Minimally Invasive Veterinary Surgery in Small Animals
Get qualified in Minimally Invasive Veterinary Surgery in Small Animals with this scientific program.
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professional master’s degree
Veterinary Food Safety
This Professional Master's Degree offers you, in a practical way, the latest advances in the field of Veterinary Food Safety.
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professional master’s degree
Veterinary Trauma Science and Orthopaedic Surgery
This postgraduate teaches you about the latest advances and treatments in veterinary traumatology and orthopaedic surgery.
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Professional master’s degree
Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation of Small Animals
Get to know the latest techniques of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation of Small Animals through this Professional Master's Degree.
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Professional master’s degree
Biology and Technology of Reproduction in Mammals
Specialize in the Biology and Technology of Reproduction in Mammals through this program.
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Advanced master’s degree
Anesthesia and Orthopedic Surgery in Large Species
Update your knowledge in Veterinary Orthopedic Surgery and deepen in the anesthetic management of the patient.
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Advanced master’s degree
Equine Veterinary Medicine
Equine Veterinary Medicine encompasses numerous and complex specialties in continuous development that require constant updating of skills by the clinician. It is a highly competitive professional sector that quickly incorporates new scientific advan ...
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Advanced master’s degree
Anesthesia and Surgery in Small Animals
Specialize in Anesthesia and Surgery of Small Animals through this Two Year Master's Degree of high scientific level.
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Advanced master’s degree
Medicine and Surgery of Birds and Exotic Animals
Specialize in Poultry and Exotic Animal Medicine and Surgery with this Advanced Master's Degree.
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Advanced master’s degree
Veterinary Surgery in Small Animals
Update your knowledge in Veterinary Surgery with this Advanced Master's Degree, taught by renowned specialists in the field.
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Advanced master’s degree
MBA in Veterinary Center Management and Administration
Develop your managerial skills in the Management of Veterinary Centers through this Advanced Master's Degree.
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The world's largest faculty of veterinary medicine”