
We present to you the degree that will mark a before and after in your professional career in the video game industry, thanks to the exhaustive knowledge of NFT and Blockchain technology" 


Blockchain technology has been a part of the video game industry for some years now, with Sky Mavis being a pioneer in its use with the launch of Axie Infinity. However, the development of NFTs and the possibilities that have arisen from their application in the world of cryptocurrencies and digital assets has led Gaming industry giants such as SEGA, Square Enix and Zynga, among others, to incorporate these techniques into their design and marketing strategies.

This is a sector in continuous expansion that requires specialized and specific knowledge for its management, not only in terms of the technology involved in the Blockchain, but also its business application and DeFi services. For that reason, and in order for the graduate to find in a single Postgraduate Diploma all the information that will allow them to meet the industry's demand for highly qualified professionals in the area, TECH and its team of Postgraduate Diplomas has decided to launch this advanced master’s degree in Blockchain Economics and NFT in Video Games. 

Through a multidisciplinary program, you will delve into the development of public blockchains and their application in the  Gaming industry, with special emphasis on the best tools to achieve secure and successful projects. In short, it is a program that combines, in a single and very complete intensive, theoretical and practical program, the specifications of Blockchain programming and its economy based on Crypto-Gaming.

In addition, among the characteristics that make this degree the best in the market, it is worth highlighting its 100% online format, adapted to each graduate. Thanks to this, you will be able to access the virtual classroom 24 hours a day and from any device with an internet connection, thus allowing you to customize this academic experience based on your own availability, without schedules or face-to-face classes. your own availability, without schedules or face-to-face classes.

Thanks to the skills you will develop with this program, you will be able to seamlessly handle Hyperledger Besu and Fabric to adapt Blockchain specifications to the business world" 

This advanced master’s degree in Blockchain Economics and NFT in Video Games contains the most complete and up-to-date program on the market. Its most notable features are:  

  • The development of case studies presented by experts in Blockchain economics and video game development
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional development
  • Practical exercises where the self-assessment process can be carried out to improve learning 
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies in the computer and programming industry  
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, forums for discussion of controversial issues and individual reflection papers
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection  

The use of the most cutting-edge pedagogical methodology in the design of this degree will help you learn in detail the legal implications of the Blockchain and generate specialized knowledge about the Whitepaper"  

Its teaching staff includes professionals from the field of computer science and video game development, who bring their work experience to this program, as well as renowned specialists from leading companies and prestigious universities.

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide an immersive training experience designed to train for real-life situations.

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the student must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise throughout the program. For this purpose, the professional will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts.

A 100% online program with no schedules or on-site classes with which you will be able to manage the design of the Blockchain architecture from wherever you want and whenever you want"


You will have a multitude of additional material in different formats to study, for example, the characteristics of Ethereum, Stellar and Polkadot management"


TECH is aware that perfectly managing Blockchain technology in a sector as specific as video games can be a complex task to carry out. However, since the idea of developing this degree came up, the objective of the university and its team of experts has been to provide the best theoretical and practical training, bringing together in a single program all the information that the graduate needs to master this technology to perfection. This will contribute to your professional development and growth, making you a highly valued specialist in the labor market.


If one of your main objectives is to be able to generate innovative projects and strategies based on NFT technology with total guarantee of success, this program will give you the keys to achieve it" 

General Objectives

  • Draw conclusions regarding good security practices 
  • Consider the vulnerabilities associated with Blockchain 
  • Analyze the future impact of running public Blockchains 
  • Develop design criteria for applications on production Hyperledger Besu clients 
  • Provide a foundation in the management and configuration of Hyperledger Besu-based networks
  • Promote best practices when developing applications with dependency on Blockchain networks, particularly those based on Ethereum and on Hyperledger
  • Besu client
  • Integrate the student's existing knowledge in a refined way based on the needs of industry and business with their notions of quality, effort measurement and development valuation, expanding their value as a Blockchain application developer
  • Generate specialized knowledge about what Hyperledger Fabric encompasses and how it works 
  • Examine the resources that Hyperledger provides free of charge 
  • Analyze the features of Hyperledger Fabric 
  • Develop Fabric's current main application case studies 
  • Determine what Open Finance is  
  • Analyze the evolution of the crypto world up to today
  • Identify the regulations applicable to the different business models offered by technology
  • Establish the basics of knowledge of the crypto world and its key aspects 
  • Identify potential legal risks in real projects 
  • Determine the logistic processes to define the main needs and gaps of the current logistic process 
  • Demonstrate the potential of the technology and validate that the solution fits the need
  • Implement the solution in phases so that value can be extracted from the beginning of the project and can be adjusted as use and learning occur 
  • Analyze why or why not to apply a  Blockchain solution in our environment
  • Generate specialized knowledge on the logical concept of distributed technologies as a comparative advantage 
  • Identify systematically and in detail of its various components the functioning of Blockchain,technology, developing how its advantages and disadvantages are linked to the way in which its architecture functions 
  • Analyze the main features of decentralized finance in the context of the Blockchain economy
  • Establish the fundamental characteristics of non-fungible tokens, their operation and deployment from their emergence to the present day
  • Understand the link between NFTs and Blockchain and examine strategies for generating and extracting value from non-fungible tokens 
  • Expose the characteristics of the main cryptocurrencies, their use, levels of integration with the global economy and virtual gamification projects

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Blockchain Technology: Technologies Involved andCyberspace Security

  • Establish methodologies for information analysis and deception detection on the Internet
    Plan an Internet search strategy
  • Determine the most appropriate tools to detect a criminal act on the Internet
  • Deploy an environment with the following tools: Logstash, Elasticsearch and Kibana
  • Address the risks faced by analysts in a research exercise
  • Conduct research processes based on wallet or address availability
  • Identify possible indications of mixers being used to blur transaction trails

Module 2. Public Blockchain Development: Ethereum, Stellar and Polkadot

  • Broaden skills in the world of Blockchain development
  • Develop practical examples based on cases
  • Compile generic knowledge about the Blockchain in practice
  • Analyze the operation of a public Blockchain
  • Gain experience in Solidity
  • Establish a relationship between the different public Blockchains
  • Create a project on a public Blockchain

Module 3. Corporate Blockchain Development: Hyperledger Besu

  • Identify key configuration points in the consensus protocols available with Hyperledger Besu
  • Right-sizing a Besu Hyperledger service to support enterprise applications
  • Develop automated test protocols for quality validation in Hyperledger Besu environments
  • Establish safety criteria for a production environment with Hyperledger Besu
  • Compile the different types of configurations on Hyperledger Besu clients
  • Determining the sizing criteria for an application with Hyperledger Besu
  • Strengthen knowledge of the functioning of the consensus mechanisms implemented in Hyperledger Besu
  • Define the most interesting technological Stack in the implementation of infrastructure and development of applications based on Hyperledger Besu

Module 4. Corporate Blockchain Development: Hyperledger Fabric

  • Generate specialized knowledge about Hyperledger and Fabric
  • Analyzing what can be done with this technology
  • Determine the inner workings of transactions
  • Solve a problem with Fabric
  • Deploy Fabric
  • Gain experience in Fabric deployments

Module 5. Sovereign Identity Based on Blockchain

  • Analyze the different Blockchain technologies that enable the development of Digital Identity models
  • Analyze Self-Sovereign Digital Identity proposals
  • Assess the impact on public administration of implementing Self-Sovereign Digital Identity models
  • Foundations for developing Blockchain-based Digital Identity solutions
  • Generate specialized knowledge on Digital Identity
  • Analyze what can be done with this technology
  • Determine the inner workings of identities in Blockchain

Module 6. Blockchain. Legal implications

  • Generate specialized knowledge on the Whitepaper concept
  • Determining the legal requirements for cryptoassets
  • Establish the legal implications in the regulation of cryptocurrencies
  • Developing the regulation of tokens and ICOs
  • Contrast and compare the current regulations against the EIDAS regulations

Module 7. Blockchain Architecture Design

  • Develop the foundations of the architecture
  • Generate specialized knowledge in Blockchain networks
  • Evaluating stakeholders
  • Determine infrastructure requirements
  • Identify deployment options
  • Program for production start-up training

Module 8. Blockchain Applied to Logistics

  • Examine the operational and systemic reality of the company to understand the needs for improvements and future solution with the Blockchain
  • Identify the To Be model with the solution best suited to the company's needs and challenges
  • Analyze a Business Case with a plan and macro solution agreement for executive approval
  • Demonstrate the potential and scope of the application and its benefits by means of a POC for operational approval
  • Establish a project plan with the Owner and Stackholders to start work on functional definition and prioritization of Sprints
  • Develop the solution according to the user stories to initiate testing and validation to go into production
  • Carry out a concrete Change Management and Blockchain implementation plan to bring the whole team to a new digital mindset and a more collaborative culture

Module 9. Blockchain and Business

  • Analyze why we should or should not implement a Blockchain project in our environment
  • Examine the challenges we face when implementing a product based on DLT technology
  • Adapt knowledge and mental tools to understand the project-oriented Blockchain concept
  • Conjugate all the possibilities that the vast Blockchainuniverse gives us, distributed, DeFi, etc. Determine when a Blockchainproject is correct or not
  • Discern between a meaningful project and the Hype surrounding this technology

Módulo 10. DeFi

  • Adquirir los conocimientos necesarios para hacer uso de proyectos basados en DeFi
  • Identificar las ventajas que las finanzas descentralizadas ofrecen al a economía gamificada
  • Identificar los distintos niveles de riesgos asumibles en el empleo de DeFi
  • Describir como los mercados descentralizados constituyen aplicaciones enmarcadas en las DeFi
  • Identificar las capas relevantes para el sector de economía gamificada

Module 10. DeFi

  • Acquire the necessary knowledge to make use of DeFi-based projects
  • Identify the advantages that decentralized finance offers to the gamified economy
  • Identify the different levels of risk that can be assumed in the use of DeFi
  • Describe how decentralized markets constitute applications framed in the DeFi
  • Identify the layers relevant to the gamified economy sector

Module 11. NFT

  • Mining New NFTs
  • Determine the properties of NFT
  • Generate innovation strategies based on NFT technology
  • Introducing NFT in gamified economies
  • Understand the functioning of the NFT mining system in gamified economies.
  • Identify the value of an NFT in the marketplace
  • Employing NFT valorization strategies

Module 12. Cryptocurrency Analysis

  • Discriminate the cryptocurrencies that are most suitable for future ventures
  • Perform behavioral estimates of cryptocurrencies
  • Interpreting cryptocurrency booms and busts
  • Establish criteria in the selection of Stablecoins

Module 13. Networks

  • Discriminate the selection of optimal networks of the proposed purposes in a future undertaking, through the examples of use and main characteristics of each one of them
  • Understand how networks work and establish a strategy based on them
  • Develop plans to improve user level accessibility from the networks

Módulo 14. Metaverso

  • Analizar la forma de inmersión de tu juego a través del análisis de costos, recursos tecnológicos y objetivos de emprendimientos futuros
  • Categorizar los espacios dentro de un metaverso en función de su lugar en el sistema económico
  • Formular puestos de trabajo relacionados con el sistema económico del metaverso
  • Administrar sistemas de landing dentro de un metaverso

Module 14. Metaverse

  • Analyze the immersion form of your game through the analysis of costs, technological resources and objectives of future ventures
  • Categorize spaces within a Metaverse according to their place in the economic system
  • Formulate jobs related to the economic system of the Metaverse
  • Managing Landing systems within a Metaverse

Module 15. External Platforms

  • Know the tools of the main platforms that offer services related to cryptocurrencies, Blockchain, decentralized economies and NFT
  • Using external platforms to increase value generation within a Blockchain gaming project
  • Understanding how DEX works

Module 16. Analysis of Variables in Gamified Economies

  • Categorize elements within a game in relation to their incidence within the final economy of the game
  • Identify the degrees to which Economy variables within a game fall within their category
  • Understand the proportional and inverse proportional relationships between two or more economic variables

Module 17. Gamified Economic Systems

  • Building a game economy
  • Developing a long-term sustainable economic environment
  • Describe the critical points of the Blockchain economy in a venture project.
  • Identify how the network of elements that make up the economic system of a Blockchain game behaves
  • Orienting the economics of a game to the proposed profitability goals

Module 18. Blockchain Video Game Analysis

  • Discern which economic strategies have shown the greatest stability and profitability in current market projects
  • Identify stability and profitability margins in gamified economy projects
  • Master the market trends in Blockchain gaming from its participation, stability and profitability

A unique specializacion program that will allow you to acquire advanced training in this field"

Advanced Master's Degree in Blockchain Economics and NFT in Videogames

The permanent development of technology and advances in computer systems has given rise to different sectors to experience transformations. This is the case of video games, as the consolidation and integration of Blockchain and NFT models have revolutionized the environment of players in an experience that not only has recreational purposes, but also economic ones. Faced with an area of continuous growth and changing dynamics, the industry requires the specialized knowledge of IT professionals to manage the technology involved in blockchain, in addition to business application and DeFi services. For this reason, in TECH Global University we developed the Advanced Master's Degree in Blockchain Economics and NFT in Video Games, a program that collects in a complete way the update and deepening in this area of computer science. In this way, you will have at your disposal an academic path with innovative content, and the tools, techniques and strategies that will lead you to master the application of blockchain in the video game industry.

Specialize in Blockchain Economics and NFT in Videogames

At TECH Global University you will be able to reach a new level of knowledge to advance your professional goals. Hand in hand with innovative methodologies, the accompaniment of experts in the area and a specialized curriculum, you will identify the operation of Blockchain technology, its main features, advantages and disadvantages in the framework of decentralized finance; you will identify the fundamental characteristics of non-fungible tokens; and you will understand the linkage of NFT with blockchains from the applicable strategies to generate and extract value with the integration to the global economy and virtual gamification projects. This program is a unique opportunity to sharpen your technical skills and stand out effectively in a highly competitive industry. Graduating from the university with the largest IT faculty in the world is the next step to reach your professional goals.