
With a notable interest in altruistic work and new models of Environmental Conservation, Carlos Ruiz Díez, Industrial Technologies Engineer, is a Researcher at the National Microelectronics Center of CSIC, where he is part of the Speed Group, specialized in the Design, Development and Final Manufacture of Sustainable Batteries of Organic, Biodegradable and Recyclable Origin. In addition, it is dedicated to the Experimental Validation of the properties of the materials used in the Batteries. He has also developed a Portable Water Sterilizer Device, designed to work under the specific requirements of one of these Batteries. 

He is also on a Volunteer Journey in Yamenia, Chad, with the NGO Entreculturas Foundation, which provides Popular Education and Social Promotion. He has been Head of the Biogas Project in Rural Areas of Zimbabwe, of Child Future Africa, and Member of the Composting Research Group of the Department of Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering of the Autonomous University of Barcelona.  

  • Specialist in Biological and Environmental Engineering
  • Researcher at the National Microelectronics Center of CSIC. 
  • Director of Training in Competition Engineering at ISC.  
  • Volunteer Trainer in Aula de Empleo de Cáritas (Caritas Employment Classroom).  
  • Research Intern in the Composting Research Group of the Department of Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering of the UAB. 
  • Founder and Product Developer at NoTime Ecobrand, a fashion and recycling brand. 
  • Development Cooperation Project Manager for the NGO Future Child Africa in Zimbabwe. 
  • Director of the Innovation Department and Founding Team Member of the Aerodynamic Department of ICAI Speed Club: Motorcycle Racing Team, Comillas Pontifical University.
  • Graduate in Industrial Technologies Engineering, Universidad Pontificia de Comillas ICAI.  
  • Master's Degree in Biological and Environmental Engineering, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona.  
  • Master's Degree in Environmental Management, Universidad Española a Distancia, Spain.


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