University certificate
The world's largest faculty of medicine”
Why study at TECH?
Expand your knowledge in General and Digestive Surgery and stand out professionally in a sector in constant evolution"

General and digestive surgery is a medical specialty that is constantly being updated to ensure the health of patients. This discipline faces increasingly complex challenges associated with the development of solid organ transplant surgery, oncological interventions or emergency procedures, so that techniques and procedures are constantly evolving to adapt to them. As a result, physicians must be aware of these advances in order to incorporate them into their work routine. However, the immense speed at which these changes occur often makes it impossible for professionals to reconcile their required learning with their own professional life.
For this reason, TECH has created this program which, thanks to its 100% online methodology during the theoretical stage, will allow professionals to manage their own schedules in order to optimize their education and place themselves at the forefront of this branch of medicine. Throughout the 12 months of duration of this Update on General and Digestive Surgery, the student will master the latest advances in medical oncology and radiation oncology in colon cancer or handle the updated diagnostic methods for breast pathologies. Likewise, they will expand their skills in the treatment of midline and lateral hernias.
Likewise, after passing the theoretical stage, the student will have a practical phase of 3 weeks in a highly prestigious hospital, where they will be integrated into a multidisciplinary work team and will take all the knowledge acquired to the real world. In addition, you will be accompanied by a specific tutor who will answer all your questions and give you the best advice to achieve excellent learning.
Therefore, the Hybrid professional master’s degree in Update on General and Digestive Surgery is an excellent opportunity for the expert to increase and update their knowledge in an enjoyable way, without sacrificing scientific rigor and adapting the teaching process to their personal and professional needs.
A unique program that stands out for the quality of its contents and for its excellent teaching staff, composed of elite professionals in general and digestive system surgery”
This Hybrid professional master’s degree in Update on General and Digestive Surgery contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market.The most important features include:
- Development of more than 100 clinical cases presented by medical professionals specialized in general and digestive surgery and by university professors with extensive experience in this field
- The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
- Application of the latest surgical techniques for the intervention of various pathologies
- New diagnostic and treatments for hepatic, endocrine or rectal surgery
- Presentation of practical workshops on procedures and techniques
- Algorithm-based interactive learning system for decision-making in the presented clinical situations
- All this will be complemented by theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
- Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection
- Furthermore, you will be able to carry out a clinical internship in one of the best hospital centers
At the end of the theoretical learning stage, you will have access to an intensive practical phase of 3 weeks in a prestigious hospital to acquire the knowledge that will favor your growth in this sector”
In this Hybrid professional master’s degree proposal, of a professionalizing nature and hybrid learning modality, the program is aimed at updating medical professionals who perform their functions in the general surgery and digestive system unit, and who require a high level of qualification. The contents are based on the latest scientific evidence, and oriented in a didactic way to integrate theoretical knowledge into Doctor practice, and the theoretical-practical elements will facilitate the updating of knowledge and allow decision making in patient management.
Thanks to their multimedia content developed with the latest educational technology, they will allow the medical professional to learn in a contextual and situated learning environment, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive learning programmed to train in real situations. This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise throughout the program. For this purpose, students will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts.
The constant updating of knowledge is key to provide better patient care so TECH offers you the best tools to achieve it"

This Hybrid professional master’s degree allows you to exercise in simulated environments, which provide immersive learning programmed to train in real situations"
La estructura del plan de estudios ha sido diseñada por un equipo de profesionales conocedor de las implicaciones de la educación en cirugía general y del aparato digestivo, conscientes de la relevancia de la actualidad de la especialización, y comprometidos con la enseñanza de calidad mediante las nuevas tecnologías educativas.

Este Hybrid professional master’s degree en Update on General and Digestive Surgery contiene el programa científico más completo y actualizado del mercado”
Módulo 1. Cirugía esofagogástrica
1.1. Acalasia y otros trastornos motores esofágicos
1.2. Hernia de Hiato y ERGE. Esófago de Barret
1.3. Divertículos esofágicos
1.4. Hernias diafragmáticas distintas a las hernias de hiato por deslizamiento
1.5. Tumores benignos esofagogástricos
1.6. Principios oncológicos en la cirugía por cáncer
1.7. Tumores malignos esofágicos
1.8. Tumores malignos gástricos. Secuelas y complicaciones gastrectomías
1.9. Oncología médica y radioterápica en los tumores esofagogástricos
Módulo 2. Cirugía bariátrica
2.1. Principios de la cirugía bariátrica
2.2. Cirugía restrictiva: sleeve gástrico
2.3. Cirugía mixta (restrictiva-malabsortiva): Bypass Gástrico
2.4. Otras técnicas bariátricas
Módulo 3. Cirugía vía biliar
3.1. Colelitiasis
3.2. Coledocolitiasis
3.3. Quistes y colangitis esclerosante primaria
3.4. Tumores de vesícula biliar
3.5. Tumores de vía biliar
Módulo 4. Cirugía hepática
4.1. Hepatocarcinoma
4.2. Tumores benignos hepáticos
4.3. Otros tumores malignos hepáticos
4.4. Radiología intervencionista en lesiones hepáticas
4.5. Tratamiento de las metástasis hepáticas de origen colorrectal y de origen no colorrectal
4.6. Oncología médica en las metástasis hepáticas
4.7. Trasplante hepático
4.8. Quistes y abscesos hepáticos
Módulo 5. Cirugía pancreática y del bazo
5.1. Pancreatitis aguda
5.2. Pancreatitis crónica
5.3. Tumores de cabeza y ampulomas
5.4. Tumores de cuerpo y cola
5.5. Consideraciones anatomopatológicas en el cáncer de páncreas
5.6. Tumores neuroendocrinos
5.7. Tumores quísticos del páncreas
5.8. Trasplante de páncreas, intestinal y multivisceral
5.9. Patología benigna y maligna y cirugía del bazo
Módulo 6. Cirugía del colon
6.1. Principios de la cirugía oncológica del colon
6.2. Hemicolectomía derecha
6.3. Cáncer del colon izquierdo
6.4. Cáncer de colon transverso
6.5. Oncología médica y radioterápica en el cáncer de colon
Módulo 7. Cirugía del recto
7.1. Principios de la cirugía oncológica del recto
7.2. Cirugía por cáncer de recto abordaje abdominal
7.3. Cirugía por cáncer de recto abordaje transanal
7.4. Cirugía por cáncer de recto abordaje combinado
7.5. Tratamiento oncológico integral del cáncer de recto
7.6. Consideraciones anatomopatológicas en el cáncer de recto
7.7. Prolapso rectal y rectocele
7.8. Endometriosis pélvica profunda
Módulo 8. Cirugía del ano
8.1. Fisura anal
8.2. Fístula y absceso anal
8.3. VPH anal: neoplasia intraepitelial anal y carcinoma epidermoide
8.4. Cáncer de ano
8.5. Hemorroides
8.6. Incontinencia anal
8.7. Sinus pilonidal e hidrosadenitis supurativa
Módulo 9. Enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal
9.1. Principios de la enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal
9.2. Cirugía de la Enfermedad de Crohn
9.3. Enfermedad de Crohn perianal
9.4. Cirugía de la Colitis Ulcerosa
Módulo 10. Cirugía endocrina
10.1. Nódulo tiroideo y bocio multinodular
10.2. Hipertiroidismo
10.3. Cáncer de tiroides
10.4. Hiperparatiroidismo primario
10.5. Hiperparatiroidismo secundario y terciario
10.6. Cirugía de la glándula suprarrenal
Módulo 11. Cirugía de pared abdominal
11.1. Laparotomías y cierre. Hernias de línea media y laterales
11.2. Hernias inguinocrurales
11.3. Eventraciones. Profilaxis de eventraciones
11.4. Manejo de abdomen abierto y evisceración
Módulo 12. Cirugía de mama
12.1. Métodos diagnósticos. Screening de patología mamaria
12.2. Patología benigna de la mama
12.3. Principios oncológicos del cáncer de mama
12.4. Cirugía de la mama
Módulo 13. Carcinomatosis peritoneal
13.1. Tratamiento Multimodal de la Carcinomatosis Peritoneal
Módulo 14. Urgencias en cirugía digestiva
14.1. Hemorragia Digestiva Alta
14.2. Colecistitis aguda
14.3. Colangitis aguda
14.4. Apendicitis aguda
14.5. Diverticulitis aguda
14.6. Hemorragia digestiva baja
14.7. Isquemia mesentérica aguda
14.8. Obstrucción intestinal
Módulo 15. Innovación quirúrgica
15.1. Introducción a la innovación quirúrgica
15.2. Innovación en el aprendizaje quirúrgico
15.3. TIC
15.4. Innovación en dispositivos quirúrgicos
15.5. Innovación en cirugía NOTES
15.6. Cirugía robótica
15.7. Financiación, protección y transferencia de la innovación en cirugía

Capacítate en una institución que te pueda ofrecer todas estas posibilidades, con un programa académico innovador y un equipo humano capaz de desarrollarte al máximo”
Hybrid Professional Master's Degree in Update on General and Digestive Surgery
If you are a physician and you are looking to update your knowledge in general and digestive system surgery, the Hybrid Professional Master's Degree in General and Digestive System Surgery is the best option for you. This educational program is designed to offer health professionals theoretical and practical learning taught by experts in the field. With a duration of two years, participants will be able to combine distance learning with face-to-face classes in high-level health centers. This Hybrid Professional Master's Degree will allow you to delve into the most recent advances in general and digestive system surgery, as well as to update your knowledge of cutting-edge surgical techniques and the latest medical technologies applied to this field of medicine. In addition, the program offers an online and comprehensive syllabus on the main pathologies of the digestive system, as well as their diagnosis and treatment, which will provide you with a global and updated vision of this medical specialty.
Update your knowledge in surgery
The students of the Hybrid Professional Master's Degree in General and Digestive Surgery Updating will have a wide variety of educational resources, such as master classes, personalized tutorials, internships in medical centers and surgical simulations, which will allow them to acquire practical skills and develop their ability to make decisions in complex clinical situations. In addition, at the end of the program, participants will have knowledge that will differentiate them from other professionals in the medical sector, allowing them to improve their professional profile and expand their career development opportunities in the field of general and digestive system surgery. In summary, if you are looking for a complete and updated Internship Program in general and digestive system surgery, the Hybrid Professional Master's Degree in Updating in General and Digestive System Surgery of TECH Global University is the ideal option for you. Don't miss the opportunity to improve your knowledge and skills in this important field of medicine, enroll today and take the next step in your medical career!