University certificate
With this Practical Training you will take a definitive step in your career.”
Why study at TECH?
These are not just another internship. They are the opportunity you were waiting for to acquire the necessary knowledge and position yourself as a professional of reference in the sector. Don't let it go"

In the area of internal medicine, the nursing professional must not only have theoretical knowledge. It is also important that you know how to put them into daily practice. Therefore, with this academic proposal TECHbreaks the foundations of traditional education by providing the expert in this discipline with the possibility of taking the latest approaches, care and treatments in this complex area of knowledge to his or her workplace. Through an innovative method of study, consisting of a 3-week intensive on-site stay, students will be involved in the dynamics of care in a rigorous and exhaustive way.
In particular, this Practical Training has been designed for students to learn new care protocols for the management of patients with cardiovascular diseases, neuropathologies, renal insufficiencies, among other chronic disorders. Therefore, they will delve into nursing care before and after diagnostic procedures in hospitalized units. They will also examine the necessary and most up-to-date material resources for dealing with different complications. At the same time, they will analyze the technique of arterial blood gas analysis in the bedridden patient, the use of inhalers and their differences according to each case, and will incorporate procedures for dealing with the different diseases associated with metabolic syndrome in daily practice.
All these skills will be developed through the integration of the student in internal medicine services, within hospitals of international prestige. At these facilities you will rub shoulders with top professionals in your field of interest. At the same time, you will have an assistant tutor who will guide your learning in a personalized way and will check the pace of your progress from Monday to Friday, for 8 hours. This is a great opportunity that will not only broaden the nurse's skills, but will also open the door to a promising professional future. And all this, with the endorsement and academic prestige of TECH.

Enjoy an intensive 3 weeks stay in a prestigious center and update yourself on the latest nursing procedures to grow professionally"
La evolución actual de las tecnologías y técnicas de trabajo en el sector sanitario, y en particular dentro de la Nursing in Internal Medicine, posibilitan una recuperación más rápida y de calidad para el paciente. Lograr esos cuidados asistenciales de manera óptima depende de un amplio número de habilidades prácticas. Por eso, TECHofrece una titulación práctica de excelencia, comprendida por una estancia presencial en una instalación médica de prestigio y amplios resultados dentro de la disciplina en cuestión. Además, el alumno intercambiará de manera directa con pacientes y debatirá junto a grandes expertos en entornos profesionales altamente especializados.

Con la ayuda de esta Internship program, podrás acceder a instituciones hospitalarias punteras y donde adquirirás elevadas experiencias profesionales que se reflejarán en tu currículum y oportunidades laborales”
1. Actualizarse a partir de la última tecnología disponible
La Enfermería en Medicina Interna apuesta cada día por tecnologías holísticas que facilitan el cuidado integral de pacientes ingresados en instituciones hospitalarias. El manejo de todos esos implementos depende de conocimientos actualizados que estarán disponibles para el alumno, de manera práctica, a lo largo de las 3 semanas que se extiende esta Capacitación.
2. Profundizar a partir de la experiencia de los mejores especialistas
Por medio de este programa presencial, los alumnos de TECH adquirirán habilidades prácticas junto a grandes expertos de la Nursing in Internal Medicine. Ellos compartirán sus experiencias, debatirán casos y procedimientos con el estudiante y les facilitarán el acceso a pacientes reales. Además, esta modalidad de estudios designa a un tutor adjunto que acompañará de forma profesional todo el proceso educativo.
3. Adentrarse en entornos clínicos de primera
Los centros elegidos para esta Internship program disponen de un elevado reconocimiento en el ámbito de la Enfermería. TECH los ha seleccionado esas instituciones hospitalarias por sus múltiples resultados en materia de asistencia y aplicación de nuevas tecnologías. Desde ellos, el estudiante podrá constatar la competitividad y exhaustividad del sector laboral en tan solo 3 semanas.
4. Llevar lo adquirido a la práctica diaria desde el primer momento
Este programa ha sido ideado, en primer lugar, para que los alumnos no tengan que preocuparse de asimilar grandes cantidades de contenido teórico. Por el contrario, su misión es que cada egresado pueda acceder a un modelo de aprendizaje 100% práctico, compatible con el desarrollo de sus intereses y necesidades de actualización en el área de la Enfermería.
5. Expandir las fronteras del conocimiento
TECH dispone de una amplia cartera de convenios y colaboradores. A través de ellos, facilitará a sus alumnos el acceso a centros de relevancia internacional. De ese modo, cada estudiante tendrá la oportunidad de expandir sus fronteras profesionales y codearse con expertos que han convertido a la Enfermería en Medicina Interna en una especialidad de gran calidad.

Tendrás una inmersión práctica total en el centro que tú mismo elijas”
Internship Program in Nursing in Internal Medicine
Among the greatest advances in the healthcare sector is the specialty of internal medicine, which is responsible for addressing the requirements of chronic or complex diseases in geriatric-aged patients. To be successful in every procedure performed there, it is necessary to have nurses specialized in providing comprehensive care and general assessment. For this reason, TECH Global University has added to its repertoire of programs a Internship Program in Internal Medicine Nursing, designed with ample clinical and scientific rigor. Here, you will find innovative classes, taught by a team of specialists in a first-class hospital. In the syllabus you will find the most relevant topics of the field, among them, the generalities of internal medicine service organization, nosocomial infection surveillance and patient management in pathologies such as prolonged fever, metabolic syndrome, HIV, diabetes mellitus type I and II, cardiac or renal failure, COPD and hepatic, hematological and intestinal alterations. Once these foundations have been laid, you will be an expert in treating patients with diverse and multi-pathological diseases, using the latest techniques based on scientific evidence.
Know Nursing in Internal Medicine in depth
Lifestyle changes, related to the emergence of new chronic, infectious or autoimmune diseases pose a great challenge for healthcare personnel. For this reason, the constant specialization of professionals represents a fundamental pillar to guarantee an ideal service to the hospitalized patient. In this sense, our Internship Program synthesizes a whole set of essential knowledge to become a high-level specialist. Under the guidance of a highly qualified multidisciplinary team within the clinical environment, you will learn the internal medicine service and its organization, as well as the diagnostic techniques in the hospitalization units and the procedures for dealing with different diseases. In addition, you will have access to state-of-the-art equipment related to nursing services in internal medicine, which includes geriatrics, infectious diseases, oncology, imaging and laboratory. All of this will be reinforced in a period of three weeks, distributed in consecutive eight-hour days, Monday through Friday. Upon completion of this program, you will expand your knowledge in a highly relevant sector, which will lay the foundations for a promising professional future.