
Integrate the latest developments in geographic information systems into your practice and create accurate maps with vector and raster models”


The application of new digital technologies has revolutionized the geomatics sector. Therefore, the emergence of disruptive software in the area of geographic information systems has enabled professionals in this field to incorporate tools that can facilitate and make their work more precise. This postgraduate diploma responds to this situation, providing the engineer with the most innovative techniques.

In this way, this qualification provides an in-depth study of issues such as cartographic projections, geodesy, the UTM coordinate system, cadastral valuation, urban planning legislation, positioning systems, types of data viewers, and an analysis of the differences between heavy and light clients and the vector model, among many others.

This is achieved through a flexible online learning system that allows the student to choose the time and place to study, while enjoying numerous multimedia contents such as lectures, practical exercises, multimedia summaries or explanatory videos.

Learn about all the possibilities offered by geographic information systems thanks to this postgraduate diploma”

This postgraduate diploma in GIS (Geographical Information Systems) contains the most complete and up-to-date educational program on the market. Its most notable features are:

  • Practical cases presented by experts in Topography, Civil Engineering and Geomatics
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where the self-assessment process can be carried out to improve learning
  • Special emphasis on innovative methodologies
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

Geographical Information Systems are a basic part of the field of geomatics. Gain in-depth knowledge of them with this specialized program”

The teaching staff of this program includes professionals from the industry, who contribute the experience of their work to this program, in addition to recognized specialists from reference societies and prestigious universities.

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive learning programmed to learn in real situations.

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise throughout the program. For this purpose, the student will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts.

TECH 100% online methodology will allow you to study without affecting your career. Don't think twice and enroll now” 


Gain in-depth knowledge in the vector model in order to create the best topographic maps” 


The main objective of this postgraduate diploma in GIS (Geographical Information Systems) is to provide the professional with the most innovative tools in this complex field of geomatics. Therefore, after they have finished the program, the student will have the best knowledge and will be able to directly and immediately apply powerful topographical techniques in their professional practice, creating precise vector and raster maps thanks to everything they have learned throughout the program. 


Progress professionally thanks to the innovative knowledge that you will master upon finishing this postgraduate diploma”

General Objectives

  • Plan, structure and develop expert reports
  • Gather knowledge from different disciplines of topography and focus them towards the expert environment
  • Establish the legislative environment in which expert topography takes place
  • Determine expert topography as a branch of Geomatics
  • Analyze the particularities of the cadaster in depth in order to identify the current characteristics that define/compose it
  • Present the range of possibilities of the cadaster's service through the land registry
  • Evaluate the positioning of urban and land planning within the concept of land, as well as the resources available on the Internet
  • Determine the different positioning systems by studying their operation
  • Develop GNSS systems and assess their capabilities
  • Study the possible errors in GNSS systems
  • Analyze the GNSS results obtained
  • Plan, design and execute a cartographic plan with Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
  • Gather, review and interpret terrain and geographically related information
  • Plan, design and execute a demographic or other analysis study linked to geographic information
  • Compile, set up and process navigation and GIS systems for implementation on mobile devices 

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Expert Topography

  • Analyze the elements of property-oriented surveying
  • Develop the concept of expert evidence
  • Determine the structure of an expert report
  • Establish the requirements for being an expert
  • Analyze the performance mode of an expert witness
  • Identify the different actors in an expert procedure

Module 2. Cadaster and Urban Planning

  • Evaluate the cadastral information system in the network
  • Analyze cadastral mapping services and their different download formats
  • Develop the fundamentals of cadastral value / valuation and land registry
  • Determine the basis for urban planning
  • Examine urban planning on the Internet

Module 3. Geopositioning

  • Create the reference systems and reference frames on which geopositioning is based
  • Analyze the operation of WLan, Wi-Fi, celestial and underwater positioning systems, paying special attention to GNSS and mobile systems
  • Examine GNSS augmentation systems, their purpose and function
  • Develop the signal propagation from its transmission on the satellite to its reception
  • Discriminate the different GNSS observation methods and study differential GNSS systems and their protocols and standards
  • Determining the positioning per precise point (PPP)
  • Evaluate assisted positioning systems (A-GNSS) and their widespread use among mobile positioning systems

Module 4. Geographical Information Systems

  • Analyze the elements, process steps and storage essential to the management of a GIS
  • Develop georeferenced cartographic maps with overlapping layers from various sources from various sources using GIS software
  • Evaluate the topological problems that occur in processes with vector models
  • Spatially analyze the different layers required for the project, developing studies of affected areas or specific space searches or other working environments
  • Present projects analyzed by pixel functions and surfaces in raster layers to determine information of interest
  • Work with digital terrain models and modeling, representing and visualizing territorial information on and below the earth's surface
  • Consult routes and navigation tracks interacting in mobile device environments 

This program will provide you with the new tools you need to carry out your work. Enroll now”

Postgraduate Diploma in GIS (Geographic Information Systems)

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are a key tool in the field of geolocation and spatial data analysis. These systems are used in multiple sectors such as urban planning, land management, environment, agriculture, among others. If you want to specialize in this area so demanded in the modern labor market, TECH Global University has the ideal option for you. The Postgraduate Diploma in GIS (Geographic Information Systems) is an online postgraduate program, through which you will learn the most relevant and up-to-date aspects of this field. In this program, you will be taught by professionals specialized in the field, who will provide you with the necessary tools and knowledge to understand the most advanced technologies in this field. We will teach you how to use the different GIS software, as well as the application of spatial analysis techniques and statistics for decision making.

Learn about Geographic Information Systems

Today's labor market is constantly changing and evolving, so the use of advanced technologies such as GIS is becoming increasingly relevant in a wide variety of sectors. Our Postgraduate Diploma will provide you with the necessary training to excel in this field and become a highly qualified candidate in the labor market. You will obtain a university certificate that will endorse your skills and knowledge, which will allow you to access a greater number of job opportunities. The rigor of the content, coupled with a 100% online methodology, make this educational offer an infallible opportunity to add competencies to your career, amplifying your knowledge in the field of Geographic Information Systems. Upon graduation, you will be a Postgraduate Diploma in integrating geographic information with other data sources to generate innovative and efficient solutions.