
If you want to make your designs a reality and be able to play with your own creations, don't miss the opportunity to specialize in Video Game Design"


Video games occupy a very important place in people's lives. They encompass a series of perfectly aligned elements, providing not only a challenge for players, but a narrative that engages the imagination of young and old people alike. It is, therefore, not surprising that many should want to develop and design their own video games.

In this sense, when we talk about Video Game Design, we are actually referring to a broad process of creativity and the collaboration of various teams that will give life to a new game. Therefore, this work encompasses a series of activities such as: Character design, story, goals, rules, setting, among others. The aim is to define what the game will become and how to encourage the player to complete it.

For that reason, the most important companies are looking for designers who are creative, ingenious, possess great ideas and, above all, have a passion for video games. To enhance all this, this postgraduate diploma in Video Game Design has been developed to maximize, from an up-to-date and novel perspective, all the skills that will help students to face the challenge of developing such an important project from scratch.

First, the student will be introduced to the theory of video game design, covering those elements that engage players, such as challenges and gameplay. Then, we will proceed to write and illustrate a presentation document, which will contain each of the parts of the design: General idea, market, Gameplay, mechanics, levels, progression, game elements, HUD and interface. Finally, the role of Project Management for the development of video games will be presented.

You are just one step away to designing new video games and presenting them to the company you are interested in. Sign up to learn more"

This postgraduate diploma in Video Game Design contains the most complete and innovative educational program on the market. Its key characteristics are as follows:

  • Immersion in the world of video game design, with which the student will obtain all the necessary knowledge to work in this field
  • Learning through practical exercises so that the student may acquire skills more immediately
  • Contents focused on practical learning, with the use of a variety of formats and methodologies
  • Flexibility, whereby students can complete the program in the way that best suits them personal and professional circumstances
  • The accompaniment of the teacher, who will make sure that students learn appropriately
  • Access to content from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection 

Do you want to launch your own video game? In this postgraduate diploma you will develop the competencies to achieve it" 

The program includes in its teaching staff professionals from the sector who bring to this training the experience of their work, as well as recognized specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive training programmed to train in real situations.

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise throughout the program. For this purpose, the student will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts.  

The video game industry is looking for designers like you: Creative, resourceful and passionate"


Become the best video game designer by enrolling in this postgraduate diploma"


Video game designers are the agents who creatively conduct all the steps to bring a game to life. Therefore, their knowledge, skills and faculties are very valuable. With the following program, students will be able to gain an in-depth understanding of this process, learning about designing game levels, creating puzzles within these levels and placing design elements in the environment. Thanks to this, students will become designers of the stature of Hideo Kojima.  


Use your skills to come up with new games that compete with the largest icons in the market"

General Objectives

  • Know the different genres of video games, the concept of gameplay and features in order to apply them in the analysis of video games and in the creation of the design of the video game
  • Deepen understanding of the production of video games and in the SCRUM methodology for project production
  • Learn the fundamentals of video game design and the theoretical knowledge that a video game designer should know
  • Generate ideas and create entertaining stories, plots and scripts for video games
  • Know the theoretical and practical foundations of the artistic design of a video game
  • In-depth knowledge of 2D and 3D animation, as well as the key elements of object and character animation and learning to perform 3D modeling tasks
  • Perform professional programming with the Unity 3D engine
  • Be able to create an independent digital entertainment startup

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Video Game Design

  • Understand the theory of video game design
  • In-depth study of the elements of design and gamification
  • Learn about the types of players, their motivations and characteristics
  • Learn about game mechanics, MDA and other game design theories
  • Learn the critical foundations for video game analysis with theory and examples
  • Learn about game level design, how to create puzzles within these levels and how to place the design elements in the environment

Module 2. Design Documentation

  • Write and illustrate a professional design document
  • Know each one of the parts of design: general idea, market, gameplay, mechanics, levels, progression, elements of the game, HUD and interface
  • Know the design process of a design document or GDD to be able to represent the idea of the game in an understandable, professional and well-elaborated document

Module 3. Production and Management

  • Understand the production of a video game and the different stages
  • Learn the types of producers
  • Know Project Managementfor video game development
  • Use different tools for production
  • Coordinate teams and project management

It's time to accomplish your goals. Start this program and fulfill them"

Postgraduate Diploma in Video Game Design

The video game industry is a highly competitive sector, as consumers are increasingly demanding with respect to the titles released each year, demanding a set of synergistic components that capture their attention. For this reason, developers are looking for specialized designers in this area. At TECH Global University we designed the University Expert in Video Game Design as an excellent opportunity for qualification in this area of society. Our program provides a cutting-edge agenda, through which students will know in depth the structure of video games; narrative genres, artistic creation, musical creation and character design, all this will enable them to perform efficiently in daily practice, generating innovative products that respond to the objectives of the company.

Study a Postgraduate Diploma in video game design 100% online

The TECH program has a state-of-the-art multimedia teaching system, thanks to which students will have access to different interactive activities that will allow them to improve their practical skills and theoretical background, thus preparing them to face the different challenges of the workplace with solvency. In addition, during the course, students will deepen their knowledge of 2D and 3D animation, as well as the key elements of it, so that they will be able to actively influence this part of the video game structuring. On the other hand, we will boost their communication skills, so that they will be able to establish a competent workflow, which will guide the team to show their best potential.