
Sales and Marketing teams need to follow a series of strategies to achieve their company's objectives. Your work as a manager in these areas will be essential to ensure that all processes are followed"


Companies face new challenges every day. Adapting to the changes and demands of the market and striving to be more competitive are tasks that cannot be left aside at any time. To achieve this, it is essential to count on the sales and marketing areas, which are fundamental in any large company seeking greater growth. In this way, getting an effective boost from these departments will allow companies to acquire a great competitive advantage. But to be effective, managers must be clear about their company's objectives and know where to direct their efforts to achieve greater consumer support.

With this in mind, TECH has decided to create this hybrid professional master’s degree, which offers students a theoretical and practical specialization to learn the most relevant aspects of business and marketing, but above all, it will be a unique opportunity to learn and develop leadership skills that they will have to put into practice during their work. To this end, students will initially access a one-year Master's Degree, which they will study online.

With this curriculum, students will specialize in different aspects related to business, such as Management and leadership, logistics management, market research, commercial management, or the different branches of marketing. Therefore, they will be able to acquire a deep knowledge of everything that surrounds this sector. This program will have a multitude of theoretical and practical resources, multimedia exercises, and an innovative teaching methodology that will favor the student's learning.

Once this part of the course has been passed, the professional will have the opportunity to access an intensive practical stay lasting 3 weeks, in which the student will be part of a real work team, knowing first-hand how the work in the sales and marketing departments is carried out, and the real benefits that these areas bring to their companies. Undoubtedly, this is the most complete program that students can find in the market to access a higher specialization, achieving a high level of competence, which they will be able to put into practice when they enter the labor market.

This specialization will provide you with the keys to access to top management and, therefore, to positions with higher salary expectations"

This hybrid professional master’s degree in Commercial and Marketing Management (CRO, Chief Revenue Officer) contains the most complete and up-to-date program on the market. The most important features include:

  • development of more than 100 case studies presented by experts in of marketing and Commercial Management
  • The graphic, schematic and practical contents with which they are conceived, gather Specific information on those disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Comprehensive systematized action plans in the business field
  • Algorithm-based interactive learning system for decision-making in the situations that are presented to the student
  • Practical guides for the use of the main Marketing tools
  • Special emphasis on the most innovative methodologies for the application of leadership techniques in business
  • All of this will be complemented by theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection
  • Furthermore, you will be able to do an internship in one of the best centers in the world

Your managerial skills will allow you to give a boost to your professional career, gaining access to the most internationally renowned companies"

In this Master Hybrid's program, of a professionalizing nature and hybrid learning modality, is aimed at updating professionals specialized in business who require a high level of qualification. The content is based on the latest scientific evidence and organized in a didactic way to integrate theoretical knowledge into daily practice. In this way, the theoretical-practical elements will facilitate the updating of knowledge and will allow decision-making in complex environments.

Thanks to its multimedia content developed with the latest educational technology, they will allow the student to obtain a situated and contextual learning, that is to say, a simulated environment that will provide an immersive learning programmed to prepare in real situations. This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise throughout the program. For this purpose, the student will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned experts.

Bet on Digital Marketing as the main method to reach your target audience"


Thanks to the management skills that you will be able to develop with this program, your work teams will achieve greater performance"

Why our program?

Studying this program is essential for all those professionals who wish to update their knowledge about Sales and Marketing Management. The program offers the most innovative content in these sectors of the business world. At the same time, it is distinguished by its double didactic approach. On the one hand, it offers theoretical subjects of great relevance for this labor framework, and secondly, it has a first-level practical stay that will help students reinforce their mastery of these topics.

master commercial marketing management cro chief revenue officer TECH Global University

With TECH, you will acquire in-depth knowledge of financial logistics and apply it immediately in your daily work activities"

1. Updating from the latest technology available

The latest digital tools for Marketing Management are available to TECH students through this innovative program. They will also be able to examine directly all those technologies that enable proper business management in the companies of the XXI century.

2. Gaining In-Depth Knowledge from the Experience of Top Specialists

Throughout this program, TECH will be supported by leading experts. These professionals will be in charge of supervising the student's academic progress during the theoretical phase of this hybrid professional master’s degree. In turn, those responsible for monitoring their professional practice in top-level centers will help them acquire the most sought-after skills in the labor market.

3. Entering first-class Corporate environments

After examining the most recognized companies in the market for their innovative commercial and marketing management, TECH has chosen a group of them to host its students. This will give way to a 100% practical and intensive professional internship, in which the student will be able to access the best knowledge from the hands of competitive professionals and state-of-the-art technologies.

4. Combining the Best Theory with State-of-the-Art Practice

Throughout 3 weeks of professional practice, the student will develop high-level tasks from the very first moment. This practical and immersive learning will facilitate the understanding of the most complex responsibilities and dynamics of the operation of the Sales and Marketing departments of companies.

5. Expanding the Boundaries of Knowledge

TECH has a large number of agreements and contacts through which it has organized the practical training of this hybrid professional master’s degree. Through these collaborations, the student will have access to international companies and, from them, will master the most global standards of this professional area.

master degree commercial marketing management cro chief revenue officer TECH Global University

You will have full practical immersion at the center of your choice"

Hybrid Professional Master’s Degree in Commercial and Marketing Management (CRO, Chief Revenue Officer)

If you are an ambitious person and want to excel in the field of commercial management, the Hybrid Master's Degree in Commercial and Marketing Management (CRO, Chief Revenue Officer) from TECH Global University is the perfect choice for you. This program is designed to provide you with the skills and knowledge necessary to lead and manage successful sales and marketing projects. Sales management and marketing are key disciplines in business management, as they influence the revenue generation and growth of a company. In the Master's program we have designed at TECH you will learn about the latest trends in marketing and commercial management, including sales management, marketing strategy, branding and much more. In addition, the program offers the opportunity for internships in leading companies in the field of sales and marketing management. Students will work alongside experienced professionals in the field of commercial management and marketing and will acquire practical skills in sales management, marketing strategy and branding in a variety of business situations.

Specialize in Commercial Management at TECH

The business management and marketing specialization is an ideal choice for those who wish to enhance their business practice and have a successful career in the field of business management and marketing. With the learning and experience acquired in this program, students will be prepared to face the challenges of commercial and marketing management and lead successful commercial and marketing projects. In addition, the blended learning format of the program will allow you to combine your daily work with your studies, allowing you to practice your profession, study and advance your career at the same time. With the flexibility of online learning and hands-on experience at the leading company in the field of sales and marketing management, the Hybrid Master's Degree in Sales and Marketing Management (CRO, Chief Revenue Officer) is the best choice for those looking to specialize in this discipline.