
Get a complete update on financial management and quality of care management through this TECH program designed to make you a top-level nurse”


In recent years, nursing professionals have reached a higher level of prominence within hospital centers. Many of them have had to assume the leadership of Health Services, as well as the management of medical facilities of excellence. For this professional practice, the sector has innovated by applying increasingly complex and advanced management and self-evaluation techniques. Proof of this are the entities that, thanks to these nursing, have achieved higher rates of quality, research work, patient safety and have implemented innovative telemedicine techniques. At the same time, not all members of this sector manage to keep up to date with these advances. This is largely due to the fact that there are not many educational programs focused on updating the necessary skills for their implementation.

Faced with this scenario, TECH has designed a 100% practical study program where the student will complete a rigorous and intense classroom stay. The program includes an internship in a medical facility for 3 weeks, from Monday to Friday, to complete 120 hours. During this period, the professionals enrolled will have the opportunity to update their competencies in accordance with the latest scientific evidence for management practice and to achieve leadership skills that meet the most current requirements.

Likewise, they will be able to exchange doubts and criteria with experts of international stature, directly applying the main innovations in the field of Hospital and Health Services Management. At the same time, an assistant tutor will be in charge of supervising your progress on a personalized basis. In addition, it will include dynamic assignments designed to facilitate learning and the development of new skills in a faster and more flexible way.


The teaching materials of this program, elaborated by these specialists, have contents that are completely applicable to your professional experiences”

Why our program?

Postgraduate education does not abound in updates focused on the development of practical skills. On the contrary, the field of nursing education is rife with a high theoretical load. In this context, nursing face serious challenges in updating their competencies in Hospital and Nursing Services Management. For this reason, TECH is committed to a completely new learning methodology where the student will complete 3 weeks of intensive face-to-face stay in a hospital center at the forefront of management and medical care leadership.

vocational apprenticeships mba hospital health services management nursing TECH Global University


Do not miss the opportunity and enroll in this program, the only one of its kind in the market, with which you can study for 3 weeks with the best experts in Hospital and Health Services Management for Nursing”

1. Updating from the latest technology available

The protocols, techniques and work tools included in the framework of health management are constantly updated through the updating of new clinical and communication technologies. In this context, TECH will provide the nursing with an approach to the most innovative resources in this field, helping them to get up to date on their optimal management and applications.

2. Gaining In-Depth Knowledge from the Experience of Top Specialists

The hospital centers chosen by TECH for this clinical internship are distinguished by their extensive staff of experts. Throughout the program, the nursing will be able to discuss with them various strategies and methods of intervention to solve management problems. In addition, an assistant tutor will be in charge of resolving doubts and complex concepts that appear throughout this excellent internship program.

3. Entering First-Class Clinical Environments for Nursing

After a careful selection process, TECH has managed to involve highly prestigious hospitals in this program. Through this careful selection, all graduates will be able to access clinical environments of the highest quality where the practice of Nursing and Hospital Management is facilitated by quality professionals and technological resources of the highest level.

4. Putting what has been acquired into daily practice from the very first moment

There are few educational programs focused on practical skills and, to the detriment of this, there is a proliferation of programs with a heavy theoretical load. That is why TECH has designed this internship program that will allow the nursing professional to access a prestigious hospital center and develop leadership and management skills in situ. All this in 3 weeks, through a face-to-face and intensive stay.

5. Expanding the Boundaries of Knowledge

TECH will allow the student to develop this practical training in centers located in distant cities and geographies. This is possible thanks to its numerous collaboration agreements where it is committed because the nurse acquires a professional training of excellence, according to various international standards.

professional practices mba hospital health services management nursing TECH Global University

You will have full practical immersion at the center of your choice"

Internship Program MBA in Hospital and Health Services Management for Nursing

In today's day and age, effective health services management is more important than ever. As a nurse, you play a vital role in patient care and the overall operation of hospitals and healthcare facilities. For this reason, TECH Global University created an innovative program that will equip you with the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in management and leadership positions in the healthcare field. The MBA Internship Program in Hospital and Health Services Management for Nursing will allow you to acquire fundamental management skills such as strategic decision making, personnel management, resource optimization and financial planning. Also, you will explore specialized topics in the nursing field, including quality management, patient safety and change management in healthcare settings.

Become an expert nurse in hospital and health services management

Why choose this Internship Program? First of all, because we offer a unique combination of theory and practice. Our expert faculty, with extensive experience in the healthcare industry, will provide you with a solid foundation in the principles of management and administration. You will have the opportunity to apply these concepts in real-life situations through internships and practicums at some of the leading hospitals and health centers in our network of partners. You will also have access to up-to-date learning resources and materials, which will ensure that you get the most relevant and up-to-date information in the market. Enroll now and renew your knowledge in the largest digital university in the world, this will allow you to achieve professional success and get better job opportunities. we are waiting for you!