
Delve into the latest advances in Digital School and Gamification and take the educational experience to another level"


Educational innovation is a premise that schools must keep in mind today. Young people are the segment of society with digital skills, including video games, so traditional teaching experiences are less and less capturing their attention. Thus, betting for Gamification in the classroom is postulated as the best way to redefine the relationship between students and teachers and lead the former to an educational performance that reaches new heights. 

In this way, the program of this postgraduate diploma will provide them with a high level of training in two of the current trends: Gamification and Digital Transformation. It is aimed at both students from the business and educational world. Furthermore, this program will not only be taught by professionals who have successfully designed and implemented gamifications and gamification, but students will also be integrated into them so that they can discover firsthand what it means to learn in a gamified environment. Furthermore, the digital resources modules will allow them to lead the educational transformation in their centers. 

Emphasizing its double aspect, if the student belongs to the business world, this program will be useful to design and implement gamification initiatives in departments such as Human Resources, Marketing or Sales. If they come from the educational world, it will allow them to lead educational innovation. In both cases, you will learn how to design games and gamifications that can be marketed. 

All this valuable learning will be offered completely online, with a modern format in which students will set their educational pace within the proposed deadlines. In addition, they will enjoy an extensive Virtual Campus where they will find the most up-to-date knowledge in this area in the form of content presented in a variety of ways, from interactive diagrams to video summaries. 

Transform the learning experience in your school to further integrate your students into the educational process" 

This postgraduate diploma in Digital School and Gamification  contains the most complete and up-to-date educational program on the market. The most important features include:

  • The development of case studies presented by experts in Digital School and Gamification
  • The graphic, schematic and eminently practical contents with which it is conceived gather Educational and practical information on those disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where the process of self-assessment can be used to improve learning 
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies 
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments 
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

Students will want to go back to the classroom as soon as they finish thanks to the games that this postgraduate diploma proposes to design"

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from the sector who contribute their work experience , to this educational program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities. 

Its multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professionals with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide an immersive education programmed to learn in real situations. 

This program’s design focuses on Problem-Based Learning, through which the professionals must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the academic program. For this purpose, the students will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned experts.

Be part of the revolution in the educational experience thanks to Gamification and stand out in your center"


See firsthand in this postgraduate diploma what it means to learn in a gamified environment"


The postgraduate diploma in Digital School and Gamification is oriented to facilitate the performance of the professional dedicated to working with children, adolescents and adults in the psychological field. You will obtain a pioneering specialization to successfully transfer Gamification strategies to your center and implement the Digital School concept. In addition, the objectives are aligned with a global perspective to prepare teachers for future challenges resulting from a changing professional scenario. 


A program designed for both education and business professionals"

General Objectives

  • Identify the psycho-pedagogical assumptions of innovations in Gamification and digital resources 
  • Design your own gamifications and games, both for private and commercial use
  • Select the games that can be used in ABJ according to our needs and objectives
  • Apply Gamification strategies in business environments 
  • Apply Gamification strategies in academic environments 
  • Managing teams through gamification 
  • Leading the digital transition in centers 
  • Identify the elements of the new digital school 
  • Transform classes to adapt to the new educational paradigm 
  • Complete a portfolio of innovations in gamification, ABJ and digital resources 

Specific Objectives

Module 1. How to Organize a Digital School 

  • Create scripts/presentations based on flipped classroom videos 
  • Use Explain Everything to create video lessons 
  • Use strategies that allow students to work both individually and collectively 
  • Develop gamification mechanics 
  • Develop a narrative video 
  • Create monitoring tools 
  • Design rewards 

Module 2. New Times, New Students

  • Create content on EdPuzzle 
  • Create tasks on EdPuzzle 
  • Use design tools to produce print and play games 
  • Create and manage a YouTube channel 
  • Create and manage a Podcast 

Module 3. Teachers in the Digital School 

  • Learn about the different digital platforms for communication between teachers and students
  • Create innovative multimedia content for the classroom 
  • Create and manage a Podcast

Identify the key elements of the new Digital School to lead the digital transition of schools"

Postgraduate Diploma in Digital School and Gamification

At TECH Global University, we present you our Postgraduate Diploma program in Digital School and Gamification. If you are passionate about education and want to acquire innovative skills to enhance your students' learning, this program is ideal for you. Our online classes give you the flexibility to study from anywhere and at any time. Through our state-of-the-art online platform, you will have access to interactive resources, quality teaching materials and online classrooms where you can interact with other education professionals. The online mode allows you to adapt your studies to your pace and reconcile your work and personal responsibilities without sacrificing academic excellence. The Postgraduate Diploma in Digital School and Gamification will provide you with the necessary tools to transform your teaching practices and make the most of digital technologies and the power of games in the teaching-learning process. You will learn how to design motivating and dynamic educational experiences that encourage the active participation of your students and promote the development of key skills for the 21st century.

Power your teaching profile with this postgraduate course

At TECH Global University, we have a team of experts in digital education and gamification, who will guide you throughout the program, providing you with up-to-date knowledge and relevant case studies. Our practical and results-oriented approach will allow you to immediately apply the strategies learned in your educational environment. At the end of this program, you will be able to design and develop online learning environments, use digital tools to enrich your classes and apply gamification techniques to boost student participation and motivation. You will be an innovative teacher prepared to face the challenges of education in the digital era. Do not miss the opportunity to be a reference in digital education and gamification. Join TECH Global University and expand your professional horizons - boost your students' learning in a creative and effective way!