalmology contains the most complete and updated scientific program on the market. The most important features of the program include:

  • More than 80 clinical cases presented by experts in the different specialities
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Diagnostic and therapeutic innovations in treating patients with ocular diseases
  • Presentation of practical workshops on procedures, diagnosis, and treatment techniques
  • High-definition images and practical self-assessment exercises on current medical advances
  • An algorithm-based interactive learning system for decision-making in the clinical situations presented throughout the course
  • Clinical practice guidelines on the different pathologies related to the eye
  • All of this will be complemented by theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

This professional master’s degree may be the best investment you can make when selecting a refresher program for two reasons: in addition to updating your knowledge in Clinical Ophthalmology, you will obtain a qualification from TECH Global University"

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from the sector who contribute their work experience to this training program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities. 

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive training programmed to train in real situations. 

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the academic year. For this purpose, the student will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts. 

Increase your decision-making confidence by updating your knowledge through this professional master’s degree"


Don't miss out on the opportunity to incorporate the latest medical advances in ophthalmology to improve your patients' care"


The main objective of the program is to provide theoretical and practical learning, so that the physician maintains, on the one hand, extensive knowledge of Clinical Ophthalmology, and on the other hand, develops the necessary skills to establish the appropriate diagnosis and treatment in each case, allowing them to perform their work with absolute confidence.


This refresher program will generate a sense of security when practising medicine, which will help you grow both personally and professionally”

General Objective

  • Keep up to date with diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in Ophthalmology, incorporating the latest advances into your daily medical practice in order to increase the quality and safety of care and improve patient prognosis

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Cataract Surgery Update

  • Update knowledge of cataract surgery

Module 2. Update on Oculoplasty and Lacrimal Ducts

  • Identify advances in the approach to oculoposterior surgery

Module 3. Glaucoma Update 

  • Incorporate new developments in treating patients with glaucoma into routine medical practice
  • Review the pathophysiology of glaucoma and identify new diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in patients

Module 4. Ocular Surface and Cornea Update 

  • Describe the different ocular examination methods
  • Identify new developments in the approach to corneal and ocular surface pathology

Module 5. Refractive Surgery Update

  • Determine the new methods of refractive surgery and its possible complications with ocular lenses
  • Determine the new methods of laser refractive surgery and its possible complications with the use of an excimer laser

Module 6. Update in Ophthalmopediatrics

  • Expand knowledge in ophthalmopediatrics

Module 7. Update in Surgical Retina

  • Update knowledge in conjunctival and corneal neoplasia
  • Identify signs and symptoms of toxic and traumatic anterior segment

Module 8. Medical Retina Update 

  • Establish diagnostic and treatment methods for the most and least common ocular diseases
  • Control the symptomatology of corneal infectious pathology
  • Incorporate new developments in the management of retinal pathologies

Module 9. Uveitis Update

  • Identify the different types of uveitis and learn the new diagnostic and therapeutic procedures used
  • Define the ocular manifestations of systemic diseases

Module 10. Neuro-Ophthalmology

  • Determine new methods in the surgical approach to lacrimal ducts
  • Provide knowledge about the latest surgical techniques in ophthalmology
  • Explain how to present scientific and clinical information, orally or in writing, in a succinct, clear, and well-organized manner
  • Understand how to design and execute a research project

Acquire the necessary skills to specialize in this field and give a boost to your profession" 

Professional Master's Degree in Clinical Ophthalmology

One of the fields of knowledge that most requires specialization and updating of the knowledge of its staff is the medical field. This is because it is one of the sectors that bases its work on the validity of its practices and the quality treatments and/or procedures it can offer. In recent years, both scientific and technological advances that have had a place in the vision sciences have been decisive for the good professional performance of its experts. It is for this reason that in TECH Global University, aware of the skills that professionals in the field must have, as well as the impact that their trade has on the lives of their patients, we designed this Master's Degree in Clinical Ophthalmology so that you can specialize.

Take an online Professional Master's degree and specialize in the eye health profession

TECH Global University offers you an advanced program that specializes in the treatment of ocular medical conditions. In recent years, the discipline of clinical ophthalmology, like other vision sciences, has undergone relevant transformations that caused professionals to rethink the way in which these pathologies should be addressed. In that sense, if you are interested in increasing your knowledge of ophthalmology to stay at the forefront of the latest methods, treatments, and technologies, this program is for you.

Get a Professional Master's degree from the world's largest digital university

TECH Global University has the largest Faculty of Medicine. With the most complete and updated scientific program in the market, and from the hand of experts in the area, those who wish to take this Master will receive, in addition to theoretical-practical classes, the opportunity to learn through the study and analysis of real cases. This will allow you to perfect your skills for the resolution of complex situations in both simulated and real environments and, in addition, will help you to provide an accurate and individualized diagnosis to each patient, guaranteeing your personal and professional growth.