
With a decade of experience in Banking, Carmen Sancho De las Alas-Pumariño is currently practicing as a Commercial Lawyer. In her extensive career she has performed legal functions in the Subdirectorate General of International Protection in the Ministry of Spain.

Her passion for this area has led her to specialize in Good Governance and the Securities Market and to teach Commercial Law at national universities and international institutions.

  • Commercial Lawyer specializing in Corporate Governance and the Securities Market
  • Associate Professor of Commercial Law with a double degree in Law and Business Administration at the Universidad Carlos III
  • Lawyer in the Subdirectorate General of International Protection
  • Lawyer in the Wealth Banking Department 
  • Lawyer and Business Advisor at the Universidad Pontificia de Comillas
  • Postgraduate degree in Business Management and Strategy from the Confederation of Businessmen of Andalusia
  • Diploma of Advanced Studies (DEA) in Commercial Law from the University of Seville
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