
Dr. Raquel García Delgado is a specialist in Gynecology and Obstetrics, backed by a career of more than 2 decades in medical practice. She has worked as a FEA in nationally and internationally renowned hospitals such as the Maternal and Infant Insular University Hospital Complex of the Canary Islands, where she has held a position of responsibility in the Prenatal Diagnosis Unit for years. In addition, she has combined this activity being part of the Regional Committee of Congenital Heart Disease of the Canary Islands, of which she is the Coordinator.  

She has participated in the presentation of oral communications and lectures in conferences, courses and national and international congresses, as well as in the publication of more than twenty articles in national and international scientific journals. In addition, she is the author of 3 book chapters on topics related to Fetal Medicine.

  • Medical Specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Maternal and Infant University Hospital of the Canary Islands.
  • Coordinator of the Regional Committee of Congenital Heart Disease of the Canary Islands.  
  • Doctor in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. 
  • Author of scientific publications in high impact journals and participation in several book chapters. 
  • Speaker at national and international congresses and courses related to Fetal Medicine.  
  • Expert level in Obstetric-Gynecologic Ultrasound by the SEGO. 
  • Certificate of Competence in First Trimester Ultrasound and Second Trimester Fetal Anomalies Ultrasound by the Fetal
  • Medicine Foundation. 
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