
The constant updating of knowledge is already a must for the most specialized psychologists. Get the most relevant theoretical keys and put them into practice by enrolling in this hybrid professional master’s degree”


Children, adolescents and young people who are in a situation of social exclusion are one of the most vulnerable groups when it comes to accessing fundamental rights such as education or healthcare. Precisely, education itself is a stable path to improve the quality of life of these groups, with specific Inclusive Education programs that range from situations of child abuse to specific tutoring of students or programs for young people with high abilities. 

The professionals involved in all these processes carry a great deal of responsibility on their shoulders, which drives them to continuously update their own knowledge. New educational and psychological approach techniques are constantly emerging, providing a favorable field of action for those specialists who wish to be at the forefront of inclusive education. 

As it is also a field with a high practical weight, in many occasions the best way to be updated is not only based on the latest scientific postulates, but also includes the field work itself with communities of Children and Adolescents in a Situation of Social Exclusion. Therefore, this TECH program was born, which combines the advanced theoretical and practical knowledge of a highly qualified teaching team with an effective stay in a highly prestigious center. 

In this way, the student will work on the most advanced approach methodology in the stages of educational development, child protection measures and school mediation to then put into practice all their knowledge with real children and adolescents, collaborating in the identification of cases, action planning and approaching possible solutions to each situation. 

It is, therefore, a unique program that combines the best of theory and the best of practice to give the student the best possible academic experience. The theoretical stage will be completed completely online, without face-to-face classes or fixed schedules, while the practical stage will last 3 weeks in which a specialized tutor will guide the student through all the processes and tasks to be carried out. 

Learn in depth about conflicts in the classroom and how to mediate them with the most effective resolution techniques, being able to apply it in real fields of action during your internship”

This hybrid professional master’s degree in Inclusive Education for Children and Adolescents in Situations of Social Exclusion contains the most complete and up-to-date program on the market. The most important features include:

  • Development of more than 100 case studies presented by professionals from the educational and psychological fields, with extensive experience in the framework of Inclusive Education
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Manage techniques and strategies to deal with the diversity of students, and with the educational community: families and the community 
  • Develop in the student ability to develop their own methodology and work system
  • Analyze situations of child abuse and the protocols for action by the psychology professional
  • Describe the general circumstances of the students under guardianship and how these may affect their educational environment 
  • All of this will be complemented by theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection 
  • In addition, you will be able to do an internship in one of the best educational centers in the world

Get up-to-date and incorporate into your work methods the most advanced techniques for the detection and prevention of child abuse, thanks to a complete theoretical program based on a large number of real cases”

In this proposal for a hybrid professional master’s degree, of a professionalizing nature and online format, the program is aimed at updating psychology professionals who develop their work in Social Exclusion environments or direct their careers to this area. The contents are based on the latest scientific evidence, and guided in a educational way to integrate theoretical knowledge into psychological practice, and the theoretical-practical elements will facilitate the updating of knowledge and allow decision making in the management of children and adolescents in situations of social exclusion. 

Thanks to their multimedia content developed with the latest educational technology, they will allow the medical professional to learn in a contextual and situated learning environment, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive learning programmed to train in real situations. This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the physician must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the course. For this purpose, the students will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts. 

You will have total freedom to adapt the theoretical content to your own pace, with a Virtual Campus available to you 24 hours a day"


Your internship in a prestigious educational center will be an important boost to all your skills, knowing firsthand the advanced psychological approach in inclusive education"

Why our program?

This hybrid professional master’s degree Inclusive Education for Children and Adolescents in Situations of Social Exclusion is of vital importance for all those experts who wish to broaden their knowledge of the most up-to-date psycho-pedagogical methodologies. Nowadays, very few educational programs give equal relevance to theoretical and practical learning. However, this TECH program stands out from this context, offering a first class education composed of 1500 hours of study in an innovative learning platform and 120 hours of intensive stay in highly prestigious institutions.  

master inclusive education children adolescents situations social exclusion TECH Global University

TECH will provide you with the support of excellent professionals and a designated tutor to develop a first class classroom practice in demanding psycho-pedagogical centers”

1. Updating from the Latest Technology Available

Throughout this study program, students will analyze in a theoretical way the different methodological tools and technological resources available to prevent and intervene in situations of social exclusion. At the same time, they will also develop a first level professional practice where they will apply all the knowledge acquired directly in real cases, acquiring the most updated and demanded skills for this sector.

2. Gaining In-depth Knowledge from the Experience of Top Specialists

Throughout this program, the student will be accompanied by the best specialists. In the theoretical stage, you will be taught by the most distinguished professors in this area of knowledge, who will provide you with a fast and flexible learning of the theoretical contents within your reach. Then, in the practical phase, they will be supported by first-level experts who will supervise the process of direct assimilation of the listed skills.

3. Entering into first-rate psycho-pedagogical environments

Throughout the practical stage of this program, the student will have access to highly prestigious psycho-pedagogical centers. These institutions have been chosen by TECH thanks to their latent results in terms of Inclusive Education for Children and Adolescents. All of them have been possible thanks to the intensive work of its experts and their mastery of the most up-to-date tools and methodologies. In short, the student will be able to assimilate new knowledge and skills in a world-class environment.

4. Combining the Best Theory with State-of-the-Art Practice

This curriculum, the only one of its kind in the educational market, gives equal relevance to theoretical and practical learning. The knowledge acquired during its first stage, 1,500 hours of educational load on a 100% online platform, is combined in an exceptional way with 3 weeks of intensive internship where these skills will be applied directly.  

5. Expanding the Boundaries of Knowledge

TECH offers the possibility of completing the professional internship of this hybrid professional master’s degree program in centers of international scope. In this way, the specialist will be able to expand their frontiers and catch up with the best professionals, who practice in first class psycho-pedagogical institutions and in different continents.  

master degreeinclusive education children adolescents situations social exclusion TECH Global University

You will have full practical immersion at the center of your choice"

Hybrid Professional Master's Degree in Inclusive Education for Children and Adolescents in Situations of Social Exclusion

Inclusive education is a fundamental concept in today's society, especially with regard to the care of children and adolescents in situations of social exclusion. At TECH Global University we are aware of the importance of training education professionals who are able to efficiently address the attention to this sector of the population. That is why we present our Hybrid Professional Master's Degree in Inclusive Education for Children and Adolescents in Situations of Social Exclusion. The main objective of this program is to provide education professionals with solid training in care and inclusive education, so that they can develop their functions effectively and with an approach focused on inclusion. The blended mode of the program combines the convenience of online study with the effectiveness of face-to-face classes. This methodology allows the student to organize his or her time and have the necessary flexibility to be able to combine the training with other daily activities.

Specialize in inclusive education for children and adolescents in situations of social exclusion

At TECH we believe that education is the most powerful tool to generate social change and help those who need our help. That is why we have created the present program, in order to turn educators into an agent of change, making a difference in the lives of the most vulnerable. This postgraduate program is a unique opportunity for professionals to improve their skills and knowledge in the area of inclusive education, without the need to interrupt your daily activities. The blended learning classes will allow them to enjoy the flexibility of learning from anywhere, at any time, while maintaining their daily responsibilities. From this, professionals will acquire the skills and tools necessary for the design of effective pedagogical intervention programs; promoting inclusion in the classroom, through innovative strategies and techniques. All this, will contribute to improve the educational quality for those students who face social and cultural barriers.