
This program integrates the most advanced knowledge in Clinical Hepatology and gastroenterology, and will allow you to delve into the latest developments in the cardiomyopathy of the cirrhotic"


The increasing complexity of hepatology and gastroenterology has brought with it a great advance in diagnostic methods, treatments and surgical interventions in these fields. Thus, these disciplines have now integrated numerous highly effective solutions for pathologies that are difficult to treat, making it necessary for specialists to update their knowledge immediately.

For this reason, this program has been designed to incorporate all the innovations in this medical area, providing the professional with a complete update. Thus, throughout this advanced master’s degree, it will be possible to learn about the latest developments in issues such as risk factors and screening for hepatocellular carcinoma, clinical manifestations and prognostic models of liver cirrhosis, non-cirrhotic portal hypertension or the role of the gastrointestinal tract in pediatric oncohematology.

All of this is based on an online learning system especially designed for working professionals, as it will adapt to the personal circumstances of the doctor, allowing them to study when and where they wish, without rigid schedules or uncomfortable travel. It will also have the latest content presented through different multimedia formats and will receive the support and guidance of a teaching staff made up of leading experts in these disciplines.

You will enjoy the best multimedia resources to get you up to speed quickly: video procedures, case studies, interactive summaries..."

This advanced master’s degree in Clinical Hepatology contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most important features include:

  • The development of case studies presented by experts in medicine
  • The graphic, schematic, and eminently practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where the self-assessment process can be carried out to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies in hepatology and gastroenterology
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Access to content from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

Update your knowledge in hepatology in a quick and easy way thanks to the online methodology this advanced master’s degree, which will allow you to combine your studies with your work without being subject to rigid schedules"

Its teaching staff includes professionals belonging to the field of medicine, who bring to this program the experience of their work, in addition to recognized specialists from prestigious reference societies and universities.

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the student must try to solve the different professional practical situations that arise during the academic year. For this purpose, the professional will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts 


Learn, thanks to this program, the latest developments in acute and chronic rejection in liver transplantation"


A teaching staff of great prestige in the field of hepatology will accompany you throughout the learning process"


The main objective of this advanced master’s degree in Clinical Hepatology is to provide the specialist with the most up-to-date knowledge in this area, so that they can immediately integrate it into their daily work. And, to achieve this goal, TECH offers complete and innovative content, a teaching staff of recognized international prestige, an innovative learning methodology and cutting-edge teaching resources. 


Get up to date from the comfort of your home or office thanks to TECH innovative methodology" 

General objectives

  • Expand the specialist's knowledge in the management of patients with liver disease, taking into account the latest advances in the field of hepatology, in order to provide quality and safe care and to improve the prognosis of the disease
  • To update the knowledge of the pediatrician with special preparation and interest in the field of pediatric gastroenterology
  • Promote work strategies based on a comprehensive approach to the patient as a standard model for achieving excellent care
  • Encourage the acquisition of technical skills and abilities, through a powerful audiovisual system, and the possibility of development through online simulation workshops and/or specific training
  • Encourage professional stimulation through continued education and research

Specific objectives

Module 1. Diagnostic Methods and Research Techniques

  • Identify the updated diagnostic criteria for liver diseases and develop a correct differential diagnosis strategy
  • Explain the main laboratory techniques used in basic research
  • Analyze the different useful imaging techniques in the diagnosis of the main cholestatic diseases and the current treatment options
  • Define the rationale, indications, limitations, and cost-effectiveness of diagnostic tests used in Hepatology

Module 2. Viral Hepatitis

  • Explain how to manage patients with chronic hepatitis undergoing antiviral treatment
  • Describe the pathogenic basis of viral hepatitis, its diagnosis, and treatment

Module 3. Autoimmune Hepatitis and Cholangitis

  • Describe the clinical utility of MR Cholangiography

Module 4. Alcoholic Liver Disease and Metabolic Hepatic Steatosis

  • Know the particularities of the alcoholic liver disease, deepening the knowledge of Cirrhosis OH

Module 5. Hepatic Cirrhosis I

  • Address the imaging diagnosis of cirrhosis, portal hypertension, and hepatic vascular disease

Module 6. Hepatic Cirrhosis II

  • Point out the recommended and dangerous drugs in liver cirrhosis as well as dietary advice

Module 7. Other Metabolic Liver Diseases

  • Address pathologies such as Wilson's disease or hepatic porphyria

Module 8. Liver Tumors

  • Describe the epidemiology of hepatocarcinoma and its risk factors
  • Analyze the curative treatments for intermediate and advanced hepatocarcinoma

Module 9. Liver Transplant

  • Describe the principles for selecting liver transplant candidates, the surgical basis of transplantation, immunosuppressive drugs, and the short and long-term management 
    of the liver transplant patient
  • Describe the principles for selecting candidates for pediatric liver transplantation and the short and long-term management of the patient
  • Address the coordinated management of liver transplant patients in Primary Care

Module 10. Miscellaneous: Hepatic Vascular Diseases, Hepatotoxicity, Hepatic Pathology in Pregnancy

  • Management of non-cirrhotic portal hypertension
  • Master the approaches to Budd-Chiari syndrome

Module 11. Advances in Food Allergy and Eosinophilic Disorders

  • Update knowledge about the pathophysiology of food allergy
  •  Conduct a review of the current global epidemiology of food allergy and its possible 
    clinical presentations
  • Analyze the current diagnostic possibilities of food allergy and update knowledge of international protocols
  • Update knowledge of current and developing therapeutic possibilities in the field of food allergy
  • Know current food allergy prevention measures and the current research base
  • Learn about primary eosinophilic disorders in their pathophysiological, epidemiological, diagnostic, therapeutic and preventive aspects

Module 12. Update on Functional Digestive Disorders

  • Have in-depth knowledge of the pathophysiological, epidemiological, diagnostic, therapeutic and preventive aspects of the food protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome
  • Update the knowledge of functional digestive disorders and the corpus of Neurogastroenterology
  • Learn about the pathophysiology of pediatric functional digestive disorders
  • Understand the behavior and influence of the intestinal ecosystem on disease and health
  • Learn about the influence of sociocultural aspects on functional digestive disorders
  • Delve into functional digestive disorders from a biopsychosocial perspective
  • Individual knowledge of functional digestive disorders in the neonatal stage and in infants
  • Individual knowledge of functional digestive disorders in the school stage and in adolescents
  • Learn about the advances in Pharmacology, Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacogenomics applied to functional digestive disorders in pediatric age

Module 13. New Perspectives in celiac disease

  • Learn about recent advances in the pathophysiology of celiac disease
  • Learn about the current epidemiological situation of celiac disease
  • Learn the clinical manifestations of celiac disease by devices and systems, as well as its associated diseases and complications
  • Analyze in depth the current knowledge regarding non-celiac gluten hypersensitivity
  • Learn about the possibilities and current diagnostic algorithms for celiac disease, as well as future avenues of work
  • Be familiar with the new laboratory tests available in the diagnosis and follow-up of celiac disease
  • Update knowledge on the treatment and prevention of celiac disease
  • Analyze the current avenues of research into future therapeutic strategies in the 
    field of celiac disease

Module 14. Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Present and Future

  • To update knowledge about the pathophysiology of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
  • Update the diagnostic criteria for IBD at the clinical and technical level
  • Learn about the existing diagnostic possibilities, their indications and interpretation, in relation to IBD
  • Advanced management of Celiac Disease biomarkers
  • Learn the activity rates of pediatric IBD and its evolution
  • Learn about the pharmacological treatments available for IBD and current avenues of research
  • Refining the nutritional management of inflammatory bowel disease
  • Understanding the uses of probiotics in IBD
  • Learn about updated IBD treatment algorithms

Module 15. Challenges in Esophageal and Gastric Pathology

  • Learn the management of perianal disease and reservoritis
  • Increase the knowledge about the complications of pediatric IBD and their management
  • Know the extraintestinal manifestations of IBD in depth
  • Update knowledge on the use of vaccines in the context of IBD
  • Implement awareness of the psychosocial aspects of IBD and the use of transitional consultations
  • Increase knowledge about congenital esophagogastric anomalies
  • Define the current protocols for gastroesophageal reflux and esophagitis in pediatric patients
  • In-depth analysis of esophago-gastric motor disorders
  • Describe the guidelines for action in case of trauma, infections and esophagitis due to chemicals
  • Update knowledge about peptic ulcer disease and gastritis
  • Complete the body of knowledge on rare esophagogastric diseases
  • Describe the management of esophago-gastric pathology in pediatric emergencies

Module 16. Update in Intestinal Pathology

  • Identify congenital intestinal anomalies and their management
  • To analyze in detail the alterations of digestion and absorption in pediatric age
  • Detail intestinal motility disorders and their management
  • Explain Hirschsprung's disease and intestinal dysplasias
  • Learn how to manage different viral and bacterial intestinal infections in an updated way
  • Learn how to manage in an updated way the different intestinal infections caused by parasites
  • Learn how to manage the different intestinal fungal infections in an updated way
  • Detail the current knowledge on neonatal necrotizing enterocolitis, approach and sequelae
  • Update the available knowledge about intestinal polyps and their management
  • Recognize gastrointestinal manifestations of systemic diseases and other extradigestive entities

Module 17. Progress in Digestive and Hepatic Oncology

  • Recognize the importance of the digestive system in Pediatric Oncohematology and the pathophysiologic basis of the processes
  • Detail liver tumors in pediatrics and their management
  • Learn the diagnosis and management of abdominal oncologic emergencies
  • Delve into the management of gastrointestinal complications of chemotherapy in children

Module 18. Techniques in Pediatric Gastroenterology

  • Learn about gastrointestinal opportunistic infections and their management
  • Explain pediatric gastrointestinal neoplasms and their management
  • Delve into the nutritional assessment of patients with digestive and hepatopancreatic pathology
  • Detail the possible biochemical determinations in blood, urine, feces and sweat related to Pediatric Gastroenterology and their interpretation
  • Detail upper and lower gastrointestinal endoscopy in pediatric patients, its technique, applications and findings
  • Delve into the pathological anatomy of biopsy specimens, their collection and interpretation
  • Describe the different exhaled air tests available and their interpretation
  • Learn the applications of capsuloendoscopy in pediatrics and how to interpret its findings
  • Explain the applications of endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography
  • Delve into the indication and interpretation of the different radiological techniques at the abdominal level
  • Learn the indications and interpretation of gastrointestinal and hepatobiliary ultrasound
  • Update the knowledge about endorectal ultrasound in pediatrics
  • Update the indications and interpretation of abdominal CT and MRI
  • Learn about radioisotope studies, their indications and possibilities
  • Learn how to interpret anorectal and esophageal manometry extensively
  • Learn how to interpret esophageal pH-metry and impedancemetry extensively
  •  Define possible microbiological studies, indications and interpretation in digestive pathology

Module 19. Gastrohepatology: New Paths Opening the Door to Innovation

  • Explain new molecular biology techniques and their applications
  • Describe the indications for exploratory laparoscopy
  • Delve into the knowledge of Chronobiology applied to the digestive system, its practical applications and future challenges
  • Expand knowledge on the applications of Epigenetics in Pediatric Gastroenterology
  • Describe the methods of study of the intestinal microbiota and their applications, as well as to delve into probiotic therapy
  • Delve into the molecular, genetic and microbiological aspects of obesity, its current problems and the implication of gastroenterology in its approach
  • Explain current technological advances in diagnostic instrumentation with a special focus on new endoscopic technologies
  • Delve into the applications of Telemedicine for education and monitoring of patients with digestive pathology, with special emphasis on wearable devices
  • Explain the different social networks and their potential usefulness in the field of Pediatric Gastroenterology



This program will allow you to get up-to-date in HCC liver resection and immunosuppression in liver transplantation" 

Professional Master's Degree in Clinical Hepatology

To adequately diagnose and treat pathologies such as hepatitis and gastroenteritis, not only the advancement of hepatological intervention techniques and technologies is needed, but also the high qualification of specialists. For this reason, at TECH Global University we have developed the Professional Master's Degree in Clinical Hepatology, a program through which you will obtain an advanced level of training in areas such as epigenetics, liver transplants and the management of viral hepatitis, among other aspects. If you are interested in the approach to these complex diseases, as well as the many solutions that have been successfully integrated in recent years, our postgraduate degree is for you.

Specialize in Clinical Hepatology

At TECH Global University you will have the opportunity to specialize through an excellent scientific program. With the most advanced technological and human resources, you will acquire new skills that will give you the ability to intervene in the area of hepatology. Also, thanks to the theoretical and practical learning that involves the study of real clinical cases, you will recognize the indications, contraindications, rationale and limitations of diagnostic and therapeutic methods for liver diseases; you will apply curative treatments according to the patient's condition, acute or chronic, and you will integrate the latest advances in your interventions in order to ensure an accurate prognosis and a rapid recovery. With our Advanced Master's Degree you will achieve to excel in the practice of this discipline and revalue your professional profile.