
Get up to date with the latest diagnostic techniques in Digestive Oncology through this advanced master’s degree, which will provide you with the most recent advances in the approach to this type of pathology"


In recent years, there has been a significant advance in the understanding of the molecular biology of digestive oncological diseases, which has led to a better understanding of the molecular pathways involved in digestive cancer, allowing the development of new targeted therapies. Given this scenario, the specialist must keep up to date in order to deal with this type of pathology with the latest diagnostic techniques and procedures.

In this context, the advanced master’s degree in Comprehensive Gastrointestinal Oncology is presented as advanced training for medical professionals who wish to update their knowledge and skills in the field. The program includes fundamental aspects of digestive oncology, from the anatomy and physiology of the gastrointestinal tract to the comprehensive management of digestive cancer patients, including the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of digestive pathologies. In addition, topics such as immunotherapy, molecular biology, new imaging techniques and targeted therapies, which are transforming the treatment of digestive cancers, will be addressed.

The methodology of the program is based on a 100% online format, which allows students to access the contents and resources from anywhere in the world, without the need to travel or fixed schedules. The program has a highly prestigious teaching team, with clinical and teaching experience in digestive oncology, which offers practical and up-to-date training, combining theory with practice and offering innovative tools to improve the clinical performance of the medical professional.

Take advantage of the 100% online methodology with which this programme is developed and access its resources from anywhere and at any time, adapting the study to your needs and schedules"

This advanced master’s degree in Comprehensive Gastrointestinal Oncology contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most important features include:

  • The development of case studies presented by experts in medicine and oncology
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where self-assessment can be used to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies in the approach to digestive oncology
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

Master the latest technologies and surgical techniques in Digestive Oncology and apply them in your daily work thanks to this advanced master’s degree"

Its teaching staff includes professionals from the field of oncology who bring their experience to this programme, as well as recognised specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide an immersive learning experience designed to prepare for real-life situations.

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the student must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise throughout the program. For this purpose, the professional will be assisted by an innovative system of interactive videos made by renowned experts.

This program has numerous multimedia resources, such as detailed videos, interactive summaries, interactive in detail, interactive summaries and clinical case studies"


This TECH qualification is taught by highly prestigious specialists in the field of Digestive Oncology"


The aim of the advanced master’s degree in Comprehensive Gastrointestinal Oncology is to provide medical professionals with a complete and specialised update in the diagnosis and treatment of digestive diseases, including the latest advances in the field. Through a comprehensive and up-to-date syllabus, students are expected to acquire practical skills and knowledge that will enable them to improve their clinical performance and care of patients with digestive cancer. In addition, the 100% online methodology allows for flexible and accessible training from anywhere in the world, which meets the needs of professionals who wish to update their knowledge in the specialty.


The aim of this programme is to update the medical professional, providing them with the most advanced methods of approach to manage digestive oncological pathologies in accordance with the latest scientific evidence"

General Objectives

  • Create a global and up-to-date vision of Digestive System Oncology and all its aspects, allowing students to acquire useful knowledge and, at the same time, generate interest in expanding information and discovering its application in daily practice
  • Provide and expand knowledge on immunotherapy, as an example of a clear scientific advance in translational research, and one of the most promising lines of research in cancer treatment
  • Discuss the current landscape of stomach cancer immunotherapy, combinations in clinical development, strategies for dose selection and trial design, clinical pharmacology and regulatory considerations
  • Deepen specific knowledge on the management of patients with tumours affecting the digestive tract
  • Discern the surgical techniques to be used and the new technologies currently available for diagnosis and treatment
  • Understand where modern surgery is heading and the ways in which it is developing
  • Study the fundamentals of research in oncological surgery
  • Knowing the way to develop research projects, how to do it and where to get help from
  • Develop skills and technical knowledge with which to deal with any situation presented by a patient in a digestive oncological surgery unit
  • Develop the medical professional in endoscopic techniques of gastrointestinal tumour pathology related to diagnosis, treatment and complications in order to improve the quality of patient care
  • Deepen the knowledge of the most commonly used endoscopic techniques in oncological pathology in order to optimise their use in routine clinical practice

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Molecular Biology and Translational Oncology

  • Update knowledge in the molecular biology of cancer, especially in relation to the concept of genetic heterogeneity
  • Expand knowledge on microenvironment reprogramming in digestive tumors, the role of the immune response in cancer control, circulating biomarkers and tissue molecular markers

Module 2. Upper Gastrointestinal Tract Tumors

  • Review the performance and usefulness of each of the tests used in the diagnosis of oesophageal and gastric tumours
  • Describe the usefulness and performance of PET/CT with F18-FDG in the diagnosis, staging, treatment control and monitoring of esophageal tumors
  • Describe the evolution of surgical techniques up to minimally invasive and robotic surgery that allow complex interventions to be performed with small incisions, preserving tissues as much as possible, accelerating recovery and providing less discomfort
  • Update knowledge on adjuvant and neoadjuvant management of esophageal and gastric cancer
  • Know the National Registry of Advanced Gastric Cancer (AGAMENON)
  • Develop appropriate treatment plans for patients with esophageal and gastric cancer that has progressed after initial treatment
  • Determine the positioning of antiangiogenic agents to treat stomach cancer

Module 3. Lower Gastrointestinal Tract Tumors

  • Know the screening program for colon and rectal cancer and estimate the population susceptible to be screened in Spain and by autonomous community
  • Analyse the effectiveness of different tests proposed for colon and rectal cancer screening
  • Update knowledge on the molecular biology of colon cancer and its impact on classification and treatment

Module 4. Other Digestive Tract Tumors

  • Learn the new therapeutic arsenal used to manage the main comorbidities of patients with digestive tumors
  • Know the therapeutic objectives in order to avoid poor control, therapeutic interactions or overtreatment

Module 5. Pancreatic Cancer, Biliary Tract Tumors and Hepatocarcinoma

  • Define the epidemiology, risk factors and diagnosis of pancreatic cancer and hepatocarcinoma and their value in clinical practice
  • Delve into the imaging tests for the diagnosis and staging of pancreas cancer Discuss the multidisciplinary management of pancreatic, biliary tract and hepatocarcinoma cancer and future treatment options
  • Discuss the role of surgery for pancreatic, biliary tract and hepatocarcinoma cancers
  • Update treatment of advanced pancreatic, biliary tract and hepatocarcinoma cancer

Module 6. Collaboration in the Management of Oncology Patients

  • Assess the impact of age on patient prognosis and treatment outcomes
  • Raise awareness as to how excellent care must be continuous and move toward integrated care models including other specialists, particularly in primary care
  • Explain the Enhanced Support Care strategy, developed by the Christie NHS Trust, to better adapt patient care to the changing landscape of cancer

Module 7. Oncologic endoscopy

  • Delve into in the different modalities of optical diagnosis of lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, such as stained and virtual chromoendoscopy and magnification
  • Develop the different quality criteria in endoscopy, as well as to optimise the management of antiplatelet and anticoagulant medication in our patients for endoscopic procedures
  • Internalise the different morphological and anatomopathological classifications of lesions of the gastrointestinal tract and their implications for subsequent treatment

Module 8. Echoendoscopy and ERCP

  • Go deeper in the techniques of echoendoscopy and ERCP as well as the necessary equipment to carry out the procedures in the oncological field
  • Manage the performance of an ampulectomy having clear indications and contraindications of the technique
  • Internalise different techniques performed by echoendoscopy that can improve the quality of life of oncology patients, such as the neurolysis of the celiac plexus

Module 9. Resection techniques

  • Master the knowledge of submucosal endoscopic dissection in order to strengthen the theoretical knowledge of a highly complex technique
  • Control the different variants of mucosectomy that will allow us to obtain a higher success rate in the resection of the different lesions
  • Learn in depth about the material necessary for the development of the technique, which will allow us to choose the most optimal material according to the lesion to be treated
  • Develop different techniques to help facilitate endoscopic submucosal dissection
  • Professionalise the endoscopic management of the various complications arising from resection

Module 10. Oesophageal

  • Optimise the optical diagnosis of the various superficial oesophageal neoplasms
  • Master the different treatments available for Barrett's oesophagus and their indication
  • Understand the role of endoscopy in the management of post-surgical complications such as the undoing of sutures
  • Monitor the different endoscopic treatments that can be performed depending on the lesions observed

Module 11. Stomach

  • Optimise the optimal diagnosis of the various gastric superficial neoplasms
  • Deepen the different risk factors for the development of gastric cancer in order to be able to adequately follow up patients
  • Internalise the different endoscopic treatments that can be performed depending on the lesions observed

Module 12. Small Intestine

  • Develop knowledge on the diagnosis of small bowel lesions
  • Develop knowledge on the diagnosis of small bowel lesions
  • Know the different enteroscopy techniques
  • Learn the indications for small bowel exploration according to the pathology of the patient

Module 13. Colon and Rectum

  • Develop the ability to stage patients according to their risk of developing colon and rectal cancer, and to know the different recommendations for follow-up
  • Optimize the optimal diagnosis of superficial neoplasms of the colon and rectum
  • Master the different endoscopic treatments that can be performed depending on the lesions observed
  • Learn the role of endoscopy in the detection of advanced neoformations of the colon and rectum
  • Delve into the different hereditary syndromes and the different endoscopic findings that they present

Module 14. Pancreas

  • Delve into the epidemiology, risk factors, clinical presentation of pancreatic adenocarcinoma
  • Develop the new endoscopic techniques available for the palliative treatment of pancreatic cancer
  • Know all benign and malignant pancreatic cystic lesions
  • Learn more about other pancreatic tumors, their main characteristics, as well as their diagnosis and prognosis
  • Recognize the types of pancreatic ductal strictures and the endoscopic solutions that can be offered

Module 15. Gallbladder and bile duct

  • Internalize the types of cholangiocarcinomas, as well as the diagnosis and clinical presentation. Staging of bile duct tumors with the aid of echoendoscopy
  • Manage the complications that may arise in bile duct drainage, as well as endoscopic solutions. The alternatives to endoscopic drainage of the biliary tract will also be explained
  • Master biliary cysts and their diagnosis, as well as their endoscopic management
  • Recognize the risk factors that exist for the development of gallbladder cancer and the findings found on echoendoscopy

Module 16. Latest advances in endoscopy

  • Master the indications for Full Thickness Resection and the development of the technique
  • Develop the role of radiofrequency both in biliary tract tumor pathology and in the treatment of actinic proctitis secondary to radiotherapy
  • Discover the possibilities presented by artificial intelligence and its possible future use for injury detection

Module 17. Digestive oncologic surgery

  • Know in detail the anatomy of the abdomen and the organs of the digestive system, focusing on those structures of special interest to the surgeon, which must be known to apply the corresponding surgical techniques in each organ
  • Know the fundamental aspects of the nutrition of oncology and surgical patients, their nutritional needs and the ways to improve it to face surgery
  • Analyze the peculiarities of anesthesia in the oncological patient undergoing abdominal surgery, participation of anesthesia in multimodal therapy, monitoring, influence of anesthesia with patient recovery
  • Acquire the ability to recognize the parameters that indicate the postoperative evolution of patients, detect possible complications early and obtain knowledge for immediate postoperative management
  • Know which are the palliative surgical techniques in Digestive Oncology and to recognize which are the factors that must be taken into account when making a decision about palliative treatment
  • Know which surgical techniques should be used in the context of urgent surgery, depending on the patient's situation and tumor
  • Know the molecular basis of Digestive Oncology
  • Study the interference of oncological drugs with healing or coagulation processes and how they affect the results of surgery
  • Delve into the participation of radiotherapy in the treatment of digestive tumors
  • Know the different ways of application of Radiotherapy
  • Analyze the side effects of radiation therapy on tissues and how this may affect surgery and surgery planning

Module 18. Complementary studies in digestive tumors

  • Know the different radiological techniques and their indications in the primary diagnosis of digestive tumors, including ultrasound, CT and MRI
  • Study the peculiarities of the different radiological techniques for early diagnosis in both healthy population (screening) and people with risk factors
  • Know the contributions of conventional radiology in the follow-up of patients with digestive tumors
  • Analyze the different contributions of interventional radiology to the diagnosis of digestive tumors
  • Review the basic radiopharmaceuticals used in digestive pathology, as well as the contributions of Nuclear Medicine to the field of Digestive Oncologic Surgery
  • Know the basis of molecular diagnostics and its contribution to the development of cancer panels, as well as its importance in the design of personalized therapies and its value in the analysis of response to treatment
  • Examine the main hereditary syndromes involved in the development of digestive tumors, their implication in the detection of patients at high risk and the planning of prophylactic surgeries
  • Understand the concept of the microbiome and its possible role in the process of carcinogenesis that determines the development of digestive tumors
  • Understand the possible role of the microbiome in the early diagnosis and prevention of digestive tumors

Module 19. Colorectal oncologic surgery

  • Examine the epidemiology and etiopathogenesis in Colorectal Oncologic Surgery, as well as the diagnostic tests necessary to diagnose it. Recognize the screening tests for early detection in the general population, as well as to know the prognosis of these patients and what follow-up should be done
  • Know which are the syndromes associated with colon polyposis and their risk of developing colorectal cancer
  • Analyze the surgical treatment of colon cancer according to its location: right, transverse or left
  • Study in depth the anatomy of the pelvis and the different organs and structures housed therein
  • Recognize the differences between the male and female pelvis, studying the anatomical relationships between them and knowing the surgical approach planes
  • Deepen in the importance and meaning of "complete excision of the mesorectum", differentiating the different treatment options depending on the local stage and location of the tumor
  • Know the different surgical techniques available for each case: transanal minimally invasive surgery (TAMIS), complete transanal mesorectal excision TATME, laparoscopic and robotic surgery, sphincter preservation, pelvic exenteration techniques or abdominoperineal amputation
  • Know which are the treatments applied by Medical Oncology in colorectal cancer, in which stages it provides benefit, which are the treatment options, at what moment they should be applied and with what duration
  • Know the role of radiotherapy in colorectal cancer, especially in rectal cancer. Know when it can be applied and the differences in results and side effects and sequelae depending on when it is applied. Its role in other situations such as local recurrences and retroperitoneal lymph node disease
  • Analyze the different neoadjuvant treatment modalities in rectal cancer and their results, knowing the benefits of each strategy
  • Know fundamental aspects of the management of patients with colorectal cancer in some special situations: obstruction, treatment with prosthesis or surgery; urgent surgery in patients treated with antiVEGF, management of pelvic recurrence; treatment of positive iliac adenopathies; retroperitoneal lymph node recurrence: radiotherapy or surgery

Module 20. Esophagogastric oncologic surgery

  • Study the general aspects of esophageal cancer, its epidemiology and classification, as well as the diagnostic advances available
  • Learn about updates in the surgical approach to esophageal cancer
  • Analyze the reconstruction with gastric plasty and its alternatives
  • Define and know the indications for standard and extended lymphadenectomies in esophageal cancer
  • Analyze the new classification of esophagogastric junction tumors
  • Study the clinical and epidemiological differences of gastric tumors in the western and eastern setting
  • Update the surgical treatment of gastric cancer, weighing the technical alternatives for the performance of anastomosis
  • Define the new criteria for oncologic lymphadenectomy
  • Explain and analyze the possible sequelae after esophagogastric surgery, in order to perform an adequate management and treatment
  • Analyze the possible short and long term complications of esophagogastric surgery and the different options to avoid their occurrence and minimize their consequences
  • Study the new targeted cancer therapies, reviewing the latest published results that recommend their current use
  • Learn about endoscopic and interventional therapies for esophagogastric tumors

Module 21. Innovation, research and development in digestive oncologic surgery

  • Implement knowledge in basic-translational research, presenting the different strategies in molecular analysis
  • Study the different laboratory research models: animal, 2D cellular and 3D organoid models
  • Obtain the necessary knowledge to start a clinical research in Oncologic Surgery, how to design a clinical trial and to know the sources of financing and the methodology to apply for research grants
  • Know the use of Big Data and artificial intelligence in research, what information they provide and their validity
  • Know the different techniques for the application of fluorescence as a method to aid in Digestive Oncological Surgery, when to use it and what benefit it can bring us
  • Delve into the knowledge of current technological advances and how they can facilitate the surgical technique in Digestive Oncologic Surgery
  • Study navigation systems, 3D models and intraoperative online and augmented reality
  • Learn about the new minimally invasive surgical approach techniques, their indications and advantages. Know the differences between laparoscopy and robotics
  • Know the ablative and adjuvant intraoperative techniques currently available, how to use them and in which cases, as well as the side effects or complications they may generate
  • Study what liquid biopsy is, how it is performed, what it is used for, how it can be used for diagnosis, prognosis and early detection of recurrences
  • Have knowledge in new lines of diagnosis, prognosis and treatment in oncology, based on molecular biology, target therapies or immunotherapy

Learn more about the latest techniques in the surgical approach to digestive oncologic pathologies thanks to this program. Don't wait any longer and enroll"

Advanced Master's Degree in Comprehensive Gastrointestinal Oncology

Gastrointestinal cancer is a complex disease that requires specialization and a comprehensive approach for its diagnosis and treatment. At TECH Global University, we have developed the Advanced Master's Degree in Comprehensive Gastrointestinal Oncology, an online program designed to provide health professionals with the necessary tools to face the challenges of this pathology in clinical practice. This program focuses on updating the latest knowledge in early diagnosis, multimodal treatment and follow-up of patients with gastrointestinal cancer. In addition, the management of minimally invasive surgical techniques, targeted therapies and management of side effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy in the context of gastrointestinal oncology will be discussed in depth.

The postgraduate program comprehensively addresses the different areas of gastrointestinal oncology, including cancer of the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, colon, rectum, liver and pancreas. Program participants will have the opportunity to interact with experts in the field, share experiences and learn from real clinical cases. This program is designed for medical oncologists, digestive surgeons, gastroenterologists and other health professionals interested in updating and improving their knowledge in the comprehensive approach to digestive cancer. Take advantage and improve your résumé with TECH.