
The primary care pediatrician is a highly responsive specialist who solves more than 90% of the health demands of pediatric patients and their families. Their training is crucial in providing quality health care, and they must constantly update their knowledge in order to perform a quality praxis"


This postgraduate certificate in Pediatric Infectious Pathology is designed to review the concepts and procedures for the main glandular pathologies in children and adolescents, in order to establish the correct diagnosis and treatment, based on scientific evidence and the experience of recognized professionals in the field of Pediatrics.

It includes the main infectious pathologies, such as exanthemic diseases, whooping cough, febrile syndrome without apparent focus or the management of the patient with suspected sepsis or septic shock. The contents are approached with emphasis on the latest advances, so that professionals can update their knowledge and procedures, in order to provide quality care and improve the prognosis of pediatric patients.

This postgraduate certificate will also be useful for those pediatricians who wish to update their knowledge and review action protocols, since it allows the specialist to know first hand the most important advances in their usual clinical practice in primary care, keeping up to date with the new developments that appear every day in the discipline.

This postgraduate certificate in Infectious Pathology in Pediatrics will expand your professional capacity to deal with growth problems in children"

This postgraduate certificate in Pediatric Infectious Pathology from contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most outstanding features of the University Course are:

  • Clinical cases presented by experts in the different specialties. The graphic, schematic, and eminently practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • New diagnostic and therapeutic developments and clinical practice guidelines on Infectious pathologies in children
  • Presentation of practical workshops on procedures, diagnosis, and treatment techniques
  • An algorithm-based interactive learning system for decision-making in the clinical situations presented throughout the course
  • All of this will be complemented by theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

This postgraduate certificate may be the best investment you can make in the selection of a refresher program for two reasons: in addition to updating your knowledge in infectious diseases in children, you will obtain a university certificate from TECH Global University"

Its teaching staff includes health professionals from the field of pediatrics, who contribute their work experience to this training, in addition to other specialists belonging to leading scientific societies.

The multimedia content developed with the latest educational technology will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive training program to train in real situations.

This program is designed around Problem Based Learning, whereby the physician must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the course. This will be done with the help of an innovative interactive video system developed by renowned pediatric experts with extensive teaching experience.

This online methodology allows you, through clinical cases, to practice in a simulated environment and improve your performance skills"


Don't miss the opportunity to update your knowledge in infectious diseases to increase the quality of your care for pediatric patients and their families"


The main goal of this program is to review the procedures in the approach to pathologies in children, based on scientific evidence and the experience of recognized professionals in the field of Pediatrics.


This refresher program will generate a sense of security when practising medicine, which will help you grow both personally and professionally”

General Objective

  • Update the procedures for the most frequent infectious pathologies seen in pediatric patients, for their correct diagnosis and treatment

Specific Objectives

  • Establish the fundamentals of the diagnosis of exanthematous diseases in the pediatric patient based on clinical history, prodromal state and incubation period, type of skin rash and laboratory techniques
  • Define the different types of rashes that can occur in isolation or in combination
  • Describe the different exanthematous and non-exanthematous pathologies that present maculopapular exanthema to facilitate differential diagnosis
  • Describe the different exanthematous and non-exanthematous pathologies that present vesicular rashes to facilitate differential diagnosis
  • Describe the different exanthematological pathologies presenting purpuric or petechial rashes to facilitate differential diagnosis
  • Define febrile syndrome without focus and its prevalence
  • Describe the different etiologies of fever in children under 36 months of age
  • Establish the basis for the diagnosis of febrile syndrome without focus in the pediatric patient
  • Differentiate and describe the diagnostic and therapeutic approach to fever without focus according to age group
  • Define pertussis and its epidemiology
  • Describe the etiopathogenesis of the coccobacillus Bordetella pertussis, the toxins it produces and their biological activity
  • Differentiate and describe the clinical features in the different phases of pertussis: catarrhal, paroxysmal and convalescent
  • Establish the basics of pertussis diagnosis, accompanying symptomatology, and positive and negative predictors
  • List the most important complications of pertussis and their prognosis
  • Define the objectives of pertussis treatment and describe disease control measures
  • Define sepsis and systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS)
  • Establish the diagnostic differences between severe sepsis, septic shock and meningococcal sepsis
  • Describe the application of the pediatric assessment triangle as a basis for the clinical diagnosis of sepsis and septic shock
  • Describe the stages of physical examination and clinical findings to be considered in the diagnosis of sepsis and septic shock
  • Develop the algorithm for suspected sepsis/septic shock
  • Show the possible therapeutic options for the treatment of sepsis according to age, most likely etiology and patient characteristics


Take the opportunity and take the step to get up to date on the latest developments in the approach to infectious etiology pathologies in children"

Postgraduate Certificate in Infectious Pathology in Pediatrics

Infectious pathology in pediatrics refers to infectious diseases affecting children, which can be caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites; affecting different parts of the body such as the respiratory system, the digestive tract and the nervous system. Early diagnosis and proper treatment are essential to prevent complications and ensure a quick and effective recovery. Thinking of providing the necessary tools for professionals to specialize in this field in a simple and dynamic way, TECH Global University developed the Postgraduate Certificate in Pediatric Infectious Pathology. An online postgraduate course that offers significant advantages, among them, 100% self-regulated classes, highly efficient pedagogical schemes such as relearning methodology and interactive content that synthesizes the most sophisticated of this health field. With the curriculum, you will address the different types of infections that affect children, their causes, symptoms and treatments for each one of them. In addition, you will learn the most common diagnostic tools used in the identification of infections in this population.

Specialize in Pediatric Infectious Pathology

Children are especially vulnerable to infections because their immune systems are not yet fully developed, which makes them more prone to infectious diseases. For this reason, the renewal of knowledge becomes a central axis for the development of your daily practice. Our curriculum is strategically designed to provide you with the most updated contents in the educational market. Thus, you will cover topics such as the epidemiology of pediatric infectious diseases, transmission mechanisms, the most common pathogens and prevention and control measures. You will also deal with respiratory, skin and soft tissue, gastrointestinal and central nervous system infections. All this will enable you to deal with the complexities of pediatric medical care and safely care for the different infections that affect children.