Sanz del Pozo, Mónica
Urologist at the Miguel Servet University Hospital
With a long career, Dr. Mónica Sanz del Pozo is a renowned medical practitioner and highly qualified surgeon in the field of Urology. In this respect, she stands out for providing personalized clinical care aimed at improving the overall well-being of patients suffering from various urinary tract diseases.
In this sense, she has carried out her work in internationally renowned health institutions, including the Miguel Servet University Hospital in Zaragoza. Her work has therefore focused on the management of conditions ranging from Prostate Cancer and Urinary Lithiasis to Urinary Tract Dysfunction. Similarly, her skill in the application of minimally invasive surgical techniques has allowed her to perform a wide range of high-precision surgical operations with a reduced impact on the surrounding tissues, improving the recovery of individuals. For example, she is proficient in state-of-the-art technological tools such as Robotics, Laparoscopic Surgery and Flexible Ureteroscopy.
In addition, she has also worked as a Clinical Researcher. She has published her scientific articles in specialized journals. She has also presented her findings at global events to contribute to the advancement of the urological field.
- Urologist at Miguel Servet University Hospital
- Physician at Quirón Zaragoza Clinic
- Pelvic Floor Specialist
- Lithiasis Residency at Puigvert Foundation
- Internship in Laparoscopy and Pediatric Surgery at the University Hospital Complex of Pontevedra
- PhD in Health Sciences from San Jorge University
- Master's Degree in Urologic Oncology from CEU Cardenal Herrera University
- Master's Degree in Clinical Medicine from Camilo José Cela University
- Degree in Medicine and Surgery from the Complutense University of Madrid