
The specialization in audiovisual journalism will allow you to broaden your scope of action and your job opportunities"


The advanced master’s degree in Audiovisual Journalism and Television Reportage is focused on the professional who wishes to develop professionally on the small screen, especially in the field of reportage. A profession that requires a high degree of specialization and for which there is a large number of postgraduate training courses. However, none offers you what we propose at TECH, because we are the only ones with a Professional Master's Degree that is divided into two main blocks: on the one hand, audiovisual journalism and, on the other hand, journalistic research and television reportage. 

As such, throughout the course of this program, students will learn all the current approaches to the different challenges posed by their profession. A high-level step that will become a process of improvement, not only on a professional level, but also on a personal level. And for this, our program includes everything from written journalism to the documentation process or audiovisual narrative. And, although this specialization is especially dedicated to the field of television, with a very complete syllabus on journalism and television communication, there is also space to learn about the particularities of radio, the other major audiovisual media, or the research process in television. 

In addition, we will not only take you through the theoretical knowledge we offer, but we will show you another way to study and learn, more organic, simpler and more efficient. We will work to keep you motivated and to create in you a passion for learning. And we will push you to think and develop critical thinking.  

This advanced master’s degree is designed to give you access to the specific knowledge of this discipline in an intensive and practical way. A great value for any professional.  And in a 100% online format, thanks to which you can decide from where and when to study. Without the restrictions of fixed timetables or having to move between classrooms, this course can be combined with work and family life.

A high-level specialization, supported by advanced technological development and the teaching experience of the best professionals"

This advanced master’s degree in Audiovisual Journalism and Television Reportage contains the most complete and up-to-date program on the market. The most important features include:

  • The latest technology in e-learning software
  • Intensely visual teaching system, supported by graphic and schematic contents that are easy to assimilate and understand
  • Practical case studies presented by practising experts
  • State-of-the-art interactive video systems
  • Teaching supported by telepractice
  • Continuous updating and recycling systems
  • Self organised learning which makes the course completely compatible with other commitments
  • Practical exercises for self-assessment and learning verification
  • Support groups and educational synergies: questions to the expert, debate and knowledge forums
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection
  • Complementary resource banks that are permanently available

An educational program created for professionals who aspire to excellence that will allow you to acquire new skills and strategies in a smooth and effective way"

Our teaching staff is made up of working professionals. In this way we ensure that we deliver the educational update we are aiming for. A multidisciplinary team of professionals prepared and experienced in different environments, who will develop theoretical knowledge efficiently, but, above all, will put at the service of specialization the practical knowledge derived from their own experience.

Developed by a multidisciplinary team of e-learning experts, this Professional Master's Degree integrates the latest advances in educational technology. In this way, you will be able to study with a range of easy-to-use and versatile multimedia tools that will give you the necessary skills you need for your specialization.

The design of this program is based on Problem-Based Learning, an approach that conceives learning as a highly practical process. To achieve this remotely, we will use telepractice. With the help of an innovative, interactive video system and learning from an expert, you will be able to acquire the knowledge as if you were dealing with the case you are studying in real time. A concept that will allow you to integrate and fix learning in a more realistic and permanent way. 

A deep and complete immersion in the latest strategies and approaches to audiovisual journalism"


We have the best teaching methodology and a multitude of simulated cases that will help you prepare for real situations"


Our goal is to prepare highly qualified professionals for work experience. An objective that is complemented, moreover, in a global manner, by promoting human development that lays the foundations for a better society. This objective is focused on helping professionals reach a much higher level of expertise and control. A goal that you will be able to achieve thanks to a highly intensive and detailed course.   


If your goal is to improve in your profession, to acquire a qualification that will enable you to compete among the best, look no further: Welcome to TECH” 

General Objectives

  • Achieve the necessary knowledge to write and transmit information through the different journalistic genres in audiovisual support
  • Approach Investigative Journalism
  • Learn the methodology of a journalistic investigation
  • Learn about data journalism applied to investigative journalism
  • Learn how to elaborate the narrative discourse in an investigative report
  • See the way in which research is done in digital media
  • To know the characteristics of television reportages
  • Learn everything about television journalism
  • Define the production methods for television reportages
  • Learn to be a television reporter
  • Discover new trends in current communication research

Specific Objectives

Block 1 Audiovisual Journalism

  • Communicate and inform in the language of the press, through the mastery of its various journalistic genres
  • Make decisions related to information tasks, production and editing, which are manifested in the search for the most current news
  • Elaborate periodical publications both in paper and digital format
  • Write journalistic pieces in due time and form according to the specifications of the different informative (news), interpretative (chronicle, interview and report) and opinion (editorial, column, article, etc.) genres
  • Learn and analyze the journalistic genres
  • Bring knowledge, ideas and debates of informative content to society through the different journalistic modalities and the different media
  • Gain knowledge of the historical evolution of contemporary European and international journalistic modes and traditions based on the analysis and research of the messages they transmit and their social impact
  • Understand the main debates and media events arising from the current situation and from how they are generated and disseminated according to communication strategies and interests of all kinds
  • Learn and analyze the concept of journalistic chronicle
  • Learn and analyze the concept of journalistic reportage
  • Identify the professional profiles of journalists, as well as the main skills required in the performance of their professional practice
  • Locating, retrieving and using information, as well as providing an overview of the current situation of documentation in its different facets
  • Documenting news processes and handling new technologies related to the treatment of documents
  • Provide a practical vision of the work performed by a documentalist in the media
  • Master the elements of the information and knowledge society
  • Make decisions related to information tasks, production and editing, which are manifested in the search for the most current news
  • Elaborate periodical publications both in paper and digital format
  • Know the tradition and historical background of written communication technology and journalistic design
  • Get to know the initial forms of writing 
  • Assess the suitability of new periodical publications
  • Understand the importance of audiovisual narrative in today's communication environment
  • Master the basic guidelines governing audiovisual communication for the development of different television genres 
  • Know the particularities of audiovisual discourse
  • Know the fundamental concepts of visual narrative
  • Encouraging creativity and persuasion through different media and communication media
  • Know the elements, forms and processes of advertising languages and other forms of persuasive communication
  • Use verbal and written communication to convey ideas and decisions with clarity and rigor in exposition 
  • Solve problems arising in the professional practice 
  • Analyze the television message
  • Know how to place communication in the context of the other social sciences
  • Read and analyze specialized texts and documents on any relevant topic and know how to summarize or adapt them using a language or lexicon understandable to a majority audience
  • Communicate and inform in the language of each of the traditional media (press, photography, radio, television), in their modern combined forms (multimedia) or new digital media (Internet), through hypertextuality 
  • Retrieve, organize, analyze, hierarchize and process information and communication
  • Knowing and analyzing the organization of a television newsroom
  • Use informative and communicative technologies and techniques, in the different media or combined and interactive media systems
  • Bring knowledge, ideas and debates of informative content to society through the different journalistic modalities and the different media 
  • Gain knowledge about the history of broadcasting at the international level, as well as its impact on society
  • Get to know and understand the structure of the radio landscape and its particularities in the current environment
  • Master the basic guidelines governing radio communication for the development of different radio genres 
  • Know the main milestones in the history of radio broadcasting
  • Understand the structure of the media and their main formats, as expressions of the lifestyles and cultures of the societies in which they perform their public function
  • Gain knowledge of the historical evolution of contemporary European and international journalistic modes and traditions based on the analysis and research of the messages they transmit and their social impact  
  • Act as a communication professional in accordance with the legal and deontological rules of the profession
  • Distinguish the elements involved in the elaboration of the radio message
  • Distinguish the types of radio programs and their composition
  • Know the evolution of radio information
  • Understand the structure of the media and their main formats, as expressions of the lifestyles and cultures of the societies in which they perform their public function
  • Understand the importance of the Internet in the research work in the field of Communication Sciences 
  • Gain knowledge about the new 20 professionals 
  • Gain knowledge of digital journalism in its formats and contents

Block 2 Investigative journalism and television reporting

  • Introduce the student to the concept of investigative journalism and make him/her discover all aspects related to the investigative journalism process
  • Know the rules of investigative journalism, as well as the legislation and ethics concerning this type of journalism
  • Introduce the student to research sources, indicating their classification and studying their reliability when starting a research project
  • Introduce students to precision journalism, civic journalism and other forms of journalistic professionalism, taking into account transparency and freedom of access to information
  • Familiarize students with Data Journalism, introducing them to statistics for this type of journalism
  • Offer the guidelines for digital storytelling in journalism, introducing the student to the main characteristics of the Digital Era and the media environment, as well as to provide an approach to the new journalistic profiles that arise from all this digital framework
  • Know the relationship between Journalism and Social Networks, as well as the social impact that these have had on the journalistic tradition
  • Learn about the new trends in journalism, as well as the new profiles of the professional journalist, reviewing the multimedia company and its emergence
  • Establish research as a way to expand and update knowledge in the area of communication
  • Introduce the student to a new concept of journalism and data journalism, focusing mainly on research sources and the treatment of data obtained for the study
  • Introduce the student to digital tools for data presentation
  • Show the student the methodology and techniques of research in Journalism, taking into account the empirical nature of all social research, as well as the different stages that the whole research process must have
  • Know the main quantitative research techniques for journalism, as well as the Qualitative Research Techniques, learning what is their function and what are the main types in both techniques
  • Study and know the survey as one of the main quantitative research techniques for Social Sciences and Journalism, more specifically to know its characteristics and applications
  • Study and learn about the Questionnaire as another of the main Quantitative Research Techniques for Journalistic Research, reviewing its main characteristics and functionalities
  • Study and learn about the in-depth interview as one of the main qualitative research techniques
  • Study and learn about the Focus Group, another of the main qualitative research techniques
  • Study and learn about participant observation as one of the main qualitative research techniques in journalistic research
  • Bring the student closer to the practices of journalistic narrative, as well as to review the concept of quality in the profession, the social responsibility it entails and the influence of this type of narrative
  • Show the student the discursive and textual nature of any communicative narrative, taking into account the types of text and the different types of communication
  • Mention the new trends in writing, taking into account the new theoretical paradigms
  • Highlight the importance of discourse analysis as a research technique in Journalism
  • Specify the characteristics of journalistic writing in any research
  • Point out the importance of the reports resulting from an investigation, as well as their adequate writing, always bearing in mind the new digital narrative trends
  • Emphasize the importance of digital language as the axis of current investigative journalism, as well as audiovisual narrative
  • Understand Investigative Journalism from a cultural change perspective
  • Implement different methods and techniques for the development of research referring to the study of communicative processes in social environments and in mass and digital media
  • Recognize the types of research applied according to the perspective from which it is approached
  • Contextualize the television industry know its main characteristics, as well as the regulations of the sector, reviewing the general study of the media
  • Know the general audiovisual law, intellectual property and copyright in a legal context of the reportage profession, taking into account the regulatory framework of television reportage
  • Study the report in depth, the characteristics of this genre, as well as its typology and classification
  • Understanding attribution, verification, impartiality, conciseness and human interest as some of the main requirements of reportage
  • Bring the student closer to the structure and criteria of the television news report
  • Point out the importance of human interest in the reportage genre, with an emphasis on general interest topics
  • Consult the resources available to the television report, reviewing the new trends in this journalistic genre
  • Understand the ethical character that the profession must have when it comes to television reportage
  • Advise the student on the television production process
  • Show the roles of television production
  • Know the research techniques for television news reports
  • Specify the necessary sources of investigation that a journalist must have when making a report
  • Specify the phases of the elaboration of a television report
  • Specify how to elaborate the script to carry out a television report, as well as the in-depth interview, a key technique when elaborating a television report
  • Know first-hand the production team of a television report
  • Know the essential processes of recording, editing and post-production of the report
  • Show the student the main characteristics of journalistic writing, taking into account the resources of press writing
  • Know the handling of the camera and the edition of the report
  • Know and practice the techniques of presentation and expression in front of the camera
  • Know the techniques of voice-over
  • Know the guidelines in pre-production, production and realization in the world of reportage, understanding the technical and human needs in the process of creating the report
  • Discover the concept of "Photojournalism" and the importance of photography in television reporting
  • Show the student the remarkable presence of contents in the new trends presented by television
  • Understand the transition process experienced by contents and the supplanting of the audience by content consumers, which will be emphasized
  • Understand the link between television and the field of digital engineering
  • Study the concept of "Big Data" and understand the profound process of change that audiences are undergoing in the television world
  • Make an introduction to drone journalism and its implementation in Investigative Journalism
  • Point out the importance of the concept of journalism of things, as well as to know the new platforms to watch television
  • Know the link between Influencers and their strategy in Social Networks, as well as their link with the television field

We are the largest online university in the world and we want to help you improve your future" 

Advanced Master's Degree in Audiovisual Journalism and Television Reportage

In a globalized world in which the audiovisual media are acquiring more and more visibility, it is essential to train specialists to take on the challenges that this field involves in its different areas of knowledge. This is the case of journalism, in which, through the use of the latest tools and techniques developed in the sector, messages can be transmitted with greater precision, coherence and scope. At TECH Global University we developed the Advanced Master's Degree in Audiovisual Journalism and Television Reporting, a program that will help you understand the nature and potential of the different journalistic audiovisual media and formats in the dissemination of information to large and small audiences.

Specialize in the largest School of Journalism and Communication

If you want to perform effectively, reach a higher level of performance and advance your career goals, our Advanced Master's Degree is for you. You'll delve into news reporting, publication design, audiovisual storytelling and communication with a special emphasis on television reporting and digital media. You will also create narrative content and participate in the process of production, transmission and reception of information of the journalistic genre, mastering the different media and audiovisual channels to develop quality products. In the largest School of Journalism and Communication you will have access to a high-level specialization supported by the latest methods and technologies for online learning and the accompaniment of experts in the area that will contribute to your process.