
Work in the most disadvantaged regions must start by promoting Human and Sustainable Development. It is the best way to achieve progress in societies"


In order to achieve a development of societies focused on sustainability, it is necessary to achieve important changes in political and strategic, relational, internal organization and intervention aspects. This type of development proposes a new approach to development, taking into account the values, principles and norms of sustainable development to look at social, political, economic and cultural reality 

Development cooperation has been changing in its objectives, approach, methods and strategies, in search of a greater impact on the transformation of reality. In addition, it has become a professional sector that bases its actions on scientific models for understanding development that have been proposed over time. Today, development cooperation cannot be understood without a model based on sustainability. For this reason, this postgraduate diploma is designed mainly for doctors who wish to develop their work in the field of international cooperation, through work in NGOs or humanitarian and international aid organizations, with the aim of increasing the training of these professionals, so that they can contribute their knowledge in this field

This program combines basic knowledge in international cooperation and development applied to the field of medicine, tools that allow the development worker to seek to improve the performance of their functions in those areas that people and communities demand, guide them to change and focus them on the present situation through the tools and resources of cooperation 

In addition, as it is a 100% online program, the physician will be able to combine the study of this very complete postgraduate diploma with the rest of their daily obligations, choosing at all times where and when to study. A high-level qualification that will take the medical professional to the highest level in their field of practice

Promoting human development and sustainability is fundamental to achieving development that benefits all people” 

This postgraduate diploma in Human and Sustainable Development contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most important features include: 

  • Practical cases presented by experts in International Development Cooperation
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • New developments on Human and Sustainable Development
  • Practical exercises where the self-assessment process can be carried out to improve learning
  • Emphasis on innovative methodologies in International Development Cooperation
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Access to content from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

This postgraduate diploma is the best investment you can make when selecting a refresher program, for two reasons: in addition to updating your knowledge in Human and Sustainable Development, you will obtain a qualification from the leading online university in Spanish: TECH”

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from the sector who contribute their work experience to this training program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities 

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive training programmed to train in real situations

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise throughout the program. For this purpose, you will be assisted by an innovative system of interactive videos made by renowned experts with extensive experience in therapeutic personal training  

You will become familiar with the international development cooperation tools, as well as the types of projects and NGOs that exist for the medical profession"

You will master the concepts of sustainable development and master the SDGs of the 2030 Agenda to meet its goals and objectives"


The design of the program of this postgraduate diploma will allow the student to acquire the necessary skills to update their knowledge in Human and Sustainable Development for the medical field. To achieve this, it relies on the knowledge that professionals with extensive experience in this field have poured into the development of the subjects of the curriculum, promoting the professional from a global perspective, with full specialization for the achievement of the proposed objectives. Thus, you will develop your full potential in the medical field by adapting to vulnerable environments 


Thanks to this program you will improve your professional performance and develop strategies to adapt and solve the problems of today's world through scientific research in cooperation and development processes” 

General Objectives

  • Provide students with an advanced qualification in International Development Cooperation, specialized and based on theoretical and instrumental knowledge that will allow them to acquire and develop the skills necessary to obtain a qualification as a professional in international cooperation
  • Provide the student with basic knowledge of the cooperation and development process based on the latest advances in policies on the sustainability processes involved in both economic and social aspects
  • Improve professional performance and develop strategies for adapting and solving the problems of today's world by means of scientific research in cooperation and development processes
  • Disseminate the basics of the current system and develop the critical and entrepreneurial spirit necessary to adapt to political changes, within the framework of international law

Specific Objectives

Module 1. The Development of Peoples: Introduction and Challenges 

  • Understand the importance of the development of peoples
  • Become aware of the stakeholders involved in development, why and its consequences
  • Know and clarify such basic concepts as poor and impoverished
  • Become aware of the world situation and development
  • Familiarize the student with the economic structure of the world
  • Manage the concepts of sustainable development, sustainable objectives, etc. to meet their goals and objectives
  • Know the basic theories of development in its economic, social, cultural and political aspects
  • Know the current system of international relations and the different actors, both official and unofficial, that comprise it

Module 2. International Cooperation for the Development of Peoples 

  • Know different methods of research in International Development Cooperation
  • Gain knowledge on methodologies for public policy advocacy, social communication, political change, etc
  • Know the evolution and status of current debates on development
  • Know the system and policies of International Development Cooperation
  • Understand the causes, dynamics and consequences of human mobility and migration
  • Become familiar with the instruments of international cooperation for development, as well as the types of projects and existing NGOs
  • Develop skills to work with the main vulnerable subjects involved in development cooperation actions and programs
  • Understand the international cooperation system and the different members that make it up

Module 3. Education for Human and Sustainable Development 

  • Promote a critical analysis and reflection of the problems and their causes that affect individuals, groups and societies, especially children, fostering a change of attitudes and behaviors in our society 
  • Carry out actions and programs aimed at raising awareness of certain situations of injustice and changing values to combat them
  • Promote the participation of society, especially children and adolescents and entities in the sector, in transforming the world
  • Create empowerment processes and spaces for active democratic participation for children, aimed at transforming policies and the decision-making model on issues that affect them
  • Promote research and reflection on issues related to childhood and development, supporting different proposals to promote human development
  • Encourage networking with other entities in the sector, to achieve a greater impact in our actions
  • Analyze the social, economic, political and cultural reality of the different societies in which the work of development cooperation agents is contextualized
  • Analyze and understand global initiatives to fight poverty

Module 4. Humanitarian Action and International Development Cooperation 

  • Identify the processes of design, monitoring and assessment of development cooperation actions, so that they have a complete understanding of what a cooperation project is
  • Develop attitudes and skills for the fight against poverty and equity awareness through development education, and for the processes of initiation and development of cooperation projects, with values such as motivation, intercultural dialogue and solidarity
  • Acquire the necessary knowledge for the management of humanitarian action (humanitarian aid and emergencies), from the analysis of the basic needs of the population and the management of the main risks
  • Develop a global vision on the nature, perspective and objectives of development cooperation actions
  • Analyze and assess the sense of sectoral and geographic priorities of international development cooperation, identify the strategic axes that guide cooperation policies and actions, the sectors of action and the instruments for their implementation
  • Design cooperation projects in public, private and non-governmental entities
  • Promote debate and analysis on aspects related to the development of cooperation policies and actions and strategies aimed at improving their quality and effectiveness
  • Knowledge of project development methodologies and mastery of technical skills for the identification, formulation, planning, programming, management and monitoring of development cooperation projects
  • Understand in depth the context and nature of humanitarian aid actions 
  • Design and manage technical instruments that gather in a clear, precise and updated way, the necessary information for the assessment, planning and decision making in cooperation projects
  • Evaluate the process and final result of the different development cooperation projects
Understand in depth the context and nature of humanitarian aid actions” 

Postgraduate Diploma in Human and Sustainable Development

Applying sustainable human development approaches and strategies to improve access to and quality of health care, while being concerned about environmental impact and promoting a more just and egalitarian society, develops skills on modern medicine that can be considered as positive impacts of sustainable human development include:- Improving accessibility to health services: the provision of high quality health care to all individuals is essential for sustainable human development. Advances in medical technology and the expansion of the geographic scope of care have improved the accessibility of health care services for many people.Focus on prevention rather than treatment: prevention is key in the fight against common illnesses and injuries. Prevention includes healthy habits and lifestyle modifications, as well as early detection and treatment of disease. Modern medicine has increasingly focused on disease prevention rather than just treatment.-Research into more efficient medical technologies: Modern medicine has put a focus on research and development of more efficient technologies in terms of cost, time and quality of medical care. For example, telemedicine and online care have improved access to medical services and decreased the need to travel long distances.-Emphasis on environmental sustainability: Modern medicine is increasingly aware of the environmental impact it has and is seeking to reduce the impact of medical products and drugs on the environment. For example, emphasis has been placed on reducing the misuse of antibiotics and reducing unnecessary packaging.

At TECH Global University we have designed a program with everything you need to expand your job knowledge and take your career to the next level.